Our Weekly Update

Our Series through jude


How I love you. Being able to spend my days journeying alongside you in pursuit of the good of our neighbor in honor of our Lord is such a joy! Know that I rejoice over you! Know that you matter to me!

We opened our series through Jude last Sunday. In Jude’s opening remarks (1:1-4), he makes his relationship with Jesus known through conveying his heart-posture as a servant of Jesus. His purpose for breathing in serving the name of Jesus! Oh, how I long for us to know belonging to Jesus is our purpose – that we may truly live!

This week, we will hover over verses 5-16 of Jude. We know that Jude learns that false teachers have infiltrated the church. Jude then uses much of the history of God’s people to highlight the evidence of false teachings. He then charges the church to be unified, maintaining a strong grip on God’s truth, thereby finding a gear to persevere in the Spirit, resulting in His presence becoming the stronghold of the church – come what may!

Here’s our memory-passage for this series

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life” (Jude 1:20-21).

Song for our Series

Furthermore, we have a song that we are using as an anchor-song for our series. Great job learning and singing last week. Thought I’d share it with you so that you could continue to practice.

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • *Boxes-of-Love Needs: Dish Soap & Dollies to load boxes the day of BOL.

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

  • Click here to hear last week’s sermon.

kingdom sports

Registration is open. But it’s filling up quickly!

If you joined us last Sunday, you heard Stephen and Carol present to you Kingdom Sports! Kingdom Sports is an outreach ministry of ours that the Lord has birthed within the life of our church.

Kingdom Sports will offer a basketball league to children in our church and our community, while also learning about Jesus.

Boys and girls who are 8 or 9 years old may register for our basketball league. To learn the details and also to register, please visit our website by clicking the link below.

Visit our website to sign up.

We will hold Child Dedication Sunday, November 24th, during our 10am Service. If you would like to dedicate your child to the Lord, please complete the form below so that we can include you and your child in our service.

Subscribe to receive updates.

I love you, Highland.


Toland Michael's Funeral Arrangements

Highland, to those who would be interested in expressing condolences or sending flowers, here’s details. An offering of our love and support would mean a great deal to his family at this time.

Adams Funeral Home on Stephenson Ave

This Coming Saturday Nov.9th at 2pm (tomorrow)

Location: Overcoming By Faith Church , 9700 Middleground Rd, Savannah, Ga.

Visitation: Friday, Adams Funeral Services GA. 510 Stephenson, from 4 until 6.🙏

Our Weekly Update

THANK YOU Jordan Family

How I thoroughly enjoyed repenting and rejoicing with you over the name and the authority of Jesus last Sunday! The trend holding the Lord’s Supper followed by the Agape Feast has become one my favorites! So thrilled to see how the Lord is shaping, through His presence, our house into a home. Love sharing this journey with you, Highland.

I especially want to thank the Jordan family for providing us such a tasty meal. Seeing them all take over our kitchen as a family to serve the Highland family was actually such a special occasion! To all who served, thank you! The time of fellowship was such an enriching experience for me, for every one!

Toland, you will be missed.

Toland Michael’s passed Away

On a note of loss, Toland Michael has passed away. He was a member of our church for roughly 10 years, yet had spent the last several years in Savannah with family. There he was loved till his dying breath. He now knows death swallowed up in victory – in the name of Christ Jesus, His Victor! Our church will certainly lean in, attending to the family’s needs from a distance, given they should call on us.

Mr. Justin Jordan

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym).

  • This Sunday, we will begin a new tradition. In talking with members of our church, the request for the public reading of God’s Word has been rekindled. Starting this Sunday, during our 10am service, Justin Jordan will be facilitating the reading of the Psalms. This Sunday, we will read Psalm 1, the entire Psalm.

  • Also, we will begin working through the book Jude as a church. We will cover this book of the Bible in just a few short weeks. Please go ahead and begin to read this short but impactful piece of Scripture.

  • Due to technical issues, last week’s service was not recorded. I am sorry for the inconveience.

kingdom sports

Stephen & Carol Wright will offer us the latest this Sunday.

