Our Weekly Update

Robert (and Alex) ;)


Again, thank you for praying for me! I continue to experience a strength that is not my own! Our Lord is perfecting His abounding strength in my vast number of weaknesses. I love you, Highland. What an honor it is for me to have the privilege to serve the Lord and to serve you. May He continue to go before us, charting out our path, according to His wisdom. May we remain attuned to His Holy Spirit, willingly following His lead.

Saturday’s Outreaches Canceled Due to Weather

On a practical note, Chicken & Rice and the Yard Sale will be canceled this Saturday because of weather conditions.

Spring Forward This Sunday

We spring forward this Sunday. Even still, Coffee & Conversation at 9am and our church-service begins at 10am.

Nearing the End of Our Series Through Daniel

We will continue toward the close of our series through Daniel this Sunday. We will be in chapter 12 (the last chapter), which takes us to the end of time as we know it. The abomination that makes desolate is established and the return of Christ becomes the longing of those who share in His holy nature by way of repentance and the victorious blood of the Lamb!

Sidenote: if you were at service last Sunday, I was looking for a Proverb that resonated with the text we were going over in Daniel. It was in reference to Antichrist buying so many followers through flattery and deceit. You may recall that I could not find the verse. I found it this morning (Monday) – Proverbs 23:23 – “Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction and understanding.” Many will be swept away by the charisma of the antichrist. Those who continue to pursue truth as their greatest treasure will gain understanding and wisdom through the Holy Spirit’s counsel. We, thereby, see through the mirage of the evil-one’s allure. Let’s hold fast to God’s Word, Highland, which is eternal truth.

Highland Tribe Happenings

A man who walked our streets died this week. Highland, as one of our neighbors brought the news of his passing to our front porch, she commented as to how he loved our church — especially Megan! We shared coffee with him. We listened to him. We helped him. We refrained from judging him. We shared Christ as Lord with him. We opened our doors wide with a welcome from Jesus Christ to him. Let’s continue to do so.

I love you, Highland,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements

  • HW: Read Church Transition Plan

  • Fill out ‘Filling the Rooms’ on site.

  • Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

  • Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

  • Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM

  • Saturdays: Chicken & Rice canceled this Saturday due to weather

  • Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Our Weekly Update

Billy & Megan — Tent Gathering Season


As we near our move into the new facility, I am so happy for us! I look forward to seeing how we all will make this house our home! Highland is such a warm and welcoming place and I want us to remain that way.

Currently we are holding meetings with those who are serveing and with those who are considering serving. It’s essential that we grow in a healthy and sustainable manner, Highland. To do so will only come out of a deepening love for one another and a desire to cultivate faithfulness within the life of our church.

Practically speaking, we will start by fortifying what we already have in place, then cultivate studies over time. So, we will fortify and strengthen our van route, Coffee & Conversation, Service-Childcare and our Church Service. As the Lord provides additional studies for children and adults during the 9am hour, we will cultivate. It is my goal that we will start classes in August.

Finally, as we prepare to move, we will have a new phone number. Our new number is: (706)249-9424. Please update our contact information where you have it stored.

Nearing the End of Our Series Through Daniel

As we near the end of Daniel, we get a glimpse of the end of the world. This Sunday, we will tackle the latter half of chapter eleven (11:36) through the end of the book. As the Lord allows, we will plan to complete our series through Daniel this Sunday.

Highland Tribe Happenings

Patti Clark at home

Patti Clark will be speaking at Peirce Chapel this Sunday. She will be talking to them about living and serving the Lord, here, in North Highland. Let’s ask the Lord to go before her, preparing her heart to share the love of Christ with Pierce Chapel. Thanks, Patti! We are grateful for you!

Boxes of Love — 2010

In closing, Saturday, March 9th, Pat Roper will be facilitating a yard sale during Chicken & Rice. It’ll be the best pricing in town – free! All are welcome to come and “shop”, plus come and serve. It will be set up along 5th Avenue, just in front of our red-brick sanctuary.

