Our Weekly Update

Robert Singleton

spiritual warfare series


Robert Singleton’s sermon was such an invigorating charge to pray with confidence. May we be found entrusting the Lord, while we cherish God’s Word, as we navigate our lives. Robert, thank you for speaking into the life of Highland in a way that points us toward the life-giving Word of God. His sermon is available on our website; it can be found on our audio page.

This upcoming Sunday, I will be preaching. We will continue to work through our Spiritual Warfare Series. So far, we have uncovered Satan’s plan of attack against believers in Christ Jesus.

With the help of the Klaus family, we have heard about attacks on Christians that are in real-time and how victory is found in the authority of the name of Jesus. These victories result in our adulation of the name of Jesus. Additionally, however, there are also spiritual attacks that we must endure, which produces a resilience and a discipline in us, as we walk with Christ.

Robert directed us as to how to implement a faithfulness that helps us endure day to day. He highlighted the fact that, by way of obedience to God’s Word, the Holy Spirit is producing a confident trust within us, as we walk with our Lord in prayer.

As a reminder, here are our goals for this series:

  • To define Spiritual Warfare Biblically

  • To better understand the power and the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the repentant-sinner

  • To understand our enemy, the devil, creating Biblical tactics to stand firm against our enemy.

As we review our goals, it is evident that the Holy Spirit is highlighting these matters through the preaching of God’s Word. Now, let us continue to let these truths be accentuated in our hearts in our walk with the Lord. Highland, I charge you: endure with an irrepressible obedience to God’s Word. No matter how dark or scary circumstances become, may we be found walking in the light of His presence – it’s in His presence that we find our freedom, our refuge.

These ladies are praying for Highland!

Highland cafe update

Highland, we must acknowledge and celebrate those who are serving in the Highland Cafe’. We have such dedicated folks who desire to minister to those who travel our sidewalks. We now have leaders who are coming and fostering prayer and outreach, in the love of Christ Jesus! Our cafe, literally, touches our sidewalks — our byway (Luke 14:21)! Many stop in for coffee and water, encountering the mercy of our heavenly Father through ministry and prayer. Thanks to all who are serving in this front-line ministry! Let’s pray that sinners to come to repentance, knowing salvation in the name of Jesus! Also, volunteers are welcome to come and serve. Reach out to us for more info!

We’re at the Nashville Symphony Schermerhorn Symphony Center

A Little Family Getaway

Our family snuck away in the middle of the week to Nashville. We caught an unforgettable concert! We saw Ben Rector & Cody Fry. Two singer/songwriters our entire family enjoys. It was also the first time our kiddos have seen Nashville – a must-see for anyone who appreciates music and big cities. We are now back in Columbus and look forward to seeing everyone Sunday.

Renew ‘22

We Welcome St Andrews Presbyterian

July 6th— July 10th

Highland, we welcome St. Andrews Presbyterian to join us for Renew in July. Renew is missional outpouring of St. Andrews that is spearheaded by their youth, yet, incorporates their entire church. They will be with us July 6th-July 10th. They will be serving in various ways. They will do Community Work Projects. They will be part of our services on Sunday. They will facilitate: Kids Club for elementary students who attend both Highland and Truth Spring.

kids club for our children led by st andrews

Monday, July 8th — Wednesday, July 10th, from 4pm—7pm

Highland, Kids Club will take place Monday, July 8th - Wednesday, July 10th. Elementary-aged students from Highland and Truth Spring are invited to attend. Each event will run from 4pm-7pm. While there will not be a meal offered, there will be snacks for all children who attend. Events include games, music, academic review, Bible lessons and crafts. It all takes place at Highland.

An Overview of the Overall Schedule

Saturday, July 6th

  • 12:30 pm: Arrive @ Highland for lunch greetings (you’re welcome to come and meet them).

  • 2pm– 5pm: Begin Community Work Project(s) (CWP)

Sunday, July 7th

  • 8am: Arrive for worship practice and to attend Coffee & Conversation.

  • 9:30am: Students and Youth Pastor share testimonies during Coffee & Conversation.

10am: Students to assist in leading worship; Jeff Barkhouse preaching. Students are dismissed after service to go to lunch on their own.

Monday, July 8 – Wednesday, July 10

  • 9am: St Andrews arrives at Highland – we are to provide a morning speaker

  • 9:30am–12:30pm: CWP

  • 12:30pm: Lunch @ Highland – we are to provide a testimony

  • 3:30pm: Come back to HCC to set up for Kids Club

  • 4pm –7pm: Kids Club take place

What can you do?

