Weekly Update

A Theme Song for Our Series?

the beauty of the heart of christ


Entering 2025, let’s confidently display the “beauty of the heart of Christ” – as we sang Sunday. With our hearts ever-humbled, let us lift high the holy name of Jesus together - in everything that we do.

As I laid before you Sunday, this passage serves as a navigational tool that directs us toward going deeper. Here’s the passage that we reflected upon Sunday:

“I want their {our} hearts to be encouraged and joined together in love, so that they {we} may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery — Christ. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him. I am saying this so that no one will deceive you {us} with persuasive arguments. For I may be absent in body, but I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see how well ordered you {we} are and the strength of your {our} faith in Christ. Therefore, as you {we} have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, overflowing with gratitude” (Colossians 2:2-7).

spent new year’s morning with Spurgeon

Overflowing with gratitude, even through the mess, let our hearts be knit together, Highland, as a banner that boldly displays the beauty (‘all the riches’; ‘treasures of wisdom’) of the heart of Christ. As I welcomed 2025 the morning of January 1st, I grabbed a book off of our bookshelf. I was up before anyone else and, with anticipation in my heart, wanted to start the year with our Lord! I grabbed a book by Charles Spurgeon; an author I read seasonally. It’s a collection of his written prayers. From the first sentence, I was celebrating the beauty of the heart of Christ, while, in my spirit, thanking the Lord for directing my steps to grab this book! Tempted to type the entire first chapter, I will just offer you this line:

“Lord Jesus, take from us now everything that would hinder the closest communion with God. Any wish or desire that might hamper us in prayer, remove, we pray Thee. Any memory of either sorrow or care that might hinder the fixing of our affection wholly on our God, take it away now. What have we to do with idols any more? Thou hast seen us and observed us. Thou knoweest where the difficulty lies. Help us against it, and may we now come boldly, not into the Holy place alone, but into the Holiest of all, where we should not dare to come if our great Lord had not rent the veil, sprinkled the mercy seat with His own blood, and bidden us enter.”

Wow! In our celebration of Jesus, let’s ask that the life of Highland put on display the beauty of the heart of Christ! I love you, Highland. Honored to serve you entering this new year. I continually ask the Lord to help me serve you, for His name, honorably. May this song above capture the essence of 2025 for us, Highland.

Our Current Series

this sunday

This Sunday, we pick up with our series through Matthew. David did such a tremendous job working through the first two chapters of Matthew through December! He put us on the scene of the birth of Christ. We felt what it was like to deal with the mess of human-sin during the dawn of redeeming grace. All of his sermons are now available on our website. Simply check out our audio page. We now pick up the series in chapter three. Join us as we continue to journey through the Gospel of Matthew together. I will also be facilitating corporate worship this Sunday — how I enjoy having the chance to worship with you, Highland.

Coffee & Conversation


  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

kingdom sports update

More information is available about Kingdom Sports on our site. Check it out by hovering over the “Kingdom Sports” tab. One key piece of information is how you can volunteer. Click the button below so sign up. This is going to be a lot of fun, Highland! Grateful for you, Wright Family!

Mailing Address Update

Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904

I love you,


Weekly Update

Our Beloved Ms. Patti


Here are ways to honor the life of our cherished Patti Clark. Let’s rally around her family and celebrate her life, which was hidden in Christ.

Caught a selfie with a few shoppers. :)

North Highland Christmas Store

To those who supported the North Highland Christmas Store, thank you! So many families came through to shop, resulting in the support of Truth Spring Trade School! Literally, this store is neighbors loving neighbors, in honor of our Lord!

christmas & the mess

David continues with our series: Christmas & The Mess this Sunday. As I mentioned Sunday, David is literally weaving the entire Bible together alongside the account of the birth of Christ. I was able to capture last Sunday’s message; it is available online on audio page. Nourish your heart by listening to last week’s sermon.


  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

kingdom sports update

More information is available about Kingdom Sports on our site. Check it out by hovering over the “Kingdom Sports” tab. One key piece of information is how you can volunteer. Click the button below so sign up. This is going to be a lot of fun, Highland! Grateful for you, Wright Family!

the Behold the Lamb of God musical was outstanding!

The Behold The Lamb of God Christmas Musical was absolutely captivating! I sat and savored ALL Christ Jesus has done to make us right with our Lord. To those who toiled to put on this tremendous performance, thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed the Musical! Those who attended I know did as well!

Boxes of Love this saturday

Saving the best for last — this Saturday, we hold Boxes of Love. Calling all the Highland Tribe to join the force for good, all for the name of Christ Jesus! Come, let’s carry out the resounding truth Scripture holds – it’s more blessed to give than to receive!