I love you, Highland,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements

  • HW: Read Church Transition Plan

  • Fill out ‘Filling the Rooms’ on site.

  • Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

  • Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM

  • Saturdays: Chicken & Rice, 10AM @ cafe

  • Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Our Weekly Update

Billy & Stephen — Kingdom Sports Clinic, 2023

Thank You for Praying For Me


To all of you who’ve been praying for me, thank you! I knew a strength last Saturday that was not my own. The Lord’s even giving me a fresh outlook regarding the care of the pulpit. Handling God’s Word with integrity and care is of utmost importance to me. A major facet to that care is a joy over God’s Word. How I relish over having the chance to share Scripture with you! This is where Satan is best at tricking me.

Our enemy causes the joy I know over preaching to be consumed by the weight of not being capable enough to do a good job preaching, while juggling all that I juggle. As you’ve prayed, the Lord has reminded me that His presence is my source of joy and strength. As I rest in Him, He restores my joy. Continue to pray for me, Highland. Ask the Lord to help me continue to take up confidence in His presence being my place of strength.

Daniel Study & Beyond

As we enter Daniel 11 this Sunday, we pull back the curtain even further and look deeper into the spiritual world around us and throughout the future! These tellings from the Spirit of God ring true as we reconcile them with our world’s history; therefore, we would be unwise to excuse these prophecies with what is still yet to come. This Sermon Series has certainly led me to become one who more deeply reveres the Word of God, Highland. My prep-time has stretched my understanding in new and intriguing ways!

As we near the end of our study through Daniel, the time to move into our new facility is nearing. After this series, we will take the time to prepare ourselves for the move on Sunday mornings, during service. I will take us through the Transition Plan in Town-Hall-Style Services. The Transition Plan’s available on our website. Feel free to review. Filling the Rooms is our plan for how we will go deeper. Please review. Sign up so that we can all grow together. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get the latest information we have at this time. I envision that we will move into the new facility mid-March. Let’s get ready to go home, Highland.

A Cool Moment This Week

Quick story from the week: a mother walked her child down to the church earlier this week. She wanted her daughter to become an applicant at Truth Spring Academy for the upcoming school year. I did not recognize this family, though they live in North Highland. Their connection with us came through Chicken & Rice. Each Saturday, this little girl gets a plate and her mom said that she gobbles it up. Chicken & Rice Team, thank you for going out into the streets each and every week, offering the love of Christ to our neighbors.

I love you,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements

Our Weekly Update

At Truth Spring Academy’s Valentine’s Day Banquet


How I celebrate the opportunity to serve you! Pursuing the glory of Jesus and the good of our neighbor alongside you is what greatly shapes who I am as a man. Over the last 4 years, I have had to learn to trust the Lord in new and even deeper ways. By His love, the Lord continues to conquer fears in me, especially since we have been through so much transition.

Each time there’s been a change, I have often feared that the change would serve as a disruption, resulting in us being diminished. From closing due to the pandemic, to meeting outside for TWO AND HALF years! Then, only to move to the Firehouse, which I love, but has no climate control and leaves some things to be desired. We’ve sweat together. We have certainly shivered together.

Though we excitedly await the new facility, there have certainly been delays. Even still, Highland, through it all, you have remained content and steadfast! I want to thank you, Highland. I am CONSTANTLY evaluating (usually with a critical mindset) how I am doing, serving as Pastor of Highland Community Church. But, today, as I write, I thank you for caring for me so well. Your faithfulness has articulated the very love of God unto me. I am strengthened by you, Highland.

I am blessed in each of you. Your compassion, your steadfastness, your gentleness, your patience offer me strength. Furthermore, thank you for your generosity and for tithing in such a devoted fashion. What’s more is that throughout these last four years, the Lord has seen fit to strengthen us as a church! Even as I have been praying this over us while I wrestle with my fears and insecurities, He has been accomplishing this request of mine in us all the while: “We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing” (2nd Thessalonians 1:3, ESV). My heart abounds in gratitude over His goodness toward us and over you!