  • Come by. Greet students. Thank the students.

  • Bring them donuts. Snacks of any kind are always welcome.

  • Join us for lunch. Consider sharing your testimony?

  • Help us get the word out to kiddos. Help get kids to and from.

  • If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Weekly Announcements

I love you, Highland.

See you Sunday,


Our Weekly Update

Troy, Tom & Robert (who preaches Sunday)


I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. We continue through our Spiritual Warfare Series. The sermons are being recorded and can be found on our audio page. Robert Singleton will be preaching this Sunday. He will take a practical look at how we respond, in Christ, to an enemy who desires to destroy us. Join us as we continue to journey along this series together.

I will be leading us in corporate worship this Sunday. Having the opportunity to worship with everyone is one of the crowning joys of my life. To gather in this place and It with praise for our Lord causes my heart to well up with gladness over the Lord’s everlasting love! Oh! So undeserving am I of His goodness – all the more reason to bow down in deep humility, celebrating the faithfulness and goodness of my Lord. To share in worship of His holy name with you, Highland, wow; such a gift to me! Along with the Psalmist, let our hearts and lips rejoice over His steadfast love:

“We have thought on your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple. As your name, O God, so your praise reaches to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is filled with righteousness” (Psalm 48:9-10).

May His praise reach to the ends of the earth through our endless worship of His righteous and awe-inspiring Name, Highland.

St. Andrews’ Renew, 2022

We Welcome St Andrews Presbyterian

July 6th— July 10th

Highland, we welcome St. Andrews Presbyterian to join us for Renew in July. Renew is missional outpouring of St. Andrews that is spearheaded by their youth, yet, incorporates their entire church. They will be with us July 6th-July 10th. They will be serving in various ways. They will do Community Work Projects. They will be part of our services on Sunday. They will facilitate: Kids Club for elementary students who attend both Highland and Truth Spring.

kids club for our children led by st andrews

Monday, July 8th — Wednesday, July 10th, from 4pm—7pm

Highland, Kids Club will take place Monday, July 8th - Wednesday, July 10th. Elementary-aged students from Highland and Truth Spring are invited to attend. Each event will run from 4pm-7pm. While there will not be a meal offered, there will be snacks for all children who attend. Events include games, music, academic review, Bible lessons and crafts. It all takes place at Highland.

An Overview of the Overall Schedule

Saturday, July 6th

  • 12:30 pm: Arrive @ Highland for lunch greetings (you’re welcome to come and meet them).

  • 2pm– 5pm: Begin Community Work Project(s) (CWP)

Sunday, July 7th

  • 8am: Arrive for worship practice and to attend Coffee & Conversation.

  • 9:30am: Students and Youth Pastor share testimonies during Coffee & Conversation.

10am: Students to assist in leading worship; Jeff Barkhouse preaching. Students are dismissed after service to go to lunch on their own.

Monday, July 8 – Wednesday, July 10

  • 9am: St Andrews arrives at Highland – we are to provide a morning speaker

  • 9:30am–12:30pm: CWP

  • 12:30pm: Lunch @ Highland – we are to provide a testimony

  • 3:30pm: Come back to HCC to set up for Kids Club

  • 4pm –7pm: Kids Club take place

What can you do?

  • Come by. Greet students. Thank the students.

  • Bring them donuts. Snacks of any kind are always welcome.

  • Join us for lunch. Consider sharing your testimony?

  • Help us get the word out to kiddos. Help get kids to and from.

  • If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

From Renew ‘22

In Closing

Again, looking forward to seeing you, Highland. In the meantime, rejoice in the day the Lord has given you. Let his praise be lifted higher than any circumstance, complaint or concern — for His love endures forever. Therefore, His love is our enduring strength. Draw even nearer to Him.

I love you, Highland,


Weekly Announcements

Our Weekly Update

Breakaway Falls


After such a restful family vacation, we are thrilled to be back with you this Sunday. Our family just got back from Orlando, enjoying some fun in the sun! We stay at a resort that’s teeming with amenities, allowing us to get outside and play all day without even having to get into a car.

We also snorkeled at Discovery Cove, which is an unforgettable experience! It’s a park that is a branch of the Sea World Park System. They allow you to experience marine life in an up close and personal way. I actually came face-to-face with a stingray this year! To say the least, I was caught off guard and screamed through my snorkel. Pretty sure the stingray was startled and screamed, too.

