Our Weekly Update

Jack & Fletcher

hoping you’re dry!


I hope that everyone has been able to hunker down and stay safe through the storm! Our family has made the best of it. As schools, including Truth Spring , were closed due to inclement weather, our family loaded up on snacks, watched movies and slept in!

It also happens that our family was headed down to the beach. We did not invite Helene! Our plans have certainly been altered by her unexpected visit. As I write to you (it’s Thursday), we have delayed our departure date. Weather allowing, we will still try to sneak away a bit – even if it’s just for a couple of days. The beach is worth it!

Being that is the case, the noble Justin Jordan has so kindly agreed to teach my Sunday School class. The humble and talented Hank Shelbly will lead us in corporate worship. Finally, Robert Singleton, who embodies the very meaning of hopefulness, will take the pulpit. He will be preaching on faithfulness.

With me being away, we will hit the pause button on our Spiritual Warfare Series. As a brief recap to last Sunday’s sermon. James instructs believers to never speak evil to one another – asking believers: “who are we to judge our neighbor” (James 4:11-12)?

In the close of his letter, James directs us on how to conduct ourselves with an enduring patience, while facing various seasons we encounter throughout our days. He then ends his letter with a charge – we are to snatch back those who wander from the truth from the fires of hell, thereby covering a multitude of sin. Instead of grumbling and quarreling over each other’s sin, we are instructed to pursue those deceived by Satan in order to cover their shame with truth and mercy (James 5:7-19).

Now, we do not participate with those wandering in their sinfulness (Galatians 6; Psalm 32:1), yet, intercede for them; treating them as we would want to be treated. Highland, in closing, may our conduct be found to be aligned with James’s instruction. Last Sunday’s sermon can be found on our audio page.

Issac professed Christ as Lord Sunday!  He was then baptized!  We celebrate newness of life with you, Issac!

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: Sunday School Semester runs through October 27th

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

This Fall classes

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Truth Project (begins at 8:45)

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

As we look forward to the upcoming Spring Session, if you are interested in leading a class, please let me know. We will discuss. Again, thank you to all who’ve made this semester possible.

Highland Cafe — 8:30—11:30, Monday Through Friday mornings.

highland cafe update

Highland Cafe’ continues to offer the love of Christ to our sidewalks Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. To those who serve, thank you for opening your hearts in such a committed fashion! Prayer meeting is held in cafe’ Wednesdays, at 9am.

We appreciate those who’ve helped to stock the cafe’ with bottled water, K-cups & coffee supplies! This is an ongoing way in which you can support Highland in such a small but impactful way! Please consider helping, thanks!


thanks for keeping our home clean

Sundays, after service, our responsibilities will include:

Classroom Responsibilities

  • Wiping down desks

  • Cleaning up art-related stains

  • Placing chairs on top of the desks

  • Sweeping the floors


  • Pick up all trash

  • Clean up all spills

  • Stack and store chairs

Dining Facility

  • Stack chairs

  • Fold tables

  • Sweep floors

Thank you!

I love you, Highland.
