Stephen & Derrick
sunday school sessions starts sunday
Our Sunday School Sessions start this Sunday. To those who’ve signed up to serve, thank you. To those who are attending, there will be folks in the foyer and in the dining facility telling you where your class will be held. Classes will run for 12 weeks (ending October 27th). This is a Pilot Program. So, we will see how these classes take off, then navigate future plans from that point.
What’s our goal? To go deeper. How are we working toward that goal? By staying together, serving together, studying together. In this season of pursuing to serve one another, let us earnestly love, seeking to build up one another. I realize the sacrifice we are all making to deepen our love for each other. I appreciate your willingness to commit to each other in this season. Join me as we pray, asking the Lord for fruitfulness in us.
Our First Agape Feast
communion august 18th
We will hold Communion followed by our Agape Feast on August 18th. Our gathering to hold the Lord’s Supper is to attune our hearts to the sacrifice Jesus has offered for us, then respond in abounding gratitude.
agape Feast (Film Crew will be present)
Following Communion, we will all gather for our Agape Feast. Let’s also be prepared to welcome guests. The documentary film crew that was with us this past Spring will be returning. Additionally, we will welcome others who are part of this Sundance Film – folks from MercyMed and from Micah’s Promise. We will all eat together, while the film crew captures our time of fellowship (filming will not take place during service or communion).
highland cafe update
Speaking of snack food, our Highland Cafe continues to see more and more visitors! Any support would be appreciated. From pastries, to bottled water, to K-cups. Even more importantly, it’s an outpost for ministry. As our cafe door is open wide with a welcome from Jesus Christ, leaders from our church are praying with those who come through! Christ is being proclaimed! Thanks to all who’ve stepped up and gotten involved.
*** Please note: The cafe will be closed on Saturdays until further notice. We will be open throughout the week, so please feel free to come and serve Monday-Friday. Updates will be posted on the cafe door and here, in our Weekly Update.
Weekly Announcements
The cafe will be closed on Saturdays until further notice.
I love you, Highland.
Let us press on to know Him and to make Him known,