We also, thanks to my brother and his wife, got to enjoy Aquatica! It's a water park that belongs to Sea World. They boast of having the tallest waterslide in Orlando – Breakaway Falls! Scared as we were (yes, I am man enough to admit it), we all torpedoed down the eight-story-tall slide! Living to tell the tale was the talk of the trip.

Our family also really enjoys watching the College Baseball Playoffs and World Series during this trip. Each year, we gather around the TV and enjoy taking in some of the hottest baseball action one could ever watch! There’s tons of snack foods and sodas to go along with the action, too! This is a part of our trip that we all savor and enjoy – especially the junk food!

If you have not had the chance to listen to last week’s message, do so! Carol’s testimony, along with David’s message and Kimberly’s testimony is simply dynamic and real! They offer such a panoramic view of what Scripture says about spiritual warfare, yet also offer us a view from the step-by-step action through Kimberly’s testimony. What you will hear is how to employ Biblical strategy to spiritual warfare, yet, also, engage matters with Biblical tactics that help us on the battlefield. Carol, David, Kimberly – thank you! Y’all – check it out!

As I have been away, I am a little late getting out the update this week (computers and pools do not go together well). Even still, I just wanted to reach out to you, because I love you, Highland. Tomorrow is Father’s Day. We will tailor our Spiritual Warfare series to address the men in the room. I look forward to seeing you, Highland! You are so important to me, to my family – you are part of our family!

We love you.

Grateful for you,


Our Weekly Update

David preaches Sunday.


Our family will be out of town this upcoming week. We will be on vacation. My family will enjoy some fun in the sun, in Orlando! Even though we love our time away, please know that we will miss you! Highland, Carrie and I love you, dearly!

sunday’s plans

This Sunday, Billy will lead us in corporate worship and David will preach. He intends to speak into our series, as we are all grabbing hold of what God’s Word says about spiritual warfare.

So many do so much to make Highland possible. To those who make it happen each and every week, thank you! You know who you are! Please know that you are greatly appreciated and your kindness does not go unnoticed. Having the chance to be away and know that Highland’s in great hands all around is such a joy.

A Few Current Matters

A few current matters, we continue to need two van drivers. Please consider serving on this team, as we reach out to our city this way. Also, our Highland Cafe is open daily, 8:30-11:30. We need lovers of Jesus to come and impart the love of Christ to those who stop by for a coffee and a pastry. More specifically, Mike Hare has lost a family member. He will be traveling back to his home, which is Texas, over the weekend. Please remember him as you pray. Finally Keisha is home from the hospital. Let’s continue to keep an eye on her, as we pray for her and care for her.

Youth Groups Serving This Summer

We will be hosting two youth groups this summer. They will join at the start and the end of July. St. Andrews comes July 6th-10th and Berean from Atlanta will be here July 26th-28th. Berean will actually be staying inside our church-building during their stay. To those who’ve reached out wanting to be part of hosting them, thank you! I will get information related to their daily schedule and needs to you just as soon as it’s completed.

Let’s keep our new home clean. Sign up by clicking button below to do so. Thank you!

Please sign up to clean up

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Truth Spring Trade School Accepting Applications

If you’re interested in applying to be part of Truth Spring Trade School, please click the button below.

***weekly announcements***

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Highland Cafe, 8:30—11:30, Mon-Sat

Mondays at M2540, 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Highland, I love you.

Grateful for you,


Our Weekly Update

Our Spiritual warfare series

“Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.”

— Daniel 12:10

Highland, as we concluded our series through Daniel earlier this year, this passage continued to resonate within my prayer-life. Recognizing that, according to the angelic-being speaking to Daniel, that “those who are wise will understand”, our study of spiritual warfare would allow us to see and yield to the wisdom in God’s Word.

As our hearts are enlightened through this study, it is my hope that we will firm up our grip upon God’s Word, as it relates to spiritual warfare. Handling His Word like a sword, let us learn to disentangle ourselves from the talons of the evil-one. I am praying, too, that we learn to discern truth from the lies of the enemy, which we so often assign belief, thereby soiling our hearts.

The only way to cleanse and purify our hearts is through the wisdom of God’s Word. I am praying that we gain a richer understanding of how to, in the Holy Spirit, navigate through the valleys of wickedness, according to the light of His Word. Therefore, here are our goals for this Topical Series:

  • To define Spiritual Warfare Biblically

  • To better understand the power and the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the repentant-sinner

  • To understand our enemy, the devil, creating Biblical tactics to stand firm against our enemy.

