Happy Independence Day!

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." ― Thomas Paine

How indebted we are to those who’ve undergone supporting our American Freedom! May we all pause and rejoice in what it means to be an American today. Let us celebrate all who have given so much (in some cases their all) to afford us liberty. Happy Independence Day, Highland. To help us celebrate, check out Ray Charles singing: America the Beautiful. This is one of my favs!

I love you,


Rejoicing Over You!

Elliot Klaus being baptized.

Psalm 121

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.

From where does my help come?

My help comes from the LORD,

who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved;

he who keeps you will not slumber.

Behold, he who keeps Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD is your keeper;

the LORD is your shade on your right hand.

The sun shall not strike you by day,

nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all evil;

he will keep your life.

The LORD will keep

your going out and your coming in

from this time forth and forevermore.”

Highland, this is the Psalm we started our service with yesterday. To “lift up our eyes” is to communicate our heart’s desire and, at the same time, our hopeful expectation being found in the Lord. Highland, my heart continues to delight in the exaltation of our Lord and the hopeful expectation of His help every step of the way! I rejoice over all that He is doing in our midst! I rejoice in you! May the Lord continue to cultivate our faithfulness for His name and deepen our love for one another, for His honor! I just started my day celebrating and worshiping — grateful unto the Lord for all of you, and all that He is doing. “May He continue to be our keeper, from this time forth and forevermore.”

I love you,


Our Weekly Update

From Renew ‘22

thank you St Andrews

Though Renew’s rhythm will be every other year, St Andrews’ Youth Group still came to serve us. They came to assist in setting up classroom space for Truth Spring’s upcoming school year! Thank you, St Andrews!

Dr. Ben Lampe

Congratulations, Ben Lampe

Congratulations to our very own Ben Lampe on becoming Dr. Ben Lampe. He leaves next month to move to his next assignment as a family practitioner in Fairbanks, Alaska. While we will miss him so much, our sadness is overcome by our excitement over all that he’s accomplished.

A Summer Session Bible Study, Sundays, at 9am.

Joseph Davis has agreed to teach a Bible Study for us in August. He will teach a three week study centered around the holiness of God! Joseph is such a strong teacher and will do a great job helping us better understand how to walk with the Lord. The class dates will be: August, 6th, 13th & 20th. This study is open to all, but please note that there will not be childcare available for this class. Registration will open next week.

Throughout the Week

Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm

Come promote the glory of God as we love our neighbor each Monday evening, 6:30pm, at M2540! Shoutout to Troy, Donny and Sara Catherine who lead the charge!

Prayer Gathering, Wednesdays, 9am

Patty continues to lead our weekly Prayer Gatherings! All are welcome to jump in and carry our matters to the throne of grace! Wednesdays, 9am, at the Firehouse.

Throughout the Weekend

Chicken & Rice Team Members

Chicken & Rice, Saturdays, 10am

Join our Chicken and Rice team, who carries the love of Christ to our streets each Saturday. All are welcome to volunteer and be a part of this amazing ministry!

Robert Singleton preaches at our Firehouse Gathering (our church service), 10am, this Sunday morning

Sunday Mornings at 9am

Coffee, along with a breakfast sandwich is available this Sunday morning, 9am, at the Firehouse. It serves a great time of fellowship and enjoy worshiping together. Jo Ellen also shares her heart with us, as the Lord tunes her heart to love His Word.

Robert also leads our Men’s Bible Study each Sunday morning, 9am, in the education-building of our church. All men are welcome to attend.

Sunday Mornings at 10am

Our 10am Firehouse Gathering (what we call our church service) is open to all who want to exalt the name of Jesus. This Sunday, I will be fostering our time together in worship. Robert Singleton will be speaking into our Magnificent-Move Series. Join us, as we continue to take a healthy, Biblical posture to prepare for this move.

Our Weekly Update

Renew & St Andrews

Highland, for ten years we have enjoyed our time with St Andrews Presbyterian Church each summer. In talking with their leadership recently, we will now have them join us every other year. So, we will see them again in 2024.

Ben Lampe

Ben Lampe, a member of our church, will be transitioning into a new chapter of his life this summer. He will be moving to Alaska to continue his military career. Ben has become an integral part of both Highland and Porter; he will be sorely missed. We will wish you the best, Ben. May the Lord continue to go before you into this next season of your life. We will certainly miss you!

An old concept but includes indicated piece of property.