Furthermore, we will continue with our Shepherding Session agenda. Stephen and Carol Wright will be speaking to us about how the Lord is bringing to life Kingdom Sports! So thrilled to be able to see the Lord at work in our midst! I look forward to everyone having the chance to hear about how the Lord is working in their lives, bringing to life this very vibrant ministry!

Visit our website to sign up.

We will hold Child Dedication Sunday, November 24th, during our 10am Service. If you would like to dedicate your child to the Lord, please complete the form below so that we can include you and your child in our service.

Subscribe to receive updates.

I love you, Highland.


Our Weekly Update

Communion This Sunday

As we gather this Sunday, we will hold the Lord’s Supper. Let us open our hearts to revere and rejoice over the name of Jesus, who pays for our sin! Where we wrestle with sin, let us refasten our grip upon our Victor – Jesus – who saves sinners! We come to repent and to rejoice.

Billy Holbrook and our team will be facilitating corporate worship. Julie Jordan will share a devotion centered upon Communion. I will be then host us throughout our partaking of Communion.

Agape Feast Following Our Service

Following our service, we will hold our Agape Feast. Compelled from our love for the Lord, this meal allows us to impart our love to another. The Jordan family has so generously committed to orchestrating this feast. This means we are all going to eat real good! Jordan Family, thank you for your extreme hospitality in providing this feast.

Throughout the Month of November

Looking a little further down the road, we did not complete our Shepherding Session Agenda last Sunday. I will be picking that agenda back up later this month. Also, we will begin working through the book Jude as a church. We will cover this book of the Bible in just a few short weeks. Please go ahead and begin to read this short but impactful piece of Scripture.

our biblical role in this election

“Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor” (1st Peter 2:13-17).

Our nation is a human institution. Flawed and marked by her own sins, America is a republic that forges citizens into a democratic society empowered to select its leaders. Highland, this precedent of deciding our own leaders is precious and is to be handled with dignity and respect.

Looking at Peter’s first directive here, those who love the Lord are commanded to adhere to every human institution. How are we to do so? By being good citizens. Knowing that our chief identity is that we are citizens of a holy nation (which Peter addresses earlier in his letter) informs us as to how we conduct ourselves, as men and women who are holy.

The outwork of holiness then leads us to engaging proper responsibilities that good citizens are to maintain. When there is an election, that means we are to vote! Perhaps, therein lies our issue. Considering our current candidates and our current political-theater, how do we make a wise choice?

Let’s realize that we are voting, adhering to the voting process for the Lord’s sake, not for the sake of any political candidate. Now, realizing that we have people who are on the ballot and will certainly occupy the elected office for which we’re voting, we must do our best to become an informed voter.

First, Peter tells us that by being members of the “holy nation” established in the name of King Jesus, that, through our holy conduct, we exercise our duty as citizens. Here’s what’s special about America – that our goodwill as citizens includes our right to vote for our own leaders; thereby “silencing the ignorance of foolish people.”

In this day and age, the saturation of information is excessive, so it’s hard to know exactly which source from which to gain information. Furthermore, due to sinful and power-hungry agendas, news sources are often pushing their own political views, which means the balanced and unbiased source of information is not able to be located.

Highland, I ask all of us to look beyond and beneath the candidates before us. I ask us to step away from social media platforms and news sources. Let’s do our part and vote, allowing the Holy Spirit to direct our hearts, navigated by His Word.

Peter tells us exactly how to navigate the current political theater we’re facing, including how to form an opinion according to the holy nature of our Lord. He says, as those who know freedom in Christ, let us not entangle nor enslave ourselves to human-institutions, like the news-institutions or political institutions. Rather, as participants in human affairs, serve the Lord, who is the maker of heaven and earth.

Peter then tells us exactly what’s taking place in our political arena. Peter instructs us not to use our freedom in Christ as a cover up for evil – meaning that we should not live a double life; that we are to avoid twisting truths. The abuse of the American freedoms we are afforded are so warped through the evil-one manifesting within those who do not know the Lord, Highland. They will put Christian words in their rhetoric. They will use Bible verses to persuade people to vote for them.

