Weekly Update

Do Not Worry — Because He Cares!

I hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather! Our family had a bustling week – including selling a car, buying a car, then returning a car! It was a lemon! Not 24 hours after purchasing it, the car began to sputter while we were in the middle of the road! We had a 5 day return-policy – we returned it (It’s Tuesday — typing this update from the dealership as I am returning)! Whew! The search for a new-to-us car now continues. In the meantime, we continue to have our trusty ol’ 4Runner. Nearly 300,000 miles and still going strong! How faithful the Lord’s provision remains, especially through the unexpected turns of our lives! Cast your cares upon Him, Highland – He cares for you.

***Update — We Got a car!***

A 2019 Toyota Highlander on sweet deal — yeah! He cares for us, Highland. We got it Thursday.

Gathering for the Gospel!

Celebrating Jesus!

Sunday Morning Schedule

  • 8am: Doors open

  • 8am–9:00: Coffee & Conversation in our Dining Facility

  • 9am-10am: Sunday School – runs through March 30th

  • 10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)

class locations

  • Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery

  • Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room

  • Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room

  • Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room

  • Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room

  • Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room

  • Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room

  • Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room

  • Red-brick Sanctuary: The Theology Program

  • Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)

our series through matthew

Last Sunday’s sermon is invaluable to me, personally. For many years, I have sought the Lord to fully understand repentance and how our relationship with a holy God actually intertwines. In studying for this series, especially last week, I have come away with a fresher and richer understanding of repentance. Becoming “poor in spirit” is the key ingredient. To listen, check out our audio page.

Casey, others, thank you for serving.

kingdom sports

Games are underway! Check out our game schedule and come when you’re able! Also, volunteering would be a tremendous help. Consider how you might be part of this incredible ministry.

Highland cafe’ & Haircuts

The Highland Cafe continues to open our doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ and a warm cup of coffee. Each weekday morning from 8:30-11:30 offers you the chance to come and serve our neighbors, in honor of our Lord. You can also enjoy a cup of coffee, too! Come, serve and be served, all, in the name of Christ Jesus. Furthermore, snacks and coffee essentials, like cream and sugar, would be most appreciated.

Furthermore, at the cafe’, on February 10th, from 9am to 11am, Brenda Steele is generously offering haircuts to those who are in need of one. Thank you, Brenda! This event is reserved for those who have a need but not the means to get a professional cut. Depending on the turnout this will be a recurring event.

Check Out These Pictures!


Check Out These Pictures! 〰️

Thursday, I got these pics from Lexi, Highland — unreal! How heavens the declare His majesty, while He also reminds us that He cares for us! Good shots, Lexi!

Mailing Address Update

Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904

See you Sunday.

I love you,