Property Along 35th Street

For some time, we have been discussing the easement that belongs to the city along 35th Street. I am thrilled to inform you that, as of last week, the city has agreed to give to us this piece of land, which will greatly benefit our campus! The Lord’s faithfulness continues to go before us, Highland. May we continue to respond in praise of His great name!

Pausing Some in the Summer

During the summer, we will pause our Member Gatherings and our Kids’ Sundays. Having the chance to settle into the summer for some rest is vital for us. We intend to restart Member Gatherings in the fall.

Throughout the Week

Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm

Join Donny, Sara Catherine and Troy each Monday to care for our North Highland neighbors who often have more ‘month than money’. All are welcome to come and serve alongside this incredible team of people! Grateful for our dedicated team who serves at M2540.

Prayer Gathering, Wednesdays, 9am

Patti Clark and our prayer team continues to gather and pray each Wednesday morning. Highland, let’s continue to support this ministry of our church, as we know that the prayer-life of our church is in direct correlation to the health of our church. To those who are part of this team, thank you for your faithfulness and your fruitfulness, unto the Lord.

Throughout the Weekend

Chicken & Rice, Saturdays, 10am

Each Saturday, this wonderful team of people get together to serve our streets Jesus – and some chicken and rice. Volunteers are welcome! Chicken and Rice is such a vital part of who we are, Highland!

Firehouse Gathering (our church service), 10am, Sunday mornings

Sunday Mornings at 9am

Coffee & Conversation at the Firehouse is a great way to connect. Join us at 9am for coffee and a breakfast sandwich. We would love to have you join us. Additionally, Jo Ellen offers us the chance to hear and be challenged by God’s Word, as she applies it to our lives. Finally, Robert continues to lead our Men’s Bible Study, at 9am, in the education building. All men are welcome to attend.

Sunday Mornings at 10am

Our 10am Firehouse Gathering (what we call our church service) is open to all who want to exalt the name of Jesus. This Sunday, I will continue to preach through our Series, The Magnificent Move. We will turn our attention to Colossians 3. The following Sunday, July 2nd, Robert Singleton will take the pulpit and speak to us about how we should prepare our heart to make this move.

Our Weekly Update

REJUVENATING but returning soon

Highland, our family is currently in Orlando enjoying a little rest and relaxation. While we certainly missed being with you last Sunday, clearly, you were in good hands. I got to hear snippets of worship – so good! Thank you, team!

I also listened to Justin’s sermon and I was so moved as I listened to his heart for us, Highland. If you have not had the opportunity to hear it, do yourself a favor and listen to Justin’s sermon from last Sunday. It directs us to carry on with the purposes that the Lord’s set before us, Highland.

We will be back in town for next Sunday’s service. We are looking forward to seeing you all again. Every good trip has to end with getting home. We look forward to getting back to Highland!

Overview of the weekend

Chicken & Rice is happening Saturday, 10am. Volunteers are welcome to assist each and every week. Our Chicken & Rice team who leads does such a great job – grateful for each of you.

Both Coffee & Conversation and Robert’s Bible Study will be taking place Sunday morning at 9am. Our Firehouse Gathering (our church service) will immediately follow, at 10am.

I love you, Highland,


Our Weekly Update

Justin Jordan preaches Sunday.


In our current series, I want us to make this move in a way that puts the magnificence of Jesus on display. We have used Romans 15:1-7 as our home-base for the series, then we’ve connected some dots to this text to help us best understand how to be prepared to move. Let me connect some of these dots we’ve covered:

Romans 15:1 & Romans 15:4: “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of weak, and not to please ourselves.” Verse 4: “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”

We correlated these passages with Isaiah 58:6–12, in which God expresses to us His form of fasting and worship. Paul refers to the Scriptures and to what was written in former days. He does not mention Isaiah 58. However, this serves a potential example of what he could mean. In Isaiah 58, God directs us as His people to promote the good of our neighbor, which thereby results in strengthening our relationship with our Lord. It also serves as a means of our joy and lifts our weary heads! I grip this passage for dear life and it always proves true, Highland.

Romans 15:2: “Let each of us please our neighbor, to build him up; for as it is written, ‘ the reproaches that fell on you, fell on me.’

We first looked at Psalm 69:9, where Paul’s quoting comes from in the Old Testament. Its meaning points to the fact that Jesus loves us in a way in which He absorbs our disapproval and bears it for us, in His body, and, though He was sinless, makes us right with God. He affords us forgiveness and kinship in His name. This plays out in relationship with the Lord by us loving and caring for our enemies, that we might build them up, as our neighbors.

