I enjoyed being together so very much last Sunday. Seeing correlations in Psalm 15 being brought to life in Daniel has blessed me tremendously in my personal study. It is my hope you’ve found these connections meaningful as well.
Our Sermon-Study
Drawing From Daniel
Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God
This Sunday, we will see how Daniel maintains an immovable resolve, as his hope is yielded to the holiness of God to the utmost! Daniel becomes the victim of a political assault. His enemies are so vicious that their hatred of his prestige results in his death-sentence being issued. Daniel’s fearlessness, emboldened by the Lord, does not cower – even facing death! It would be helpful to read ahead, as we will be in the latter half of chapter six this Sunday.
Speaking of reading, please – open those Bibles and read them. Our hearts are calmed by the refreshing waters of God’s Word. As we continue to pray through Psalm 15, this would be a great place to mediate over God’s Word. Write the Psalm. Reflect on how the Lord has, perhaps, taught you through Psalm 15 lately. Another idea might be to write down these attributes and recall a time when you have seen them play out in your life.
Our Heart-Study
Psalm 15
Be prepared that we also will highlight and pray through: ‘Honors those who fear the Lord’, from Psalm 15. This Psalm lays out for us the fruits one who’s submitted to the name of Jesus, maintaining repentance. How might you have seen someone honor those who fear the Lord in your life? Has there been a specific moment in your life when you have done so? We have certainly seen Daniel do so, when he requested for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to serve alongside him when he was promoted to serve in the royal court throughout the Babylonian era (Daniel 2:49).
Know that I love you, Highland. I am looking forward to gathering once again this Sunday. Also, dress warmly. It will be cold. Finally, it’s also helpful to bring a camping chair, if you have one. We seem to be running a little short these days on chairs. This is a good problem! Stay warm. See you Sunday! — Rob
weekly announcements
Highland, here’s the latest. Also, here’s chances to get plugged in and serve throughout the week.
Fill out ‘Filling the Rooms’ on site.
Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM
Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM
Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (from homes this week; it’s cold!)
Saturdays: Chicken & Rice, 10AM @ cafe *(cancelled this Saturday due to weather)