Update on my Dad
My dad has had the best week he’s had in a month! He’s feeling better. He is more mobile and regaining his strength! To see the Lord’s Spirit reinvigorate his hopefulness has been life-giving! Highland, thank you for caring for us and praying for us — that’s all that has gotten us through.
Throughout the Week
Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm
As we have the privilege to serve alongside M2540, let’s take this chance to love our neighbors as ourselves, in honor of our Lord. Join our team each Monday, at 6:30-7:30.
Prayer Gathering, Wednesdays, 9am
Our Prayer Gatherings are held at the Firehouse each Wednesday morning, at 9am. As Patti leads us, join her in praying for our church and our streets.
Kim and Nancy Sheek have so graciously agreed to host an eight-week series this fall for us at their home. This study that’s centered on marriage will be through a book called, “Love & War”, by John and Staci Eldredge. We will meet Wednesday evenings, starting September 27th, time TBD (*please note: childcare will not be available). This time together will be so meaningful for those who are married. Kim and Nancy will be able to offer us so much to help us grow in our relationship with Christ and our spouses! I want to strongly encourage all of our married couples to make every effort to attend. If you are interested in attending, please register by clicking the button below.
Pack the Pantry!
Our very own Timothy Jones has moved onto 6th Avenue, in the house that Truth Spring Trade School renovated! Let’s connect with him and care for him by grabbing a few of his favorite things to welcome him home!
Throughout the Weekend
Chicken & Rice, Saturdays, 10am
As Chicken & Rice gears up this Saturday, know you’re welcome to come be part of imparting the love of Christ to our streets. To serve, be at our cafe’ by 10am.
Sunday Mornings at 9am
Come and connect with us at 9am, Sunday mornings. You can join us at Coffee & Conversation in the Firehouse. Jo Ellen will lead us in a very real-to-life devotion toward the end of Coffee & Conversation. Last Sunday, her devotion was excellent — she helped give a Biblical definition to the word: blessing. Additionally, men, Robert’s leading a Bible study for you in our educational-wing – starts at 9am, too. I continue to hear great things about Robert’s class from those who attend. Men, jump in! Let’s rally around Robert as he works hard to help us grow in Christ!
Our church service (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). Thank you all for being willing to traverse throughout this season, handling all of the elements like champs! Remember to dress comfortably, as there is no air conditioning.
Kids’ Sunday this Sunday
Kids’ Sunday resumes this Sunday. Please drop off your children who are 5 and up at the original sanctuary to get checked in. During the service, children will either be in the classrooms off the deck for a Bible lesson or a craft. Outdoor games will be held in the Stricklands’ backyard as well. Furthermore, if you’re interested in helping with Kids’ Sundays, please talk to Julie Jordan, Katie Sturgeon or Carol Wright. As soon as service concludes, please make arrangements to pick up your children.
Drawing From Daniel Series
This Sunday, we will be breaking open a new series going through the first portion of the book of Daniel. Our purpose in this series is finding our hope in God's holiness. We will see that, no matter how bleak Daniel’s circumstances were, his hope was found in God’s holiness. The same is true for us, Highland. No matter how difficult or scary our situations may be, we, too, will find reviving hope in the holiness of God – every time!
Filling the Rooms
Highland, our plan to make our house a home is called: Filling the Rooms. Now that we’ve gone over the plan, let’s carry out the plan together. Please click on the link below and sign up to be part of filling the rooms. You can also ask questions or make recommendations, too.
I look forward to seeing you, Highland.
I am grateful for you,