Volunteers are essential! Please see the Sign Up Genius below and jump in. Also, please note:

***Boxes-of-Love Needs: Dish Soap & Dollies to load boxes the day of BOL.

Sign ups begin after Thanksgiving.

Such a joyous event!

Mailing Address Update

Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904

I love you,


Weekly Update

Our Beloved Ms. Patti


As we pursue Christ together, let us seek the good of each other. As we’ve experienced this week, we are not promised tomorrow. Therefore, we let us savor each and every moment we have with each other. Upholding the name of the Lord in our unity results in His glory and the good of those in and around our lives.

Over coffee (thanks, Justin!), someone pointed out to me that we must continue to “weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice” Highland, as we are all sharing in the life of Christ together, part of the richness of doing so is celebrating with those who accomplish and comforting those who are experiencing deep sorrow. May we continue to mature in this manner, Highland, together. This is one of the facets of going deeper that I hope we can continue to cultivate.

In light of this hope, to those who’ve rallied around Patti’s family in the wake of their shocking loss, thank you. Now’s the time they need us most. Let’s avail ourselves unto them, both in love and support. Let’s continue to be present and mindful of their grief, Highland. At this time, you can certainly be praying for Troy, Sara Catherine and his sister, Angela. They are working through so many decisions and, at the same time, weary. As they make decisions, we will certainly keep you posted as to any opportunity to remember Ms. Patti. Keep a check here, on this page.

Ms. Patti — photobombing! :)

North Highland Christmas Store

We are hosting our North Highland Christmas Store again this year. The purpose of The North Highland Christmas store is to allow our neighbors to come and shop for brand new toys at affordable prices.

If you are interested, you will have the chance to pick out toys for your children from our inventory. The store will be open Tuesday, December 17th - Thursday, December 19th. However, in order to shop, you must register. Please click here to sign up.

All monies collected from the Christmas store sales will be used to support Truth Spring Trade School, giving residents of the North Highland community the opportunity to access livable wage jobs. Thank you for your support!

christmas and the mess

Due to being tied up during service last Sunday, I failed to hit the record button. Therefore, I did not get David’s sermon recorded. This week, I will make every effort to hit the button!

David has been very understanding. We met this week over coffee (thanks for bringing the coffee, too, David – so good). He intends to do a thorough recap of last week’s sermon as he segways into this week’s sermon.


  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

Kingdom Sports is coming in 2025!

kingdom sports update

More information is available about Kingdom Sports on our site. Check it out by hovering over the “Kingdom Sports” tab. One key piece of information is how you can volunteer. Click the button below so sign up. This is going to be a lot of fun, Highland! Grateful for you, Wright Family!

What a Special Time Together!

Living Water Annual Celebration was epic!

Having the chance to be part of Living Water’s Annual Celebration was so reviving! Connecting with like-minded lovers of Christ all around the world, while sitting in my living room… – wow! Oh, to pray together; to reach out in the name of Christ to care for one another — so fulfilling! Highland, we will continue to journey alongside these pioneers who carry the name of Christ Jesus in their hearts into the remote places of this world. More to come in 2025.

Volunteering at this time would be most helpful.

Volunteer at the North Highland Christmas Store

We also will hold the North Highland Christmas Store in December. Click here for information. Lots of ways to jump in and serve! More info to come on shopping.

December 15th, at Edgewood, 6pm.

Behold the Lamb of God — at Edgewood Baptist this sunday!

Joining together with Edgewood, we will conduct Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God Musical. It will be held December 15th, at Edgewood, 6pm. I hope you can be part of this momentous evening of worship!

Boxes of Love

Boxes of Love will also be taking place here, December 21st. Volunteers are essential! Please see the Sign Up Genius below and jump in. Also, please note:

***Boxes-of-Love Needs: Dish Soap & Dollies to load boxes the day of BOL.

Sign ups begin after Thanksgiving.

Such a joyous event!

Mailing Address Update

Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904

I love you,


Weekly Update

North Highland Christmas Store

We are hosting our North Highland Christmas Store again this year. The purpose of The North Highland Christmas store is to allow our neighbors to come and shop for brand new toys at affordable prices.

If you are interested, you will have the chance to pick out toys for your children from our inventory. The store will be open Tuesday, December 17th - Thursday, December 19th. However, in order to shop, you must register. Please click here to sign up.

