Robert Singleton
spiritual warfare series
Robert Singleton’s sermon was such an invigorating charge to pray with confidence. May we be found entrusting the Lord, while we cherish God’s Word, as we navigate our lives. Robert, thank you for speaking into the life of Highland in a way that points us toward the life-giving Word of God. His sermon is available on our website; it can be found on our audio page.
This upcoming Sunday, I will be preaching. We will continue to work through our Spiritual Warfare Series. So far, we have uncovered Satan’s plan of attack against believers in Christ Jesus.
With the help of the Klaus family, we have heard about attacks on Christians that are in real-time and how victory is found in the authority of the name of Jesus. These victories result in our adulation of the name of Jesus. Additionally, however, there are also spiritual attacks that we must endure, which produces a resilience and a discipline in us, as we walk with Christ.
Robert directed us as to how to implement a faithfulness that helps us endure day to day. He highlighted the fact that, by way of obedience to God’s Word, the Holy Spirit is producing a confident trust within us, as we walk with our Lord in prayer.
As a reminder, here are our goals for this series:
To define Spiritual Warfare Biblically
To better understand the power and the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the repentant-sinner
To understand our enemy, the devil, creating Biblical tactics to stand firm against our enemy.
As we review our goals, it is evident that the Holy Spirit is highlighting these matters through the preaching of God’s Word. Now, let us continue to let these truths be accentuated in our hearts in our walk with the Lord. Highland, I charge you: endure with an irrepressible obedience to God’s Word. No matter how dark or scary circumstances become, may we be found walking in the light of His presence – it’s in His presence that we find our freedom, our refuge.
These ladies are praying for Highland!
Highland cafe update
Highland, we must acknowledge and celebrate those who are serving in the Highland Cafe’. We have such dedicated folks who desire to minister to those who travel our sidewalks. We now have leaders who are coming and fostering prayer and outreach, in the love of Christ Jesus! Our cafe, literally, touches our sidewalks — our byway (Luke 14:21)! Many stop in for coffee and water, encountering the mercy of our heavenly Father through ministry and prayer. Thanks to all who are serving in this front-line ministry! Let’s pray that sinners to come to repentance, knowing salvation in the name of Jesus! Also, volunteers are welcome to come and serve. Reach out to us for more info!
We’re at the Nashville Symphony Schermerhorn Symphony Center
A Little Family Getaway
Our family snuck away in the middle of the week to Nashville. We caught an unforgettable concert! We saw Ben Rector & Cody Fry. Two singer/songwriters our entire family enjoys. It was also the first time our kiddos have seen Nashville – a must-see for anyone who appreciates music and big cities. We are now back in Columbus and look forward to seeing everyone Sunday.
Renew ‘22
We Welcome St Andrews Presbyterian
July 6th— July 10th
Highland, we welcome St. Andrews Presbyterian to join us for Renew in July. Renew is missional outpouring of St. Andrews that is spearheaded by their youth, yet, incorporates their entire church. They will be with us July 6th-July 10th. They will be serving in various ways. They will do Community Work Projects. They will be part of our services on Sunday. They will facilitate: Kids Club for elementary students who attend both Highland and Truth Spring.
kids club for our children led by st andrews
Monday, July 8th — Wednesday, July 10th, from 4pm—7pm
Highland, Kids Club will take place Monday, July 8th - Wednesday, July 10th. Elementary-aged students from Highland and Truth Spring are invited to attend. Each event will run from 4pm-7pm. While there will not be a meal offered, there will be snacks for all children who attend. Events include games, music, academic review, Bible lessons and crafts. It all takes place at Highland.
An Overview of the Overall Schedule
Saturday, July 6th
12:30 pm: Arrive @ Highland for lunch greetings (you’re welcome to come and meet them).
2pm– 5pm: Begin Community Work Project(s) (CWP)
Sunday, July 7th
8am: Arrive for worship practice and to attend Coffee & Conversation.
9:30am: Students and Youth Pastor share testimonies during Coffee & Conversation.
10am: Students to assist in leading worship; Jeff Barkhouse preaching. Students are dismissed after service to go to lunch on their own.
Monday, July 8 – Wednesday, July 10
9am: St Andrews arrives at Highland – we are to provide a morning speaker
9:30am–12:30pm: CWP
12:30pm: Lunch @ Highland – we are to provide a testimony
3:30pm: Come back to HCC to set up for Kids Club
4pm –7pm: Kids Club take place
What can you do?
Come by. Greet students. Thank the students.
Bring them donuts. Snacks of any kind are always welcome.
Join us for lunch. Consider sharing your testimony?
Help us get the word out to kiddos. Help get kids to and from.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us.
Weekly Announcements
I love you, Highland.
See you Sunday,