Deadline Extended
Wow! What a record of faithfulness and fruitfulness that was shared, in honor of the name of Jesus last Sunday. Thank you, Mike, Hank, Stephen and Rosalyn. So many were moved by your transparency! Thank you for feeding us with the fruit of God’s Spirit that’s being bore in you! These testimonies result in our faith being strengthened and in our relationship with Christ being nourished. Please plan to write your testimony and get it to Kimberly, Justin or Rob. You can also email by clicking here. Make sure you include your full name, phone number, and whether you would prefer to personally share from the stage on a Sunday morning, or would rather someone else read your testimony for you.
Our Women’s 8 Week Bible Study continues – this Thursday evening, April 20th, at 6:30pm, in the sanctuary. This study draws our attention to 1st John in a deeper way. Feel free to attend, grabbing a tasty dessert, while taking a deeper dive into 1st John.
Shoutout to all who love our streets each and every week through Chicken and Rice Ministries. Hearty meals are prepared and offered to our neighbors by our neighbors, Saturdays at 10am. All volunteers are welcome!
There’s a hot breakfast sandwich waiting for you each Sunday mornings in the Firehouse, at 9am. Come grab one and a cup of coffee at Coffee & Conversation! We spend time together in worship and in the Word of God.
Robert Singleton continues to lead our men and to steadily offer our men the chance to walk according to God’s Word. He is in the education-building of our church site. All men are welcome to attend.
Our church service (Firehouse Gathering) will be held at 10am. This Sunday, we will hear more testimonies of how the Lord is at work in our lives, as His children. Being able to grow together means that we must share life together!
Last Sunday, though we only had two people scheduled for testimonies, 2 more asked. Of course, when a person’s willing to share with us how the Lord has rescued them from their sin and redeemed them, how unwise I would be to stand in their way! The Spirit of God works beyond my sermon-notes!
We will continue to hear testimonies this week from those that the Lord’s rescued! Given that the Lord allows us time, I will continue to unpack this passage in our new series entitled: “The Magnificent Move” which takes a practical look at our posture as we move into the next chapter of Highland’s life. This series is rooted in this text below:
“Now we who are strong have an obligation to bear the weaknesses of those without strength, and not to please ourselves. Each one of us must please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even the Messiah did not please Himself. On the contrary, as it is written, ‘The insults of those who insult You have fallen on Me.’ For whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that we may have hope through endurance and through the encouragement from the Scriptures. Now may the God who gives endurance and encouragement allow you to live in harmony with one another, according to the command of Christ Jesus, so that you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with a united mind and voice” (Romans 15:1-6).
I am excited to see this passage come to life in us, Highland.
Childcare Available, Ages 0-4
Childcare will be offered during our Firehouse Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.
Basketball Clinic, April 29th, 1pm @ Fox Elementary’s Gym
Family Matters
The Basketball Clinic is happening April 29th, at 1pm, there will be a basketball camp for 4th and 5th grade-age students in our community. There are only a select number of slots available. To secure your spot for your child, email Megan or Rob.
A strong and dedicated team of sponsors have gone above and beyond to pull this camp together; shoutout to each: MercyMed, Aludyne, Truth Spring & Highland Community Church. Thank you -- especially Billy Holbrook and Stephen Wright!
Highland, also, we need 4 mobile basketball goals assembled for the clinic. If you are able and willing to assist by helping assemble, make plans to be at the Firehouse this Saturday, 10:30am. This is when they’re being assembled. Shoutout to those who’ve already committed to help Stephen this Saturday!
Finally, we need van drivers for the actual day of the clinic. The vans would provide transportation to participants. If you are able and willing, please let me know, Highland. Thank you. Highland, let’s wrap around Stephen and Billy and show up then show out! Let’s make this camp an incredible experience for our children!
Grateful for each of you,