Romans 15:5: “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

This passage, as we’ve seen, toggles back and forth with Colossians 3, the entire chapter really, but we’ve honed in on verses 3:12–16. We’ve looked at the evidence of being renewed: being holy and beloved – this is our identity in Christ. Our new nature’s then demonstrated in the fact that we, before repentance, are critical in nature. After repentance, we then, by way of the Holy Ghost, become compassionate in nature, like Jesus (Matthew 9:36). The fruits of the Holy Spirit are then able to pour forth from our lives, as we remain submissive to the holiness of God’s Spirit.

Then, we’ve also honed in on the word bear – how we must endure with those in our lives – in a way that, through our relationship with the Lord, we can navigate the exhaustion and endure, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Last Sunday, we looked at an insertion that is the spine of the entire passage:.. ‘in accord with Jesus.’ Not, in accord with social or political views; in accord with doctrinal positions. It’s not even written as in accord with the teachings of Jesus, but in accord with the person, the one and only Son of God is, Who embodies holiness and righteousness.

Understanding this, Highland, as the Lord is placing us within this new position of strength, let us be grateful for the Lord’s provision but also understand the proper posture we must maintain as His people. This series seeks to highlight these three ways we maintain this heart-posture:

putting on display the magnificence of jesus

Seek the good of our neighbor

Pursue unity with one another

Fix our gaze on His glory


Chicken & Rice will be hitting our streets this Saturday, 10am. Volunteers are welcome to join any Saturday and assist us in lifting up the name of Jesus, together, as we care for our neighbors. It happens on 5th Ave, just in front of our red-brick sanctuary. Thanks to all who carry out this Kingdom-work each and every week!


Come share a cup of coffee at the Firehouse this Sunday, at 9am. Coffee & Conversation allows us the opportunity to speak with one another and worship together. Plus, Jo Ellen teaches us how to live according to God’s Word, as she shares her devotion during Coffee and Conversation - all are welcome.

Robert Singleton continues to lead our men’s study each Sunday morning at 9am. His class is held in our educational wing of the church and all men are invited to attend.

Our Firehouse Gathering (church service) will be held at 10am, in the Firehouse. Our family will be on vacation this Sunday. We are all going to Orlando to soak up some sun and to be together. This is only possible because of incredible church-leadership. The Lord’s seen fit to bring to Highland some of the brightest and the best! I just cannot even believe it! Know that my gratitude abounds over you – thank you for all you do! Billy and Justin will be leading us through worship this Sunday. These two men continue to put on truth and lead us through our days with fortitude.

Childcare Available, Ages 0-4

Childcare will be offered during our Firehouse Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


This is a Sports Clinic that is available to you and your children. The event's taking place July 15th. I plan to take my family and want to invite you all to join us. This will be a football clinic for our students and the chance to watch the Columbus Lions play Arena Football. If you are interested in learning more, please email me at rob@hopeforhighland.org. Click here for more information on TBRI.


Truth Spring Academy is now accepting student-applicants for the next school year. We have slots available in Kindergarten and potentially some slots available in other grade levels, too. For more information, click here. Clicking that link takes you to our Interest Form, which new families should complete.

I love you, Highland. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Grateful for each of you,


Our Weekly Update

Kenslie was baptized Sunday.

“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).

Highland, let’s rally around Kenslie, along with all the other children, in prayer and love! Let’s continue to welcome our little one with open arms. They are listening to us and they are watching us; may we be found as a corporate expression of His glory!

“One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness. The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The LORD is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made” (Psalm 145:4—9).

Let’s help patti feel welcome!

This Friday, from 11:30am–1pm, you are invited to join us at Truth Spring’s Open House. The address is 3225 6th Avenue. We also welcome Patti Clark to her home, as she’s moving into one of these renovated homes! One of the ways we could help make her house a home is by stocking her pantry with a few of her favorite things. Please consider bringing one of the items found on the list below to the Open House this Friday.


Our Chicken & Rice team will be offering our streets the love of Christ this Saturday. All are welcome to come and be part of pouring out His love as we build up our neighbor, in His Name. We begin at 10am.