The challenge for us is to be able to hold to Biblical truths, not simply be duped by someone advertising Christian views. So, with all of this political mayhem, how do Believers maintain a Biblical Framework housing Biblical Truths within our hearts so we can enter the voting booth with a clear conscience and vote? Peter tells us how to do so: “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”

Thanks, everyone, who made this happen.

Fall classes have concluded

To all who played a role in our Fall Sunday School Sessions, thank you! I very much appreciate your willingness to serve one another! As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym). We hold Communion this Sunday during our service. Following our sermon, we will hold our Agape Feast. All are welcome to attend.

Highland Cafe's Door's Open Wide — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am. If you want to help collect socks for those who need them, please let us know. We need some for those who are cold, thanks!

I love you, Highland.


Our Weekly Update

Shepherding session this sunday

Highland, this Sunday I intend to hold a Shepherding Session. In a Shepherding Session, I tend to matters of the church and offer updates, too. So much has taken place in the life of our church this year! So thrilled to reflect and rejoice with you over all the Lord has done for us. I also look forward to celebrating all that the Lord is affording us the opportunity to do for His great name! See our agenda below:

Shepherding Session Agenda

  • Moving in – Housekeeping Update

  • Communion & Agape Feast

  • Sunday School

  • Highland Cafe’

  • Kingdom Sports Basketball League

  • Next Series – The Book of Jude

  • David Klaus Preaches Through Advent Season

  • Christmas Events & Outreach Ministries

  • Understanding our Roles as Voters in the Election

This Sunday’s our final class this semester.

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: * Final Class — Sunday School Semester runs through October 27th

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

Fall classes

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Truth Project (begins at 8:45)

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Thanks to those in the cafe who purchased my cup!

Highland Cafe's Door's Open Wide — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am.

Truth Spring Academy and Brookstone Students partnered to make Care Kits for those in need. We offered some through Highland’s Cafe’ – such a blessing! Shoutout to those who made this happen! Cafe’ team, good job serving them to those in need this week!

If you want to help collect socks for those who need them, please let us know. We need some for those who are cold, thanks!

I love you, Highland.


Our Weekly Update

Jude playing this week.

concluding our series


This week has been so gorgeous, I have been outside soaking up this refreshing fall weather. Therefore, I have been away from the computer and I am late getting out our Weekly Update.

I hope you have had a great week, as I have! We have been at the ballpark a lot. Jude’s finishing up Fall Ball. Such a nice time of year to enjoy little league baseball and to be with the family.

See Actual Blog Post to Access Handout.

Also, I have the opportunity to ride a good bit! Such a great time for me to be with the Lord, seeking Him personally! Oh, how I rejoice in His greatness! How I celebrate His faithfulness to us, Highland!

As we gather for service tomorrow, know that I look forward to seeing you! During our service, Billy will lead us in corporate worship and I will conclude our Spiritual Warfare Series. I look forward to handing everyone a summation of our series, while I attempt to put a bow on this series for us.

Click the button below to access the handout.

Next Sunday, October 27th, I intend to hold Shepherding Session. In this session, I intend to offer everyone the current status of the church. I also hope to allow you to hear from some of the ministries of the church, too. During this time, we will revisit our Transition Plan. We will refresh our understanding of how to “live” in our new home and how to afford one another social-courtesies we all appreciate.

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: Sunday School Semester runs through October 27th

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

Fall classes

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Truth Project (begins at 8:45)

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Highland Cafe's Door's Open Wide — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am.

Truth Spring Academy and Brookstone Students partnered to make Care Kits for those in need. We offered some through Highland’s Cafe’ – such a blessing! Shoutout to those who made this happen! Cafe’ team, good job serving them to those in need this week!

If you want to help collect socks for those who need them, please let us know. We need some for those who are cold, thanks!

I love you, Highland.