This upcoming Sunday, we continue to understand how Scripture sheds light on spiritual warfare. We will take a look at how Jesus defines our enemy, then take the time to look at how we handle temptation as well. I look forward to seeing you. By the way, last week’s sermon is available through our audio page.

Jo Ellen’s Devotion

Coffee & Conversation sundays, 8:30am


Join us for a cup of coffee and some time together in our dining facility — 8:30am. We also enjoy breakfast sandwiches, too! Here’s the housekeeping plan (remember, devotion starts at 9:30am):

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.

Jubilee invites us to join her as she cleans (can’t find a more suitable picture).

Help Keep Our Home Clean

We do ask that you also help us clean up after service, too. To assist in the process, we have created a Signup Genius to help organize our efforts. Please sign up by clicking the link below.

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’ update

To those who are coming to minister, thank you! Please continue!

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee.

Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!

Reinforcing our van driving team

We are hoping to reinforce our van-driving team. Currently, our team’s incredible – wow, thank you, van drivers. It is our hope, though, to help divide and conquer. We are hoping to get enough drivers to create a morning team and an afternoon team of drivers. Please contact us if you are willing to help strengthen our van route.

Truth Spring Trade School Accepting Applications

If you’re interested in applying to be part of Truth Spring Trade School, please click the button below.

***weekly announcements***

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please sign up through our Signup Genius to help clean

Highland, I love you.

Grateful for you,


Happy Memorial Day

"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them." –Franklin D. Roosevelt

Land of the free because of the brave resonates with us all today, as we honor our fallen. Happy Memorial Day, Highland. We will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.

Our Weekly Update

Riding into summer


As we near the end of the school year, I hope that everyone is gearing up for an adventurous summer. Our family welcomes a little slower pace to life.

We will spend some time in Orlando with my family. My parents have a place down there chock full of amenities! Additionally, thanks to the generosity of my family, we will be able to attend Sea World while we’re down there, too!

We also will be in Tennessee a good bit. We will catch a concert in Nashville and fish the Hiwassee River in Reliance, too! I hope to spend as much time traversing Standing Boy Trails which is just a stone’s throw from our home. What a gift that place is to Columbus!

Wanna Grab Coffee?

Please know, though, that if you’d like to grab coffee over the summer, reach out to me. I would welcome the chance to meet you at Highland and sip a cup of coffee over conversation with you.

Help Us Host Youth Groups?

Finally, we will host two youth groups this Summer. They will be here doing missions work. We could use your help as we host them. Both groups will be here in July. If you’re interested, please let me or Megan know, thanks!

Communion — Repentance & Rejoicing

Recap of last week’s Sermon

As we held Communion last Sunday, we examined our own hearts in repentance, while rejoicing over God’s forgiving-heart. Being heartbroken over our own sinfulness always results in jubilant celebration over His mercy and forgiveness, Highland. Yielding to the Lord does not result in us having a better life or becoming better versions of ourselves, it results in us being made new, according to His holy nature. As Chambers tells us, only the Lord can accomplish this eternal and wondrous work in our hearts. See his statement below:

“Repentance means not only sorrow and distress for the wrong we’ve done, but the acceptance and the atonement of Jesus, which will make me what I have never been – holy.” — Oswald Chambers

In the slide above, you see how Paul lays out this understanding of repentance in his instruction to Titus. May we continue to foster, Highland, fruits consistent with repentance, leading us to raise our hands to the Lord in adoration and surrender of His Name. For He is our salvation. He is our strong tower.

Our battle tactic: “Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:12-14).

sunday morning Series for the Summer

Starting this Sunday, we will begin our new Sermon Series. I do not actually have a title for the series, but the topical-series will be centered on spiritual warfare. Years ago, I read a book by Warren Wiersbe (another author that has had a tremendous impact on my life) called “The Strategy of Satan.” While he is most known for his commentaries, this book is his more personal study on spiritual warfare. Though we rarely do a series closely connected to a book, this book will serve us well, Highland. Services begin at 10am.

Our First Agape Feast

what a joyous occasion

To those who helped make Sunday’s Agape Feast such a life-giving experience for our Highland family, thank you! Willow Point, you went above and beyond, wow – thank you! I am already looking forward to our next one; we will hold Communion and our Agape Feast once a quarter.