9am Sunday mornings offer us the chance to share a cup of coffee at the Firehouse. We enjoy worship and a breakfast sandwich together. All are welcome to come to Coffee & Conversation. Jo Ellen also offers us a meaningful devotion that helps us all keep centered on Christ in our lives. Additionally, Robert Singleton facilitates a Men’s Bible Study in our educational wing of the church. All men are invited! It starts at 9am. Join the discussion!

Our Firehouse Gathering (church service) will be held at 10am, in the Firehouse. All are welcome! This Sunday, be prepared for members of our Prayer Gathering to tell us about an experience that the Lord allowed them to have recently. They were supposed to share last Sunday, but plans were changed and they will share this upcoming Sunday.

magnificent Move series

Highland, my hope throughout this ‘Magnificent-Move’ series has been to highlight the Scriptures which serve as the backbone of Highland Community Church. In so bringing these passages to the forefront of our view, it is my aim that we continue to mature in alignment with who the Lord has fashioned to be, as the Highland–Tribe. As we continue to see the road forward as one of our maturation, then we will continue to take the proper posture of strength in this new and EXCITING upcoming chapter within the life of Highland.

Over the last several weeks, we have allowed our hearts to really marinate in Romans 15:1-7. As we transition, my ultimate goal throughout this process is to do what Paul states in verses six and seven, which is: “…that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” We are well on our way to doing just this, Highland. Let us continue traveling down this road, thereby resulting in our move putting on display the magnificence of Jesus!

our plan for this Sunday

This Sunday, we talk more about how Paul directs us to strike perfect harmonies. We will be correlating these two passages:

First Passage

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:5-7).

Second Passage

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:14-16).

What results in our perfect harmony? LOVE! This is where we will be this Sunday, Highland.

Childcare Available, Ages 0-4

Childcare will be offered during our Firehouse Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.

Jacob has been with us since Kindergarten. He’s now completed 5th grade and he will be missed so much.

Truth Spring Academy is now accepting student-applicants for the next school year. We have slots available in Kindergarten and potentially some slots available in other grade levels, too. For more information, click here. Clicking that link takes you to our Interest Form, which new families should complete.

I love you, Highland. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Grateful for each of you,


We Honor Our Fallen

“Oh beautiful for heroes proved

In liberating strife

Who more than self, their country loved

And mercy more than life”

A verse from: “America The Beautiful”

Our freedom is not free. Today, we pause to honor those who’ve bravely laid down their lives, providing us the privilege to live and rest in our abounding American-liberty. America’s the greatest country upon the globe, Highland. Let us continue to pray for our nation. As we strengthen our knees to endure in prayer, let us maintain this proper perspective: that it is the prayer-life of this nation that sustains her, not her political-life. Let us seek the Lord, asking that His purposes prevail for America, this land which we love. Let’s fashion our prayer-life from the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, as it is so fitting:

“God bless America, land that I love

Stand beside her and guide her

Through the night with the light from above”

A verse from: “God Bless America”

God bless America,


Our Weekly Update

Congratulations, Graduates!

Truth Spring Trade School’s graduation was brimming with hope! To experience hope in the name of Jesus in the middle of streets that often feel hopeless was a slice of heaven! I was so grateful that so many of you were able to join us. A special shoutout to Sandra Smith and Donny Faulkner, who graduated!

Truth Spring Trade School is also accepting applications for the upcoming class set to begin in August. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling an application appointment, please speak with Carrie or Megan or call the church.

NO MEMBER GATHERING THIS WEEK. As the school year wraps up both at Truth Spring and around the city, we will take this month off from our Member Gathering.

On June 2nd, we are asking you to help stock Patti Clark’s pantry, as she’s moving into one of the renovated homes on 6th avenue. Please prepare to drop an item by that day, to offer her a housewarming gift, from us!

Shout to Truth Spring Trade School’s Construction Team and North Highland Assembly of God for renovating these homes. Finally, these houses would not be complete without Justin Jordan’s leadership. He helped to oversee these projects and he brought it home! He managed with class and with strength! Thanks, Justin!


Chicken and Rice will carry the love of Christ into our streets once again this Saturday. Anyone who wants to jump in and help this wonderful team of folks would be welcome! The action starts at 10am. Thanks to those who make Chicken & Rice happen!


Coffee’s being served at the Firehouse this Sunday, 9am! Come grab a cup and a breakfast sandwich as we spend time together worshiping and sharing life together. Also, Robert continues to lead our Men’s Bible Study each Sunday morning, at 9am, in the educational wing of our facility. All men are welcome to attend and engage the discussion about God’s Word.