Our Weekly Update

We celebrated our 20th Anniversary Wednesday.

twenty years of life together


We celebrated 20 years of marriage this week! Our journey has been such an adventure! How the Lord continues to prove faithful! Twenty years ago, I had no idea that Highland would still be around! Wow, how the Lord orchestrates His plans and how His plans have prevailed! Carrie and I rejoice over you, Highland. As He has been so good to me and to Carrie, He continues to be good to us, Highland. Let’s celebrate His faithfulness all of our days! Through it all, He has fashioned His purposes into the life of our marriage and into the life of Highland. So happy to share this journey with you, Highland!

bringing our series in for a landing

As we are bringing in this Spiritual Warfare Series for a landing, I hope to answer one question this Sunday – As the Church, how do we deal with and respond to spiritual warfare? In addressing this question, I hope to highlight how Scripture directs our hearts in strategically (Biblically) responding to the devil and the demonic forces that often torment us. Join us, as we take a closer look.

3rd-5th Sunday School Class - they asked to a silly pic after our review.

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: Sunday School Semester runs through October 27th

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

Fall classes

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Truth Project (begins at 8:45)

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Highland Cafe's Door's Open Wide — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am.

We appreciate those who’ve helped to stock the cafe’ with bottled water, K-cups & coffee supplies! This is an ongoing way in which you can support Highland in such a small but impactful way! Please consider helping, thanks!

I love you, Highland.


Our Weekly Update

hope for highland

Hope amid hopelessness is found only in Jesus. The church exists to celebrate our eternal hope in Christ, while declaring His Lordship to a hopeless world. Highland, though the hopelessness often seems vast, our hope found in Christ will endure through every hurt and every disappointment. You may notice this sign along 2nd Avenue capturing who we are; declaring hope in Christ to a hopeless world. Highland, I love you. I am grateful to share in what the Lord has done for us – what He continues to do for us! May we continue to be a people marked by an abounding gratitude because we have tasted of the eternal hope found in Christ Jesus! May Highland (may the world) experience this hope!

Taken while I parked my chair in the shoreline.

waves of restfulness

Our family got the chance to unwind a bit last weekend. We enjoyed some time at the beach together, with Carrie’s family. The storm really moved out of our region on Thursday, revealing sunny conditions in Panama City. To those who led us last Sunday, thank you! I appreciate the opportunity to catch my breath and to make some memories with my family. It would not be possible without you – thank you all for ALL you do!

Every good trip, though, ends with getting home. I am so thrilled to be back with you this Sunday. I look forward to seeing you, as we gather to celebrate the only good news we will ever hear – the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Join us.

As I return this Sunday, we pick back up with our Spiritual Warfare Series. We will now begin to bring this series in for a landing. As I continue to seek the Lord's face for direction as to how to lead us through the landing, I invite you to pray along with me. As plans are being made, we will start with a quick-stop in James this Sunday, then travel to Hebrews together. In so doing, we will address how Satan’s attack always wants to warp our communion with the Lord, our unity with one another in an effort to isolate us. Looking forward to continuing this journey through Scripture with you!

Coffee & Convo Devo!

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: Sunday School Semester runs through October 27th

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

Fall classes

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Truth Project (begins at 8:45)

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Highland Cafe — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am.

We appreciate those who’ve helped to stock the cafe’ with bottled water, K-cups & coffee supplies! This is an ongoing way in which you can support Highland in such a small but impactful way! Please consider helping, thanks!


thanks for keeping our home clean

Sundays, after service, our responsibilities will include:

Classroom Responsibilities

  • Wiping down desks

  • Cleaning up art-related stains

  • Placing chairs on top of the desks

  • Sweeping the floors


  • Pick up all trash

  • Clean up all spills

  • Stack and store chairs

Dining Facility

  • Stack chairs

  • Fold tables

  • Sweep floors

Thank you!

I love you, Highland.


Our Weekly Update

Jack & Fletcher

hoping you’re dry!


I hope that everyone has been able to hunker down and stay safe through the storm! Our family has made the best of it. As schools, including Truth Spring , were closed due to inclement weather, our family loaded up on snacks, watched movies and slept in!

