The Blessing of Stewardship


An Excerpt from our Series

The word stewardship means: to handle with careful integrity that which belongs to someone else but has been entrusted to us. All the works and resources that are entrusted to us serve to promote the glory and the renown of Jesus, who, alone, is the source of our salvation. Understanding this role makes our work (our stewardship) a blessing.

Plans for September 3rd & 4th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.



Tent Gathering, 10am, this Sunday.


Four Strands of Stewardship

“And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food” (Genesis 2:8); “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15).

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am. Bring your camping chairs or blankets to make for yourself a place outside, underneath our tent. We will gather to worship as we set our eyes upon Jesus. Highland, I ask that we would be in prayer for the name of Jesus to be exalted in our corporate gathering; that those who wander, or are deceived throughout our streets, would hear that Jesus saves, and repent! We will conclude and dismiss following this service. So, breakfast will be offered but not lunch.

    • If the weather interferes with this plan, then we will hold Coffee & Conversation at 9am underneath the pavilion and we will move our service into our sanctuary at 10am. If the service is indoors due to the weather, it will be condensed so that we can conclude in an hour’s time.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


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Plans for August 27th & 28th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Tent Gathering, 10am, this Sunday. We continue through 2nd Thessalonians this Sunday.

May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.
— 2nd Thessalonians 3:5 (Series' Theme Verse)

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am. Bring your camping chairs or blankets to make for yourself a place outside, underneath our tent. We will gather to worship as we set our eyes upon Jesus. Highland, I ask that we would be in prayer for the name of Jesus to be exalted in our corporate gathering; that those who wander, or are deceived throughout our streets, would hear that Jesus saves, and repent! We will conclude and dismiss following this service. So, breakfast will be offered but not lunch.

    • If the weather interferes with this plan, then we will hold Coffee & Conversation at 9am underneath the pavilion and we will move our service into our sanctuary at 10am. If the service is indoors due to the weather, it will be condensed so that we can conclude in an hour’s time.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.
As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. If anyone does not obey what we say in this letter, take note of that person, and have nothing to do with him, that he may be ashamed. Do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
— 2nd Thessalonians 3:10-15


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Creating a Culture of Work

Truth Spring Trade School’s Enrollment, 2022

“Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep away from every brother who walks irresponsibly and not according to the tradition received from us. For you yourselves know how you must imitate us: We were not irresponsible among you; we did not eat anyone’s food free of charge; instead, we labored and struggled, working night and day, so that we would not be a burden to any of you. It is not that we don’t have the right to support, but we did it to make ourselves an example to you so that you would imitate us. In fact, when we were with you, this is what we commanded you: “If anyone isn’t willing to work, he should not eat.” For we hear that there are some among you who walk irresponsibly, not working at all, but interfering with the work of others. Now we command and exhort such people by the Lord Jesus Christ that quietly working, they may eat their own food. Brothers, do not grow weary in doing good” (2nd Thessalonians 3:6-13, ESV).


As we take this final lap in our Second Thessalonians Series, our emphasis is on the value of work. As those in Thessalonica were wanting to evade work as they believed the world would soon come to an end, Paul responds by placing a high value on work. He then charged them to get back to work!

I want to thank Robert Singleton and Casey Lynch for taking part in our Tent Gathering last Sunday, speaking to what’s valuable about work. This Sunday, Megan Holbrook and Tom Findley will speak during our service as to the importance of work.

One of the many ways that we highlight the importance of work within the culture of our church is through Truth Spring Trade School. Those enrolled have the chance to learn a trade and to be part of a tremendous amount of Biblically-rich classes.

I rejoice over the Lord’s faithfulness to afford us the chance to create an opportunity for those who live in our community to learn how to do a trade, while having God’s Word poured into them! We are so blessed by our Lord, Highland. May His name be lifted up as we continue to have the chance to serve Him, as His people, for His glory.



'But the Lord is Faithful.'