Sherri & Tina

Coffee & Conversation sundays, 8:30am


Join us for a cup of coffee and some time together in our dining facility — 8:30am. We also enjoy breakfast sandwiches, too! Here’s the housekeeping plan (remember, devotion starts at 9:30am):

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.

Jubilee invites us to join her as she cleans (can’t find a more suitable picture).

Help Keep Our Home Clean

We do ask that you also help us clean up after service, too. To assist in the process, we have created a Signup Genius to help organize our efforts. Please sign up by clicking the link below.

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’ update

***We need people to come and pray with our visitors. To open wide our doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ. While Carol is faithful to facilitate, we need those who will offer others the love of Jesus, by ministering to those who visit our cafe’.

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee.

Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!

Reinforcing our van driving team

We are hoping to reinforce our van-driving team. Currently, our team’s incredible – wow, thank you, van drivers. It is our hope, though, to help divide and conquer. We are hoping to get enough drivers to create a morning team and an afternoon team of drivers. Please contact us if you are willing to help strengthen our van route.

Truth Spring Trade School Accepting Applications

If you’re interested in applying to be part of Truth Spring Trade School, please click the button below.

***weekly announcements***

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please sign up through our Signup Genius to help clean

Highland, I love you.

Grateful for you,


Our Weekly Update

communion & Agape Feast this sunday


This Sunday, we observe the Lord’s Supper. Our 10am service will center around examining our hearts in a spirit of repentance, while rejoicing over what Jesus has done for us, exalting His name, as Redeemer!

As we complete our service, we will then transition into our Agape Feast. As presented last Sunday, this meal is one in which we want the entire church to take part. The invitation serves to deepen our love for one another, resulting in strengthening the fibers of our Highland-Family. This recap of the meaning of the word, Agape, I hope refreshes our hearts and minds:

Meaning of Agape

  • This is the most common word used for love in the New Testament.

  • It is a love not motivated by feeling but rather by choice.

  • It is unconditional in nature (to include those who would be considered despised, unlovely, excluded or an enemy).

  • In the plural form it means “Feasts of Love”, a public banquet started by the early church and connected with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper/communion. They were intended to be an exhibition of the unconditional love that is required and exists within the Christian faith.

Make plans to join us, please!

On a practical note, once Communion concludes, please ensure that you pick up your child(ren) from the nursery so that families can eat together during our Agape Feast. Also, we will allow those who ride our van to be served first, so that riders can eat, then the van route can start immediately after our riders finish their meal.

Thanks, Willow Point!

This Agape Feast meal will be provided by Willow Point Dental Office and how thrilled I am that they are willing to serve us. To all at Willow Point who are taking part in providing this Agape Feast, thank you! We are incredibly grateful to each of you.

Rob & Arrice Foster

Coffee & Conversation sundays, 8:30am


Join us for a cup of coffee and some time together in our dining facility — 8:30am. We also enjoy breakfast sandwiches, too! Here’s the housekeeping plan (remember, devotion starts at 9:30am):

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.

Jubilee invites us to join her as she cleans.

Help Keep Our Home Clean

We do ask that you also help us clean up after service, too. To assist in the process, we have created a Signup Genius to help organize our efforts. Please sign up by clicking the link below.

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’ update

***We need people to come and pray with our visitors. To open wide our doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ. While Carol is faithful to facilitate, we need those who will offer others the love of Jesus, by ministering to those who visit our cafe’.

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee.

Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!

an invitation from jude

Jude has asked me to announce to everyone that Truth Spring Academy’s Award Ceremonies will be Monday and Tuesday of next week. Jude’s will take place Tuesday morning, at 8:30am. You are welcome to attend. Click here for more info.

Reinforcing our van driving team

We are hoping to reinforce our van-driving team. Currently, our team’s incredible – wow, thank you, van drivers. It is our hope, though, to help divide and conquer. We are hoping to get enough drivers to create a morning team and an afternoon team of drivers. Please contact us if you are willing to help strengthen our van route.

Truth Spring Trade School Accepting Applications

If you’re interested in applying to be part of Truth Spring Trade School, please click the button below.

***weekly announcements***

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please sign up through our Signup Genius to help clean

Highland, I love you.

