“Oh beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife
Who more than self, their country loved
And mercy more than life”
A verse from: “America The Beautiful”
Our freedom is not free. Today, we pause to honor those who’ve bravely laid down their lives, providing us the privilege to live and rest in our abounding American-liberty. America’s the greatest country upon the globe, Highland. Let us continue to pray for our nation. As we strengthen our knees to endure in prayer, let us maintain this proper perspective: that it is the prayer-life of this nation that sustains her, not her political-life. Let us seek the Lord, asking that His purposes prevail for America, this land which we love. Let’s fashion our prayer-life from the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, as it is so fitting:
“God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above”
A verse from: “God Bless America”
God bless America,