Excerpt from our 2nd Thessalonians Series

“Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you, and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men. For not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are doing and will do the things that we command. May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ”
— 2nd Thessalonians 3:1-5


As we struggle emotionally, socially, we must train our hearts to draw nearer to the Lord, as a warrior would a shield. The function of the shield is foreign to us because they’re not common among us in use anymore.

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.
— Ephesians 6:16

First, a shield on the front bears the crest or name of whom we belong to. Those who lift their shield are usually running into battle and that name or insignia goes before them - just as the Lord goes before us - receiving glory as our Lord and Victor.

Second, as the attack against us strengthens, those who are using the shields do best to draw even nearer to the shield remaining calm, yet alert, in the presence of the shield. In our anxiety, we often want to stop, take down the shield and yell at the attacker – resulting in us taking the blows. But as you hide yourself in Him, as a warrior hides himself in their shield, you will encounter victory in His Name!

Let’s take up our shields, Highland.

I love you,


Service Plans


Chicken & Rice is taking place today. To all who will come and serve in the name of Christ, thank you!

As we consider the weather for tomorrow, we are making tentative plans to hold Coffee & Conversation at 9am and our Tent Gathering at 10am. If the weather interferes with this plan, then we will hold Coffee & Conversation at 9am underneath the pavilion and we will move our service into our sanctuary at 10am. If the service is indoors due to the weather, it will be condensed so that we can conclude in an hour’s time.

Also, as I mentioned last Sunday, we went before the City’s Planning Commission this last Wednesday to begin the rezoning hearings. The Commission unanimously approved the rezoning. There will be 2 more public readings - those dates are September 13th and then, finally, September 27th. The Lord continues to go before us, Highland, allowing His plans to unfold before us. That is all I want, Highland - His plans to be revealed so His glory can be put on display in us.

I love you,


Plans for August 13th & 14th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Tent Gathering, 10am, this Sunday. We continue through 2nd Thessalonians this Sunday.

Our text: “But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.

To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:13-17, ESV).

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am. Bring your camping chairs or blankets to make for yourself a place outside, underneath our tent. We will gather to worship as we set our eyes upon Jesus. Highland, I ask that we would be in prayer for the name of Jesus to be exalted in our corporate gathering; that those who wander, or are deceived throughout our streets, would hear that Jesus saves, and repent! We will conclude and dismiss following this service. So, breakfast will be offered but not lunch.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


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Plans for August 6th & 7th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Sunday’s Plans

  • 9am: Coffee & Conversation

    As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am: Service in Our Sanctuary

    Each first Sunday of the month for children ages 5 and up, we hold Kids Sunday. As you arrive for our 10am Service with children 5 and up, please take them to the playground so that they can receive a name-tag and be assigned to their group. During the service, children will either be in the classrooms off the deck for a Bible lesson or a craft, or outside for a game. Furthermore, if you’re interested in helping with Kids Sundays, please talk to Julie Jordan, Katie Sturgeon or Carol Wright. On these first Sundays, while COVID concerns are low, we will hold our 10am Service in our Sanctuary. As soon as service concludes, please make arrangements to pick up your children from the playground.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4

    Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


All, as TSA students return Monday, August 8th, please help us stack chairs in the sanctuary following our service.

Thank you!

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Plans for July 30th & 31st

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ. We hold Pat Simpson’s Memorial Service this Sunday.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Our Tent Gathering will be held at 10am. We hold Pat Simpson’s Memorial Service this Sunday. There will be an opportunity for those who attend to make remarks about their relationship with Pat. Please be prepared to reflect upon her life and rejoice over the goodness and grace of our Lord.

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am. Bring your camping chairs or blankets to make for yourself a place outside, underneath our tent. We will gather to worship as we set our eyes upon Jesus. Highland, I ask that we would be in prayer for the name of Jesus to be exalted in our corporate gathering; that those who wander, or are deceived throughout our streets, would hear that Jesus saves, and repent! We will conclude and dismiss following this service. So, breakfast will be offered but not lunch.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


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