Take Troy & Sara Catherine a Meal
Highland, let’s help Troy and Sara Catherine settle by taking them a meal, as they welcome home Ida Grace. Please click on the button below to sign up.
Update on my Dad
My dad continues to struggle to get on the right road to recovery. He returned to the hospital by ambulance last Sunday, just after church. We, as a family, are doing all we can to be right at his side right now. Let’s continue to pray, please. Thank you, Highland, for your ongoing concern and love for us.
Food Collection For Those In Need
Highland, let’s step in and help. At times, our neighbors are running short on groceries. We would love to keep a few items on hand to help as needed. Due to limited space, we cannot keep our usual food boxes but we could store a few bags at a time. The items pictured are an example of items needed. The cost for these items is about $35 per set. We could also use some of the reusable shopping bags for distributing the items. If you are interested in purchasing a set, please contact the church.
Also, The Food Mill offers a food give away every second and fourth Monday at the Fox Community Center from 2:30-6:00.
See original post to find registration form.
A Summer Session Bible Study, Sundays, at 9am.
Joseph’s study begins August 6th. There’s still room. It will be held in our educational facility. It will probably be held in our old-sanctuary. To sign up, complete registration form (see original post to access form).
Throughout the Week
Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm
Mondays @ M2540 provides us the chance to love our neighbor through caring for them in meaningful ways. Please join us each Monday at M2540, 6:30, to meet the needs of our neighbors, in honor of our Lord.
Prayer Gathering, Wednesdays, 9am
“My Father’s House shall be called a house of prayer.” – Highland, let’s respond to the declaration of Jesus, that we may become a “House of Prayer” – seeking the will of our Lord! Join our prayer-team as they gather Wednesdays, at 9am, at the Firehouse.
Throughout the Weekend
Chicken & Rice, Saturdays, 10am
Our Chicken & Rice team is hitting the streets in the name of Christ this Saturday. Join them, as they love our neighbor by taking them a plate of food, as they are hungry. 10am, the cafe. Volunteers are welcome. So thankful for each of our team members!
All, let’s plan to meet at the Firehouse this Saturday, at 9am.. The work day would consist of cleaning up the construction site and the firehouse site, too. We will also take a “walk & talk” through the new facility. We plan to clear and remove the debris around the site so that we can begin to take some ownership of our property. We will also be taking care of some tasks around the firehouse, too. Join us, please. All are welcome (and needed) to throw in a helping-hand.
Randall Lake’s 80th Birthday
July 29th is Randall’s 80th birthday. A party will be held at Brookdale, where he is still receiving care. If you are interested in attending, please let me know and I will get you the details.
Sunday Mornings at 9am
Each Sunday morning, you are invited to Coffee & Conversation, at 9am. It’s held at the Firehouse. You are welcome to stop by and grab a breakfast sandwich and a coffee, plus get the chance to connect with folks around the church.
All are welcome to join us during our church service which is held at 10am each Sunday morning, in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave) until construction on our new facility is completed. This Sunday, Noah Strickland will be leading us in worship and Joseph Davis will be preaching. These men love the Lord and walk according to His Word, with humble hearts.
I love you, Highland.
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,