Happy New Year! Let us hold fast to the Lord’s faithfulness, Highland! As we continue to endure together these viscous attacks from satan, let us continue to fix our eyes upon Jesus! He offers us hope that results in victory. Highland, may we see the resiliency that is being produced within us, as we fortify our confidence in the Lord’s faithfulness unto us. For in His presence alone, our hearts find security and rest.
This Saturday, we will hold Beverly’s Memorial Service. It will be held at the Firehouse, at 2pm. All are invited and welcome to attend.
There will be no Chicken & Rice this Saturday. We will be taking time to pray through and discuss how to reconsider doing Chicken & Rice, as Alan is no longer with us. Seek the Lord with our team, Highland. We meet this Saturday, at 10am.
We will hold services this Sunday. Our Sunday will begin at 9am, with Coffee & Conversation, along with Robert’s Bible Study. We will then hold our 10am service. Childcare will be offered this Sunday for children 4 and under. Kids’ Sunday will not be resuming at this time. Once we get into the new facility, we will revisit how to minister to our children on Sundays.
This Sunday, we will continue to reflect on Psalm 15. Please make this Psalm part of your time in God’s Word, Highland. Here are the attributes this passage reflects, which we will cultivate through the prayer-life of our church:
Does not slander others (*Slander - make false and damaging statements about someone).
2. Does no evil toward their neighbor.
3. Does not take up reproach against his friend (*Reproach - address someone in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment).
4. Honors those who fear the Lord.
5. Maintains their word, even if it costs them.
6. Does not seek sordid gain.
7. Does not bear false witness, even for gain.
Finally, Alan Lisenby’s Memorial Service will be held Wednesday, January 10th, at 4pm. It will be held in our red-brick sanctuary on fifth avenue. All are welcome to attend.
I look forward to seeing you, Highland!
I love you,