At Truth Spring Academy’s Valentine’s Day Banquet
How I celebrate the opportunity to serve you! Pursuing the glory of Jesus and the good of our neighbor alongside you is what greatly shapes who I am as a man. Over the last 4 years, I have had to learn to trust the Lord in new and even deeper ways. By His love, the Lord continues to conquer fears in me, especially since we have been through so much transition.
Each time there’s been a change, I have often feared that the change would serve as a disruption, resulting in us being diminished. From closing due to the pandemic, to meeting outside for TWO AND HALF years! Then, only to move to the Firehouse, which I love, but has no climate control and leaves some things to be desired. We’ve sweat together. We have certainly shivered together.
Though we excitedly await the new facility, there have certainly been delays. Even still, Highland, through it all, you have remained content and steadfast! I want to thank you, Highland. I am CONSTANTLY evaluating (usually with a critical mindset) how I am doing, serving as Pastor of Highland Community Church. But, today, as I write, I thank you for caring for me so well. Your faithfulness has articulated the very love of God unto me. I am strengthened by you, Highland.
I am blessed in each of you. Your compassion, your steadfastness, your gentleness, your patience offer me strength. Furthermore, thank you for your generosity and for tithing in such a devoted fashion. What’s more is that throughout these last four years, the Lord has seen fit to strengthen us as a church! Even as I have been praying this over us while I wrestle with my fears and insecurities, He has been accomplishing this request of mine in us all the while: “We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing” (2nd Thessalonians 1:3, ESV). My heart abounds in gratitude over His goodness toward us and over you!
Our Sermon-Study
Drawing From Daniel
Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God
Our church services (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning at 10am in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to attend. There is no climate control, so dress suitably for the weather conditions. Also, you may want to bring a camping chair, as we do not always have enough seats available.
Having the chance to study and preach through the Book of Daniel has become such a welcomed challenge for me. I can only hope you’re enjoying walking through this book as much as I am! We are nearing the end of Daniel. This Sunday, we will be in Chapter 10. Daniel encounters a spiritual-being whose presence was so overwhelming that his strength was drained from him and he fell at the sound of his words into a state of deep sleep.
Awakened in a loving manner by the angel, Gaberiel, Daniel recovers. But he’s weak. Gabriel restores his strength and tells Daniel that his prayers have been heard. Gabriel explains that he has shown up to come to Daniel’s aid in response to his intercession.
This Sunday, we look into the insight that Gabriel offers Daniel as to the spiritual-warfare that is constantly at hand. Join us this Sunday, as the curtain is pulled back on the reality of the spiritual-world. Even as spiritual-warfare was taking place in the days of Daniel, it continues even through our days. Join us as we take a closer look at spiritual warfare this Sunday.
I love you,
(See weekly announcements below)
weekly announcements
Fill out ‘Filling the Rooms’ on site.
Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM
Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 9AM
Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM
Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM
Saturdays: Chicken & Rice, 10AM @ cafe