It also happens that our family was headed down to the beach. We did not invite Helene! Our plans have certainly been altered by her unexpected visit. As I write to you (it’s Thursday), we have delayed our departure date. Weather allowing, we will still try to sneak away a bit – even if it’s just for a couple of days. The beach is worth it!

Being that is the case, the noble Justin Jordan has so kindly agreed to teach my Sunday School class. The humble and talented Hank Shelbly will lead us in corporate worship. Finally, Robert Singleton, who embodies the very meaning of hopefulness, will take the pulpit. He will be preaching on faithfulness.

With me being away, we will hit the pause button on our Spiritual Warfare Series. As a brief recap to last Sunday’s sermon. James instructs believers to never speak evil to one another – asking believers: “who are we to judge our neighbor” (James 4:11-12)?

In the close of his letter, James directs us on how to conduct ourselves with an enduring patience, while facing various seasons we encounter throughout our days. He then ends his letter with a charge – we are to snatch back those who wander from the truth from the fires of hell, thereby covering a multitude of sin. Instead of grumbling and quarreling over each other’s sin, we are instructed to pursue those deceived by Satan in order to cover their shame with truth and mercy (James 5:7-19).

Now, we do not participate with those wandering in their sinfulness (Galatians 6; Psalm 32:1), yet, intercede for them; treating them as we would want to be treated. Highland, in closing, may our conduct be found to be aligned with James’s instruction. Last Sunday’s sermon can be found on our audio page.

Issac professed Christ as Lord Sunday!  He was then baptized!  We celebrate newness of life with you, Issac!

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: Sunday School Semester runs through October 27th

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

This Fall classes

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Truth Project (begins at 8:45)

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Highland Cafe — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am.

We appreciate those who’ve helped to stock the cafe’ with bottled water, K-cups & coffee supplies! This is an ongoing way in which you can support Highland in such a small but impactful way! Please consider helping, thanks!


thanks for keeping our home clean

Sundays, after service, our responsibilities will include:

Classroom Responsibilities

  • Wiping down desks

  • Cleaning up art-related stains

  • Placing chairs on top of the desks

  • Sweeping the floors


  • Pick up all trash

  • Clean up all spills

  • Stack and store chairs

Dining Facility

  • Stack chairs

  • Fold tables

  • Sweep floors

Thank you!

I love you, Highland.


Our Weekly Update

Billy & Tyrone Tucker - Back in the day, at Banquet on the Bridge.

wrapping up our spiritual warfare series


As we continue to work through our Spiritual Warfare Series, we will transition into Hebrews 12 this Sunday – our final passage for this series. I am aiming to be done with this series this Sunday. Let’s see what the Lord has planned for us. I remain open to His plans unfolding.

In a brief recap, James tells us that, if we’re quarreling about who’s right with others, trying to make our Christianity more “shiny”, we could not be more wrong! Satan seizes this kind of discord as an opportunity to misguide believers, destroying our unity.

James goes on to tell us that we are to resist the devil, which means to not afford him an opportunity to devour us. Rather, submitting to God results in us finding our refuge, even our strength, in Him! Let us be a people, Highland, that release our hearts into His holiness! In so doing, we find our delight, no longer striving, but resting, rather, in Him, come what may!

Willie & Rob

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: Sunday School

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

This Fall classes

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Truth Project (begins at 8:45)

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Highland Cafe — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am.

We appreciate those who’ve helped to stock the cafe’ with bottled water, K-cups & coffee supplies! This is an ongoing way in which you can support Highland in such a small but impactful way! Please consider helping, thanks!

Let’s keep our home clean

Since we have Terry Young cleaning, at this point on Sundays after service, our responsibilities will include:

Classroom Responsibilities

  • Wiping down desks

  • Cleaning up art-related stains

  • Placing chairs on top of the desks

  • Sweeping the floors


  • Pick up all trash

  • Clean up all spills

  • Stack and store chairs

Dining Facility

  • Stack chairs

  • Fold tables

  • Sweep floors

This will allow him to come in and mop Sunday afternoons. If you have questions, please connect with me or Megan directly. Thank you!

I love you, Highland.