All monies collected from the Christmas store sales will be used to support Truth Spring Trade School, giving residents of the North Highland community the opportunity to access livable wage jobs. Thank you for your support!

advent season with the klaus family starts sunday

Last Sunday, David and Kimberly ushered in Advent Season with us. Kimberly spoke about Hope and David opened our current series: Christmas & The Mess. Last Sunday, we journeyed through the genealogy of Jesus found in the first chapter of Matthew. To listen to last week’s sermon click here.


  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

Kingdom Sports is coming in 2025!

kingdom sports update

More information is available about Kingdom Sports on our site. Check it out by hovering over the “Kingdom Sports” tab. One key piece of information is how you can volunteer. Click the button below so sign up. This is going to be a lot of fun, Highland! Grateful for you, Wright Family!

Friday December 6th at 8:30pm

Living Water Annual Celebration

Highland Tribe, have you ever wanted to go on a mission trip but never had the chance? On Friday December 6th at 8:30pm, you have the opportunity to travel to the other side of the world, talk with courageous believers doing amazing things for God, and have your perspective on God, life, and missions expanded. . . .all for free, in 90 minutes, and without needing a plane ticket. David and the Living Water Network will be hosting their biggest virtual event of the year, live via Zoom, their Annual Celebration to give God glory for all that he's done this past year. Please come! Advance registration is required, please take 10 seconds to register here.David Klaus

Volunteering at this time would be most helpful.

North Highland Christmas Store

We also will hold the North Highland Christmas Store in December. Click here for information. Lots of ways to jump in and serve! More info to come on shopping.

December 15th, at Edgewood, 6pm.

Behold the Lamb of God — at Edgewood Baptist

Joining together with Edgewood, we will conduct Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God Musical. It will be held December 15th, at Edgewood, 6pm.

Boxes of Love

Boxes of Love will also be taking place here, December 21st. Volunteers are essential! Please see the Sign Up Genius below and jump in. Also, please note:

***Boxes-of-Love Needs: Dish Soap & Dollies to load boxes the day of BOL.

Sign ups begin after Thanksgiving.

Such a joyous event!

Mailing Address Update

Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904

I love you,


Weekly Update

Concluding Our Series Through Jude


Last Sunday, we took the opportunity to draw our focus to Jude 1:20-21, which states:

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.”

To bring this passage to life, we aligned Jude’s charge with our Four Strands of Stewardship: Heart, Home, Highland & North Highland. We then fastened our grip upon the first three strands through holding our Family Dedication Service.

Jude’s directives challenge us all to hold firmly to building one another up, according to the blueprint of God’s holiness, by way of cultivating His merciful and loving nature amongst us.

As I reviewed Jude earlier this week, I realized that I forgot a passage! I omitted a portion of the book and I would like to address the passage here:

“And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.”

As Jude then tells us to bear with those who struggle and go after those who are deceived, we see clearly that we are to be patient and merciful with others, as is our Lord.

We must allow the love of Christ to crucify that critical and impatient spirit that is enraged within our flesh, seeking to control our lives.

Finally, in our submission to the Holy Spirit – ‘be holy as He is holy.’ Delight in His holiness; hunger for the fruits of the Holy Spirit, hating sin!

To see an overview of the entire series, click the button below. I hope you’ve enjoyed going through this series as much as I have. How I savor the time we spend together in God’s Word, Highland. Cherish His Word. Remain yielded to it – like a reed yields to the wind.

The Klaus Fam Leading Us Through Advent During our Tent Gathering Season

advent season with the klaus family starts sunday

As we enter the Christmas season, David Klaus and his family will be fostering the celebration of Advent for us all. In light of their willingness to lead us, David will be preaching the next four Sundays. Kimberly will be facilitating the testimonies and readings, which commemorate the expectant hope of which we confidently place in the name of Christ Jesus. Thank you, Klaus Family!


  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

Kingdom Sports is coming in 2025!

kingdom sports update

More information is available about Kingdom Sports on our site. Check it out by hovering over the “Kingdom Sports” tab. One key piece of information is how you can volunteer. Click the button below so sign up. This is going to be a lot of fun, Highland! Grateful for you, Wright Family!

Friday December 6th at 8:30pm

Living Water Annual Celebration

Highland Tribe, have you ever wanted to go on a mission trip but never had the chance? On Friday December 6th at 8:30pm, you have the opportunity to travel to the other side of the world, talk with courageous believers doing amazing things for God, and have your perspective on God, life, and missions expanded. . . .all for free, in 90 minutes, and without needing a plane ticket. David and the Living Water Network will be hosting their biggest virtual event of the year, live via Zoom, their Annual Celebration to give God glory for all that he's done this past year. Please come! Advance registration is required, please take 10 seconds to register here.David Klaus

Purchasing gifts at this time would be most helpful.

