Our Weekly Update

Calling the Church to Fast & Pray

4 Strands of Stewardship

Heart, Home, Highland Community Church, North Highland

Week Four: North Highland (Colossians 3:23-24)

This Wednesday, we fasted and prayed for Highland. What an exciting time for us! As we grow, let’s continue to focus on our roots, thereby producing healthy, Gospel-flavored fruits. Let’s continue, in prayer and fasting, to ask that His magnificence be put on display, as we prepare to move into our new building! As we pray for North Highland, I would like to really hone in on praying for Truth Spring Trade School this week. Truth Spring’s Trade School really points men and women to see that, whatever is done, is to be done for the glory of Christ in our lives. May this truth resound throughout our streets, as the people of God continue to unify for the name of Jesus!

Here’s a guide that may help you as you pray, Highland.


P - Pause to be still.

R - Rejoice and Reflect by meditating on a Psalm

A - Ask God to open your eyes to see wonderful things in His word. Ask God to open your ears, that You might hear His voice. Ask God to open Your mind to conceive what is beyond your own thinking and imagination. Ask God to open Your heart to receive His word. Ask God to open your mouth to speak His Word.

Y - Yield to His will and way in Your life

Update on my Dad

After 4 surgeries in a month, my dad’s tired and weak. He has been through so much! As of this week, he is in a wonderful Rehab Facility! We rejoice in the Lord’s goodness in providing him this terrific place to recover! However, he has been battling to get up consistently and regain his strength. I am sure that the setbacks have been difficult, more so than I could ever imagine. He continues to battle, though! This week, he has been up and on his feet for 3 days and we are so proud of him. He is sitting up more and more! Highland, the prayer-life of the church is the ONLY source of strength that we have right now. Thank you for your love, support and, most importantly, your prayers.

Food Collection For Those In Need

Highland, thank you for your devoted generosity to the needs of those who are hungry. I walked in and saw so many groceries purchased today! Thanks to all of you! The cost for these items (pictured) is about $35 per set. We could also use some of the reusable shopping bags for distributing the items. If you are interested in purchasing a set, please contact the church.

Throughout the Week

Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm

Let’s continue to serve alongside this wonderful ministry, M2540! They do so much to love our streets! Shoutout to all who have jumped in!

Prayer Gathering, Wednesdays, 9am

Highland, let’s continue to be known as a people of prayer. Oh, let us hunger and thirst for His righteousness! Join Patti and our team each Wednesday, at the Firehouse, 9am, as we pray.

Kim and Nancy Sheek have so graciously agreed to host an eight-week series this fall for us at their home. This study that’s centered on marriage will be through a book called, “Love & War”, by John and Staci Eldredge. We will meet Wednesday evenings, starting September 27th, time TBD (*please note: childcare will not be available). This time together will be so meaningful for those who are married. Kim and Nancy will be able to offer us so much to help us grow in our relationship with Christ and our spouses! I want to strongly encourage all of our married couples to make every effort to attend. If you are interested in attending, please register by clicking the button below.

Pack the Pantry!

Our very own Timothy Jones has moved onto 6th Avenue, in the house that Truth Spring Trade School renovated! Let’s connect with him and care for him by grabbing a few of his favorite things to welcome him home!

Throughout the Weekend

Chicken & Rice, Saturdays, 10am

Chicken & Rice will be hitting our streets this Saturday, carrying the love of Christ! Pray for this team! Shoutout to all who make this ministry possible. To serve, please be at the cafe’ by 11am, thanks!

Sunday Mornings at 9am

Come and connect with us at 9am, Sunday mornings. You can join us at Coffee & Conversation in the Firehouse. Jo Ellen will lead us in a very helpful devotion toward the end of Coffee & Conversation. Additionally, men, Robert’s leading a Bible study for you in our educational-wing – starts at 9am, too.


Our church service (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). Love how the Lord has provided for us every step of the way while we await the completion of our facility. Dress for warm weather - there is no air-conditioning. Shoutout to Mike for getting the fans, though! So helpful!

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4).

Last Sunday, I presented to you our plan as to how we intend to go about filling the rooms with ‘precious and pleasant riches.’ As we carefully consider how we steward all of that is to be entrusted to us, we must determine who we will put our hands to the plow.

To those of you who’ve signed up to help carry out the plan, thank you. Let us all consider how we can grab hold of our stewardship-role. To engage, click the button below and sign up.

This Sunday, we will hold a Town-Hall meeting. Our purpose is to take your questions about the building, the process or about the plan. Additionally, you may submit your question beforehand by clicking the button above and writing in your question.

I look forward to seeing you, Highland.

I am grateful for you,