Our Sermon-Study

Drawing From Daniel

Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God

Our church services (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning at 10am in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to attend. There is no climate control, so dress suitably for the weather conditions. Also, you may want to bring a camping chair, as we do not always have enough seats available.

Having the chance to study and preach through the Book of Daniel has become such a welcomed challenge for me. I can only hope you’re enjoying walking through this book as much as I am! We are nearing the end of Daniel. This Sunday, we will be in Chapter 10. Daniel encounters a spiritual-being whose presence was so overwhelming that his strength was drained from him and he fell at the sound of his words into a state of deep sleep.

Awakened in a loving manner by the angel, Gaberiel, Daniel recovers. But he’s weak. Gabriel restores his strength and tells Daniel that his prayers have been heard. Gabriel explains that he has shown up to come to Daniel’s aid in response to his intercession.

This Sunday, we look into the insight that Gabriel offers Daniel as to the spiritual-warfare that is constantly at hand. Join us this Sunday, as the curtain is pulled back on the reality of the spiritual-world. Even as spiritual-warfare was taking place in the days of Daniel, it continues even through our days. Join us as we take a closer look at spiritual warfare this Sunday.

I love you,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements

Our Weekly Update

Sign Installed this Wednesday.

Reflecting back & looking forward

Closing Psalm 15; Entering Daniel Chapter Nine

Good morning, Highland! Update’s a little later than usual this week. Took a little more time to write this one. Over the last two Sundays, we have had Carrie and Casey do such a wonderful job of leading us through Communal Prayer. This Psalm has been our “script” as we have started 2024. These attributes have highlighted fruits of a people who have yielded to the holy name the Almighty God! May these fruits abound in us, Highland. This Sunday, we bring this heart-study of Psalm 15 to a close – “He who does these things shall not be moved.” As we begin chapter nine of Daniel, we see a man who prays, entrusting the Lord in a way that makes him immovable! Though he’s uncertain about so many circumstances, his faithfulness to seek the Lord causes his heart to rest confidently in the Lord, in spite of any set of circumstances! How I love to see this immovabie heart the Lord’s Spirit has formed in Daniel, Highland! It’s his prayer life that is his source of strength.

Our Sermon-Study

Drawing From Daniel

Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God

Our church services (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning at 10am in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to attend. There is no climate control, so dress suitably for the weather conditions. Also, you may want to bring a camping chair, as we do not always have enough seats available.

We covered the eighth chapter of Daniel last Sunday. We covered the vision and the interpretation. Then, we took the time to draw from Daniel about how he responded to the overwhelming vision. He was grief-stricken! We then were able to pull these three points from the text for our application:

  1. Hope in the Lord is an Eternal Hope; Even Richer Than Hope For our Future

We all have hope that the future will get better. That’s good, right and healthy. We should! Yet, this vision Daniel receives from the Lord is riddled with the reality that the world is only going to get darker. Days ahead are continually plagued with evil, as we live.

Daniel’s hope, now, is not in knowing that one day things will get better. In a more profound way than ever before, Daniel’s only hope is in the holiness of God. Not, in the holiness of God and – ‘things get better’, ‘this will end’ — (fill in the blank). Instead, he has resigned to be found solely in being held up by the holiness of God, eternally. In short, it’s the presence of the Lord that even makes all the bad days better.

Daniel’s faithfulness results in a freedom from worry over what’s to come or a sense of desperation over getting to the next season. What we draw from Daniel is that the Spirit of God sets our hearts free to abide in the Lord, taking what comes in stride with His Spirit’s leading. The end-goal is Him. Being fully at rest, made whole, in His presence. In light of this, striving for “better” is seen as frivolous, in comparison to the daily and simple pursuit of the Lord, who is our all in all. The outcome is that we enjoy the fullness of His presence, come what may, because, in the end, we are His forevermore.

