Our Beloved Ms. Patti
Here are ways to honor the life of our cherished Patti Clark. Let’s rally around her family and celebrate her life, which was hidden in Christ.
Caught a selfie with a few shoppers. :)
North Highland Christmas Store
To those who supported the North Highland Christmas Store, thank you! So many families came through to shop, resulting in the support of Truth Spring Trade School! Literally, this store is neighbors loving neighbors, in honor of our Lord!
christmas & the mess
David continues with our series: Christmas & The Mess this Sunday. As I mentioned Sunday, David is literally weaving the entire Bible together alongside the account of the birth of Christ. I was able to capture last Sunday’s message; it is available online on audio page. Nourish your heart by listening to last week’s sermon.
8am: Doors open
8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility
10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).
kingdom sports update
More information is available about Kingdom Sports on our site. Check it out by hovering over the “Kingdom Sports” tab. One key piece of information is how you can volunteer. Click the button below so sign up. This is going to be a lot of fun, Highland! Grateful for you, Wright Family!
the Behold the Lamb of God musical was outstanding!
The Behold The Lamb of God Christmas Musical was absolutely captivating! I sat and savored ALL Christ Jesus has done to make us right with our Lord. To those who toiled to put on this tremendous performance, thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed the Musical! Those who attended I know did as well!
Boxes of Love this saturday
Saving the best for last — this Saturday, we hold Boxes of Love. Calling all the Highland Tribe to join the force for good, all for the name of Christ Jesus! Come, let’s carry out the resounding truth Scripture holds – it’s more blessed to give than to receive!
Volunteers are essential! Please see the Sign Up Genius below and jump in. Also, please note:
***Boxes-of-Love Needs: Dish Soap & Dollies to load boxes the day of BOL.
Sign ups begin after Thanksgiving.
Such a joyous event!
Mailing Address Update
Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904
I love you,