Our Firehouse Gathering (church service) will be held at 10am, in the Firehouse. This Sunday, be prepared for members of our Prayer Gathering to tell us about an experience that the Lord allowed them to have last Wednesday.

Since we did not unpack this passage last Sunday, we will be looking at the fruits of a compassionate heart this Sunday, which is found in Colossians 3:12–17:

“Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:12-17, ESV).

Childcare Available, Ages 0-4

Childcare will be offered during our Firehouse Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.

Jude finished 3rd grade this year and earned a Truth Spring Trophy!

Truth Spring Academy is now accepting student-applicants for the next school year. We have slots available in Kindergarten and potentially some slots available in other grade levels, too. For more information, click here. Clicking that link takes you to our Interest Form, which new families should complete.

I love you, Highland. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Grateful for each of you,


Our Weekly Update

Cultivating life and the glory of jesus

Looking back to last Sunday, Highland, thank you for opening the door through your testimonies for my son, Noah, to be able to share how the Lord is at work in his life right now. Carrie nor I had any idea he was going to share with us his testimony; needless to say, we were moved beyond words. Thank you for continuing to pray for him and love us, Highland. As he mentioned, our family has been through so much over the last year and you’ve loved us so well. Because of the power of God’s love, we hold on to a hope that does not disappoint! In light of His love, let us continue to endure, pressing on through every season together, Highland!

Highland, as Truth Spring Academy and Truth Spring Trade School wrap up another school year, thank you for your support! Allowing us to continue to utilize the facilities and your continued prayers for us at Truth Spring provide us the chance to thrive – thank you!

Truth Spring Trade School’s graduation is this next Monday, May 22nd, at 1pm, in the Firehouse. If you would like to attend, you are invited! We would love to see you there!

offering a helping hand

As the Truth Spring Trade School’s construction project is wrapping up, we want to invite you all to help us do a deep–clean at the newly renovated homes. Patti Clark,one of our own members, will be moving into these homes. In addition to the deep clean, let’s stock her pantry as a housewarming gift. If you are interested in helping with the deep–clean, please talk with Megan or Carrie. Let’s plan to deliver the items for our Stock-The-Pantry to her new home June 2nd.

Thank you to all of our leaders!

Our Women’s 8 Week Bible Study through 1st John concluded last evening at 6:30pm. Thank you to all of our leaders! I appreciate your dedication to facilitating and seeing the study through. I hope everyone benefited from this time opening God’s Word together.


Our Chicken & Rice Team will be in action this Saturday, 10am. This ministry offers those who are hungry the opportunity to get a meal! To all who are part of this team, thank you! Volunteers are welcome..


Come grab a cup of coffee this Sunday morning at 9am at the Firehouse during Coffee & Conversation. Following that good cup of coffee, join us for our 10am Firehouse Gathering (our church service) to gather in order to celebrate with us the good news that Jesus saves sinners.

Robert continues to lead our Men’s Bible Study each Sunday morning, at 9am, in the educational wing of our facility. All men are welcome to attend and engage the discussion about God’s Word. Such a great group of men make up this study! Never too late to join.

come to celebrate what jesus has done for us

During our Firehouse Gathering this Sunday, we will be looking at the ‘fruits of a compassionate heart,’ which is found in Colossians 3:12–17:

“Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:12-17, ESV).

To make this magnificent move and maintain our harmony, these qualities must define us, no matter what changes we may face. For these fruits foster harmony and also, as Paul points out, paves the road to reconciliation when we hit the bumps. If we conduct ourselves according to these qualities, we can endure anything, as the Spirit of God has command of us. I look forward to walking carefully through this text together.

Childcare Available, Ages 0-4

Childcare will be offered during our Firehouse Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.

Truth Spring Academy is now accepting applicants for the next school year. We have slots available in Kindergarten and potentially some slots available in other grade levels, too. For more information, click here. Clicking that link takes you to our Interest Form, which new families should complete.

truth spring trade school now accepting applicants

Truth Spring Trade School is also accepting applications for the upcoming class set to begin in August. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling an application appointment, please speak with Carrie or Megan or call the church.

As David Klaus mentioned to us last Sunday, Myanmar has been stricken by a major hurricane. We are rallying this matter in prayer, love and support. For more information, join this Prayer Gathering by scanning the QR code above. Let’s certainly be in prayer for David and Kimberly, Highland, as they navigate this tragedy.

I love you, Highland. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Grateful for each of you,
