Our Weekly Update

Calling the Church to Fast & Pray

4 Strands of Stewardship

Heart, Home, Highland Community Church, North Highland

As we prepare our hearts for the next chapter, Highland, let’s seek the Lord’s face, together! Throughout this month, each Wednesday, during lunch hour, let’s fast and pray as a church. This is how we GO DEEPER; praying through these strands of stewardship that make up our lives! This Wednesday, we fasted and prayed for our homes, asking the Lord to take command of our families! Let’s continue to seek Him each Wednesday this month during our lunch hour, asking that His magnificence be put on display, as we prepare to move into our new building! Next Wednesday, we pray for Highland.

As we fast and pray this month for an overflow of God’s presence in our hearts, feel free to use this guide. These are a couple methods I have used over the years as I have learned how to pray and they have proven to be very effective for me. Of course, this is just a suggestion, so feel free to take it or leave it. — Carrie


P - Pause to be still.

R - Rejoice and Reflect by meditating on a Psalm (If needing suggestions: a few of my faves are Psalm 65/66/67)

A - Ask God to open your eyes to see wonderful things in His word. Ask God to open your ears, that You might hear His voice. Ask God to open Your mind to conceive what is beyond your own thinking and imagination. Ask God to open Your heart to receive His word. Ask God to open your mouth to speak His Word.

Y - Yield to His will and way in Your life

Update on my Dad

My dad has been saying to all that there’s a pain in the spine that is not manageable and not improving. It has prohibited him from being able to get up and start physical therapy consistently. On Monday, they took him in for x-rays and on Tuesday, they scheduled him for emergency surgery,as they found that part of corrective surgery was not intact. We are rejoicing that this issue has come to light! We are asking that this third surgery would be the last one needed, leading my dad to finally get on the road to recovery. On Tuesday evening, he was out of surgery and sounded hopeful! Please join our family in praying that we are now on the right road, headed toward recovery.

Food Collection For Those In Need

Thank you to those who’ve given to this very practical need of our church! Basic ways of helping make a big difference. The cost for these items (pictured) is about $35 per set. We could also use some of the reusable shopping bags for distributing the items. If you are interested in purchasing a set, please contact the church.

Throughout the Week

Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm

Join our team each Monday at 6:30–7:30, as we partner with M2540 in an effort to love our neighbor. Thanks to all who are part of this team for being a force for God’s glory and the good of our neighbors.

Prayer Gathering, Wednesdays, 9am

Our Prayer Gatherings are led by Patti Clark, who declares in her heart the glory of the Lord to our streets! All are welcome to attend and join in the life-blood work of the church – prayer. Wednesday, 9am, at the Firehouse.

Kim and Nancy Sheek have so graciously agreed to host an eight-week series this fall for us at their home. This study that’s centered on marriage will be through a book called, “Love & War”, by John and Staci Eldredge. We will meet Wednesday evenings, starting September 27th, time TBD (*please note: childcare will not be available). This time together will be so meaningful for those who are married. Kim and Nancy will be able to offer us so much to help us grow in our relationship with Christ and our spouses! I want to strongly encourage all of our married couples to make every effort to attend. If you are interested in attending, please register by clicking the button below.

Throughout the Weekend

Chicken & Rice, Saturdays, 10am

Our Chicken & Rice team continues to mobilize, taking the love of Christ to our streets each Saturday, at 10am. Meet at the cafe’. All are welcome to jump in and go! Thank you, team, for all you do!

Movie Night: Free Burma Rangers, Saturday, Aug 19th

(Geared for an older audience)

On Saturday the 19th from 5:30 pm -7:30 pm, we have a chance to watch an amazing documentary film about a group of people working in Myanmar (a.k.a. Burma) to show the love of Jesus to those who are caught in the middle of a horrific war. The film is a great introduction to the country of Myanmar and to global missions in crazy places. But ultimately the film is about a bigger question: What would you do if God called you to something that feels crazy? Come see how love triumphs over evil when we have courage to respond to Jesus.

Childcare and pizza dinner (for adults and kids) will be provided, and we'd appreciate it if you could register here to help us plan food and childcare.

Viewer discretion is advised, and the youngest children are not encouraged to come, as the movie depicts war zone realities. Please watch this 4 minute introduction before deciding on the appropriateness of the content for your kids.

Sunday Mornings at 9am

If you’re looking for the chance to connect with others and enjoy a cup of coffee together, join us Sunday mornings at the Firehouse – 9am. As we sing and enjoy being together, Jo Ellen also offers us a very meaningful devotion.

Our Men’s Bible Study will continue this Sunday, at 9am! As Robert does a great job leading us, all men are invited to attend.

Additionally, the class Joseph Davis is teaching wraps up this Sunday. It will also be held at 9am, in our red-brick sanctuary. All are welcome to attend. Class begins at 9am.


Our church service (we call “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). During construction, we will continue to hold services here. I am just in awe of what the Lord’s laid out before us, Highland! So thrilled for us and so grateful.

This month, we are in the final lap of our series entitled: The Magnificent Move. In this series, we have honed in on how we are to prepare our hearts to move into the new building. This passage below has guided the thinking of our leadership:

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4).

We have taken the last two Sunday honing in on how to define the word: precious, according to the Lord’s heart. In summation, it’s defined in two ways:

  • As people who recognize the value of truth, thereby treasuring truth (Proverbs 23:23; Matthew 13:44).

  • Faithful stewardship, whether we have a lot or a little, steward with integrity, thereby resulting in His glory. (Luke 16:10-13; Matthew 25:21).

    Last Sunday, the emphasis of our sermon was defining faithful stewardship. Click here to listen.

    This Sunday, I will be sharing with you our plan as to how we intend to go about filling the rooms with ‘precious and pleasant riches.’ Our leadership has taken the time to develop a plan that offers us direction as we transition into the new facility soon. I will be presenting that plan this Sunday. Once we go over the plan, then you will have the opportunity to plug in and take part in prizing truth and faithfully steward what the Lord has entrusted to us.

I love you, Highland.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,