Daniel resonates now with David who writes in Psalm 16:

“Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”


2. Hope in the Lord is Beyond a Hope for Better Circumstances

(For us & For Daniel)

Furthermore, Daniel’s vision was from the Lord – so, how does Daniel pray for the circumstances in his life? How does he ask that the Lord to take it all the bad circumstances away and, yet, relate to the Creator of heaven and earth when the very vision Daniel’s received from heaven has haunted him? Daniels realizes that his life belongs to Him.

We draw from Daniel that, whatever comes, as long as He is with us, we are secure because He, alone, is good and is faithful. Moses resonates with this statement: And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” And Moses said to him, “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here” (Exodus 33:14-15). Hope is found in the presence of the Lord.


3. Daniel Experienced Anxiety & Grief

(But didn’t take up identity there)

Finally, as Daniel is so resolved in walking with the Lord, notice he speaks to his own anxiety and grief so transparently. Part of our Christian-culture today does not offer permission to experience grief and anxiety, as we walk with the Lord. It can be considered contradictory to being Christian. Daniel experiences it and writes about it, too. So, that notion is debunked here in God’s Word.

Now, notice that it’s the eruption of evil and depravity of mankind that has the wind knocked out of him. He also notes that he does not take up his identity in his anxiety, but that he remained still before the Lord, as he was sick, then kept on with his work. He entrusted the Lord to fortify his heart and mind, as he continued in his work – and the Lord proved faithful! He will do the same for us, Highland!

Daniel enjoyed the fruitfulness of being dedicated to the Lord and to his work, resting in the fact that he was secure in the love of His Lord through it all! Again, we break open chapter nine this week. We get to be in the room with Daniel, as he prays! What a treasure this portion of Scripture is to us! See you tomorrow, Highland.

I love you,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements

Our Weekly Update

Our Sermon-Study

Drawing From Daniel

Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God

Our church services (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning at 10am in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to attend. There is no climate control, so dress suitably for the weather conditions. Also, you may want to bring a camping chair, as we do not always have enough seats available. This Sunday, we will pick the ball back with our Daniel Series – Drawing From Daniel:Finding Hope in the Holiness of God. We will be in chapter eight.

Sunday’s Communal PRayer

Our Heart-Study

Psalm 15

For Communal Prayer, we continue through Psalm 15 this Sunday. Casey Strickland will be facilitating this week’s attribute: “Does not seek sordid gain.” Casey is a member of Highland and is really very familiar with our streets, as he grew up in North Highland. Casey is married to Crystal (who is so nice) and they have a son named Elijah. I am grateful that we all have the opportunity to gather and grow together, in Christ. Speaking of Elijah, shoutout to all who serve in our childcare ministry! Thank you for loving all of our littles ones in such a dedicated manner! It means a lot to me, to all of us.

missions Conference at st. andrews

This weekend, St. Andrews Presbyterian holds their Missions Conference. MercyMed, Truth Spring and Living Water will be participating. Please ask the Lord, Highland, to cultivate relationships that forge bonds in the name of Christ. Furthermore, it is their hope to come to Highland Community Church for Renew – their Summer Mission’s Emphasis. It should be exciting, as they will be able to use our new facility this summer.

building update

Speaking of the building, I talked with the Contractor, who said that we should plan on being ready to move in during the month of March. I know we have missed several earlier move-in dates. We may miss another – these plans remain in the hands of the Lord. Even still, we will use February as the time to prepare for the move. We will get a Town Hall Session scheduled and get a moving plan together. Make sure to read that Transition Plan. You can find it on our website.

I love you,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements

Our Weekly Update

Some of the Lynch Family During our Tent Gathering Season

Highland, how I rejoice over you! How I celebrate the Lord’s goodness in calling us together, that we might be light and salt throughout our streets. May the name of Jesus continue to be celebrated in our heart, as Highland Community Church, in one accord. May He move in all power in our midst, changing hearts, drawing us even deeper into His loving arms.

May the Holy Spirit wash throughout our streets, cleansing them with His righteousness, drawing sinners to repentance. Highland, let us ask for more His presence – that the conviction of the Holy Spirit might fill us to the point that we abound in fruitfulness.