North Highland Christmas Store

We also will hold the North Highland Christmas Store in December. Click here for information. Lots of ways to jump in and serve! More info to come on shopping.

December 15th, at Edgewood, 6pm.

Behold the Lamb of God — at Edgewood Baptist

Joining together with Edgewood, we will conduct Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God Musical. It will be held December 15th, at Edgewood, 6pm.

Boxes of Love

Boxes of Love will also be taking place here, December 21st. Volunteers are essential! Please see the Sign Up Genius below and jump in. Also, please note:

***Boxes-of-Love Needs: Dish Soap & Dollies to load boxes the day of BOL.

Sign ups begin after Thanksgiving.

Such a joyous event!

Mailing Address Update

Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904

How I look forward to gathering again with you this Sunday, Highland — to make much of Jesus! I certainly overate yesterday — the turkey was succulent, wow! Joel, my brother-n-law, knows how to throw down on a smoker! We all feasted, rejoiced and rested. I hope you had a terrific Turkey-Day, too! I love you, Highland,


Happy Thanksgiving!

Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a National Holiday in 1863. Here is his proclamation:

“No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”


As Lincoln has charged us, I take delight in heeding his directive to pause, offering my gratitude for the Lord’s unwavering faithfulness, and for you!

Know that you are deeply valued in the hearts of my family and such a blessing to us, Highland. As the Lord continues to prove loving in our midst, let us continue to build one another up in His love, as Jude instructs us to do so.

As you enjoy this day around the table with your loved ones, know that I count myself blessed to share in your life. I pray that the Lord’s blessing rests upon you and your family.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Our Weekly Update

Our Joy Abounds!

May we continue to love one another, celebrating how the Lord’s love brings us together.

Have a joyous Thanksgiving

“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him.”

— 1st John 3:16-19

As we move toward Thanksgiving, Highland, know that I thank the Lord for you! I am overwhelmed with joy because I have the opportunity to share in life with you.

This morning (Friday) a person who’s a part of our community stopped by our cafe’. Now, as of this Monday, he has suffered tremendous loss and is grieving. In the wake of losing his wife of 49 years, he has stopped by our Highland Cafe’ each morning. After he got his morning cup of coffee, we bumped into one another on the sidewalk. He then said to me: “If you want to find out what true love is, all you have to do is just come by here (Highland).”

Highland, this is precisely how I feel! Our love for one another is an overflow of our love of the Lord. This grieving man’s observation of us, as a people, reveals the Lord’s love at work in us, as His people!

So, when I say that I am grateful for you; to belong to the Highland family, it’s because the Lord’s love at work in us lifts me up, causing me to rejoice for what He is doing in our midst! May we continue to be known by our love for Him and for another.

Saturday, from 11am-1pm, at M2540.

Thanksgiving Meals @ M2540 saturday

As we enter the Holiday Season, I know that M2540 is holding their annual Thanksgiving Feast. It’s being held this Saturday, from 11am-1pm. Drop by their facility to grab a plate-of-goodness for Thanksgiving; let M2540 know how much you appreciate them! M2540, thank you for being so very hospitable!

North Highland Christmas Store

We also will hold the North Highland Christmas Store in December. Click here for information. Lots of ways to jump in and serve! More info to come on shopping.

December 15th, 6pm, Edgewood Baptist Church

Behold the Lamb of God — at Edgewood Baptist

Joining together with Edgewood, we will conduct the Behold the Lamb of God Musical. It will be held December 15th, at Edgewood, 6pm.

Boxes of Love

Boxes of Love will also be taking place here, December 21st. Volunteers are essential! Please see the Sign Up Genius below and jump in. Also, please note: ***Boxes-of-Love Needs: Dish Soap & Dollies to load boxes the day of BOL. Sign ups begin after Thanksgiving.

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

  • Click here to hear last week’s sermon.

kingdom sports

Registration is open. But it’s filling up quickly!

If you joined us last Sunday, you heard Stephen and Carol present to you Kingdom Sports! Kingdom Sports is an outreach ministry of ours that the Lord has birthed within the life of our church.

Kingdom Sports will offer a basketball league to children in our church and our community, while also learning about Jesus.

Boys and girls who are 8 or 9 years old may register for our basketball league. To learn the details and also to register, please visit our website by clicking the link below.

Visit our website to sign up.

We will hold Child Dedication this Sunday, during our 10am Service. If you would like to dedicate your child to the Lord, please complete the form below so that we can include you and your child in our service.

All mail should now be sent to our physical address.

Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904

I love you, Highland.
