Church Membership
The Church Membership window is open. Potential members will be expected to participate in the church's new member orientation program as developed and implemented by Highland Community Church. The membership and orientation process at Highland Community Church is as follows:
A person who desires to become a member of the church has to make that desire known to a Team Leader. From the date the person expresses the desire to be a member, at least a 6 month commitment is expected from that partitioner to demonstrate an evident commitment (Luke 3:8, Galatians 5:22-26) to Jesus and our church body.
When the New Member Window opens, the person must take part in the Membership Class of Highland Community Church, where they are introduced to the fundamentals of Christianity. Here are the topics covered in class:
a. The identity and person of Jesus Christ.
b. The inerrancy of the Scriptures (God's Word is the final authority).
c. Highland’s church structure, by-laws and vision.
To attend the member class, sign up below. A date will released and announced. You will also receive an email.