To all who serve, thank you! Highland could NOT function without your dedication and your kindness. I wish you knew the depth of my gratitude for you. From those who pick up trash, to those who drive the van, to those who clean toilets – thank you! Please know your contribution does not go unnoticed.

Our Sermon-Study

Drawing From Daniel

Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God

Our church services (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning at 10am in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to attend. There is no climate control, so dress suitably for the weather conditions. Also, you may want to bring a camping chair, as we do not always have enough seats available.

This Sunday, we will be tackling the all-intriguing personal vision that Daniel receives from the Lord. We delve into chapter eight. This chapter reaches back and correlates with chapter five. Eight begins with the insight that Belshazzar, the Babylonian king we learn about in chapter five, will lose the throne. Under the reign of Cyrus, The Medes & The Persians will overtake his throne.

In the vision, we are transported with Daniel to a lesser known province of Babylon called Susa. This city will become the central stage of Cyrus’s empire, once He marches in with the Mede & Persian army, overtaking the Babylonians. Come, journey with us through this adventurous piece of Scripture!

Sunday’s Communal PRayer

Our Heart-Study

Psalm 15

We continue praying through Psalm 15 this Sunday. We will highlight and pray through the fifth one this Sunday: Swears to their own hurt. The gist here is that we maintain our word, even if it costs us. When we commit, let’s keep true to our word, even when it’s costly. More to come this Sunday on this, as we pray.

It’s important to not see these attributes as rules or standards, Highland. That’s not the nature of this list. These qualities are simply attributes — elements that are the result of a given nature. The nature of an apple tree will thereby produce apples — there’s no performance or striving from the apple tree in its production of apples — it’s just being an apple tree. When our hearts are submissive to the holy name of Jesus, then saturated by the Holy Spirit, our nature cannot help but to change, yielding Holy-Spirit-flavored fruits. Oh, how I long for us to yield these fruits as His people! In closing, I look forward to seeing you Sunday, Highland. Hope you’re having a great week.

I love you,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements

Our Weekly Update


I enjoyed being together so very much last Sunday. Seeing correlations in Psalm 15 being brought to life in Daniel has blessed me tremendously in my personal study. It is my hope you’ve found these connections meaningful as well.

Our Sermon-Study

Drawing From Daniel

Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God

This Sunday, we will see how Daniel maintains an immovable resolve, as his hope is yielded to the holiness of God to the utmost! Daniel becomes the victim of a political assault. His enemies are so vicious that their hatred of his prestige results in his death-sentence being issued. Daniel’s fearlessness, emboldened by the Lord, does not cower – even facing death! It would be helpful to read ahead, as we will be in the latter half of chapter six this Sunday.

Speaking of reading, please – open those Bibles and read them. Our hearts are calmed by the refreshing waters of God’s Word. As we continue to pray through Psalm 15, this would be a great place to mediate over God’s Word. Write the Psalm. Reflect on how the Lord has, perhaps, taught you through Psalm 15 lately. Another idea might be to write down these attributes and recall a time when you have seen them play out in your life.

Our Heart-Study

Psalm 15

Be prepared that we also will highlight and pray through: ‘Honors those who fear the Lord’, from Psalm 15. This Psalm lays out for us the fruits one who’s submitted to the name of Jesus, maintaining repentance. How might you have seen someone honor those who fear the Lord in your life? Has there been a specific moment in your life when you have done so? We have certainly seen Daniel do so, when he requested for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to serve alongside him when he was promoted to serve in the royal court throughout the Babylonian era (Daniel 2:49).

Know that I love you, Highland. I am looking forward to gathering once again this Sunday. Also, dress warmly. It will be cold. Finally, it’s also helpful to bring a camping chair, if you have one. We seem to be running a little short these days on chairs. This is a good problem! Stay warm. See you Sunday! — Rob

weekly announcements

Highland, here’s the latest. Also, here’s chances to get plugged in and serve throughout the week.

  • HW: Read Church Transition Plan

  • Fill out ‘Filling the Rooms’ on site.

  • Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

  • Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (from homes this week; it’s cold!)

  • Saturdays: Chicken & Rice, 10AM @ cafe *(cancelled this Saturday due to weather)

Our Weekly Update

Highland, 2010


As Sunday nears, I look forward to seeing you! It thrills me to know we get to gather, celebrating Jesus! He saves sinners! May we come, ready to rejoice over salvation being found in His Name!

As you know, we have been unpacking Psalm 15 over the last few Sundays. Last week, we walked through the first two verses, honing in on what it means to sojourn, to dwell within His holy presence. We then looked at one of the fruits David notes as evidence of sharing in His holy nature, that being: To not slander others. That sermon is available online, through our audio page. Altogether, there are seven “fruits” David mentions in Psalm 15.

As we open God’s Word together this Sunday, we will be merging these fruits found in Psalm 15 with our series through Daniel. I suggest to you that, as Daniel remained yielded to the Lord’s Holy Name, Daniel brought these fruits into being. As we return to Daniel, we will be in chapter six. In this saga, he was entrapped, back-stabbed, falsely accused and sentenced to death, yet, there was no slander found on his lips! His tongue was consumed with his prayer-life, Highland — blessing His holy God!! May THIS characterize us! May our lips be so saturated His praises, Highland, that slanderous-language finds no place to land upon them!

As far as the remaining attributes found in Psalm 15, we will pray through those together, through a weekly Communal Prayer. If you are looking over the list we’ve covered and feel compelled to speak briefly to how the Lord is teaching you through this Psalm and these truths, then please consider leading our church in a Communal Prayer. Get with me. We have completed the first two. We are on the third one listed this upcoming Sunday.

For your reference, here’s the list:

1. Does not slander others

2. Does no evil toward their neighbor.

*3. Does not take up reproach against his friend (*Reproach - address someone in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment).

4. Honors those who fear the Lord.

5. Maintains their word, even if it costs them.

6. Does not seek sordid gain.

7. Does not bear false witness, even for gain.

weekly announcements

Highland, here’s the latest. Also, here’s chances to get plugged in and serve throughout the week.

I love you, Highland.

See you Sunday,


Our Weekly Update


Happy New Year! Let us hold fast to the Lord’s faithfulness, Highland! As we continue to endure together these viscous attacks from satan, let us continue to fix our eyes upon Jesus! He offers us hope that results in victory. Highland, may we see the resiliency that is being produced within us, as we fortify our confidence in the Lord’s faithfulness unto us. For in His presence alone, our hearts find security and rest.

This Saturday, we will hold Beverly’s Memorial Service. It will be held at the Firehouse, at 2pm. All are invited and welcome to attend.

There will be no Chicken & Rice this Saturday. We will be taking time to pray through and discuss how to reconsider doing Chicken & Rice, as Alan is no longer with us. Seek the Lord with our team, Highland. We meet this Saturday, at 10am.

We will hold services this Sunday. Our Sunday will begin at 9am, with Coffee & Conversation, along with Robert’s Bible Study. We will then hold our 10am service. Childcare will be offered this Sunday for children 4 and under. Kids’ Sunday will not be resuming at this time. Once we get into the new facility, we will revisit how to minister to our children on Sundays.

This Sunday, we will continue to reflect on Psalm 15. Please make this Psalm part of your time in God’s Word, Highland. Here are the attributes this passage reflects, which we will cultivate through the prayer-life of our church:

  1. Does not slander others (*Slander - make false and damaging statements about someone).

2. Does no evil toward their neighbor.

3. Does not take up reproach against his friend (*Reproach - address someone in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment).

4. Honors those who fear the Lord.

5. Maintains their word, even if it costs them.

6. Does not seek sordid gain.

7. Does not bear false witness, even for gain.

Finally, Alan Lisenby’s Memorial Service will be held Wednesday, January 10th, at 4pm. It will be held in our red-brick sanctuary on fifth avenue. All are welcome to attend.

I look forward to seeing you, Highland!

I love you,