Grateful for you,


Our Weekly Update

We acknowledge & Celebrate our Mothers

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”

— Ephesians 6:1-3

This Sunday, we honor and express our mothers. The Lord promises that those who honor their parents will experience His blessing! Highland, let us foster a culture that celebrates our parents, in this case, mothers. Mamas, know that you are valued beyond measure.

Last Sunday’s Sermon

David’s sermon was one that I savored all week! Getting a clearer picture of what authority versus power looks like was eye opening for me. We now are able to record and post our sermons, thanks to a little help from our friends. In the meantime, check out David’s sermon. It’s an excellent meal for our souls. If you’re reading the blog on our site, click the link. If you are reading our email, see the original post.

Coffee & Conversation sundays, 8:30am


Thanks to all who made Sunday so easy, as we were thrown a curveball. Construction plans kicked us to the sidewalk! Thanks, Highland, for being so gracious and wonderful. We are are back in our facility this Sunday with sound panels and they make a tremendous difference!

Join us for a cup of coffee and some time together in our dining facility — 8:30am. We also enjoy breakfast sandwiches, too! Here’s the housekeeping plan (remember, devotion starts at 9:30am):

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.

Congratulations to Eddie who’s graduating high school!


This Sunday, we will highlight our plans for Lord’s Supper as we move forward. Though we will hold Communion May 19th, we will do a little prep work for our hearts this Sunday. In addition to that, we will honor mothers by way of a Mother’s Day devotion.

Finally, we will do a little housekeeping. We need to discuss our needs for at least two more van drivers. It is our goal to get a person to drive in the morning and a person to drive in the afternoon, lightening the load for everyone. Let’s work together so that we can care for those who need us most, Highland.

Help Keep Our Home Clean

We do ask that you also help us clean up after service, too. To assist in the process, we have created a Signup Genius to help organize our efforts. Please sign up by clicking the link below.

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!

Thanks, Shelby Brothers!

ways you can help right now

First, shoutout to Jesse and Hank for getting one of our pickle ball nets assembled! Let the games begin!

We have had four families reaching out to us asking for help with living room furniture. If you are willing and able to help, please contact the church at (706) 249-9424.

We are hoping to reinforce our van-driving team. Currently, our team’s incredible – wow, thank you, van drivers. It is our hope, though, to help divide and conquer. We are hoping to get enough drivers to create a morning team and an afternoon team of drivers. Please contact us if you are willing to help strengthen our van route.

***weekly announcements***

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please sign up through our Signup Genius to help clean

Highland, I love you.

Grateful for you,


Our Weekly Update

Congratulations to the Lampe Family!

Ben and Cathy tied the knot last weekend! We celebrate with you both. May the Lord’s favor rest upon your marriage.

We Celebrate Life in Christ with Brenda

We celebrate victory in Christ with Brenda Steele, who was baptized last Sunday. Highland, let us rally around her, in love and prayer. Brenda, walk in the newness of life, found in Christ, alone.

Coffee & Conversation sundays, 8:30am


Join us for a cup of coffee and some time together in our dining facility — 8:30am. We also enjoy breakfast sandwiches, too! Here’s the housekeeping plan (remember, devotion starts at 9:30am):

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.

David (who’s preaching Sunday), Kimberly, Casey & Mike at Ben and Cathy’s Wedding!

Highland-Tribe, represent!


David Klaus will preach this Sunday. He will taking us through a culmination of the Lord’s work currently amongst us. As David is one of the most gifted teachers amongst us, I know we all will be strengthened through his preaching. David, thanks for pouring into us!

Help Keep Our Home Clean

We do ask that you also help us clean up after service, too. To assist in the process, we have created a Signup Genius to help organize our efforts. Please sign up by clicking the link below.

TSA Students at Camp Jekyll

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!

ways you can help right now

We have had four families reaching out to us asking for help with living room furniture. If you are willing and able to help, please contact the church at (706) 249-9424.

We are hoping to reinforce our van-driving team. Currently, our team’s incredible – wow, thank you, van drivers. It is our hope, though, to help divide and conquer. We are hoping to get enough drivers to create a morning team and an afternoon team of drivers. Please contact us if you are willing to help strengthen our van route.

Finally, our Pickle Ball nets are here. We need to have them assembled. Please contact us if you’re willing to do so. Thank you!

***weekly announcements***

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM (in our new building)

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please help stack chairs after service, if you’re able and willing.

Please help clean our kitchen and dining facility after service.

Please help tidy our restrooms after service.

I hope to see you at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Highland.

If not, I will see you Sunday.

Grateful for you,
