Plans for July 23rd & 24th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Tent Gathering, 10am, this Sunday. We continue through 2nd Thessalonians this Sunday.

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am. Bring your camping chairs or blankets to make for yourself a place outside, underneath our tent. We will gather to worship as we set our eyes upon Jesus. Highland, I ask that we would be in prayer for the name of Jesus to be exalted in our corporate gathering; that those who wander, or are deceived throughout our streets, would hear that Jesus saves, and repent! We will conclude and dismiss following this service. So, breakfast will be offered but not lunch.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


Click the button above to learn about upcoming events.

Recap of Sunday's Sermon

Highland, Satan has been raging against us lately. With us being on the front-lines and being in a position of seeing such great advancement for His Kingdom and Name in this next chapter, we must attune our hearts to remaining steadfast and stewarding well the power and the name of Jesus!

I want to us to firm our grip on God’s Word and maintain our posture as a people of prayer and press on! Let us hold fast to His goodness, His faithfulness and His purposes throughout this season of suffering! May we only continue to increase in our fruitfulness even as the persecution remains immense — especially as the persecution persists! He will see us through, Highland!

Sunday’s Sermon was unable to be recorded and posted, so I am writing a recap for us so that we can continue to cultivate our understanding of 2nd Thessalonians.

We started by getting a grip on the tone of this letter. Imagine that Paul has received an alarming email from those who make up the leadership of the Thessalonian Church. Their, perhaps, fretful email would consist of two concerns:

  1. The church is experiencing suffering from surrounding people-groups.

  2. There is confusion about the second-coming.

This letter is Paul’s response to their concerns. In summation, his initial response in chapter one is two-fold:

  1. He opens their eyes to see the work that Christ is doing in them, both personally and collectively.

  2. He points them toward the holy-nature of God as Lord and Judge, drawing them away from the pressing issues.

Let’s start looking at the text:

“We must always thank God for you, brothers. This is right, since your faith is flourishing and the love each one of you has for one another is increasing. Therefore, we ourselves boast about you among God’s churches — about your endurance and faith in all the persecutions and afflictions you endure. It is a clear evidence of God’s righteous judgment that you will be counted worthy of God’s kingdom, for which you also are suffering, since it is righteous for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you and to reward with rest you who are afflicted, along with us.”
— 2nd Thessalonians 1:3-7a

Along the lines of the first point, Paul’s explaining to them: “You who belong to Christ Jesus; you belong to the family of God.” Then he tells them that their faith and their love for one another is producing an evidence of Christ’s righteousness among them, resulting in God finding them worthy of His Kingdom.

Diving into the second point a little deeper, we tend to want to dismiss God as Judge, but He certainly is the One who sits on the throne. Though we often think of judgment as negative or condemning, remember that a judge can render a righteous judgment, too. He therefore also sets free. Not only does He have the capability to set free, but it is His desire to do so. God’s Word tells us that He is just, yet merciful - meaning that, though He sits on the bench, He celebrates the opportunity to impart mercy.

Jesus speaks to His role and heart as Judge in John 5. See below:

“The Father, in fact, judges no one but has given all judgment to the Son, so that all people will honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Anyone who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. I assure you: Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.”
— John 5:22-24

Paul then echoes this in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10…

This will take place at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with His powerful angels, taking vengeance with flaming fire on those who don’t know God and on those who don’t obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction from the Lord’s presence and from His glorious strength; in that day when He comes to be glorified by His saints and to be admired by all those who have believed, because our testimony among you was believed.
— 2nd Thessalonians 1:7-10

During this new covenant-age, those who reject the gospel of Christ Jesus render judgment upon themselves. Christ Himself will be revealed and render judgment on those who remain unrepentant. Therefore, Paul directs those who are part of the church of Thessalonica to leave vengeance in the hands of the Lord - rather, he tells them to continue to produce the healthy, gospel-flavored evidence of their salvation. Those who taste of the Lord’s testimony that come to believe that Jesus is Lord benefit from the goodness of God in the worst of times! Paul then directs them back to ‘stewardship and steadfastness.’

And in view of this, we always pray for you that our God will consider you worthy of His calling, and will, by His power, fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified by you, and you by Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
— 2nd Thessalonians 1:11-12

Considering the future-hope we have in Christ, continue to produce, Highland, a steady faithfulness that is abounding in gospel-flavored fruit. In so doing, like these believers, Highland, no matter what persecution we are facing - we will continue to be good stewards of His calling; of His Name. Let our good be found in His glory, Highland!

I love you, Highland.



Plans for July 16th & 17th

Weekend Schedule

Pat, you will be missed.

Her Memorial Service will be held at Highland on Sunday, July 31st, at 10am. It will be part of our Tent Gathering.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Tent Gathering, 10am, this Sunday. We continue through our 2nd Thessalonians Series this Sunday.

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering Sundays, 10am. Here are the upcoming events:

    Sunday, July 17th & 24th

    We will through our 2nd Thessalonians Series: Stewardship and Steadfastness

    Sunday, July 31st, 10am

    Part of our Tent Gathering will include holding a Memorial Service for Pat Simpson. All are welcome to attend to reflect upon her life and rejoice over her life in Christ! Click here to read her bio.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


Click the button above to learn about upcoming events.

Plans for July 9th & 10th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Jump Start Day Camp Starts This Sunday!

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation: As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am:  Highland, let me offer you a current run-down of our Summer Preaching Schedule:

    Sunday, July 10th

    We will have St Andrews’ Youth Group with us. Grant Gilliam, their Youth Pastor will be preaching as they join us for our service. Following our service, we will kick-off with a cookout that all are invited to join. Kids will have the opportunity to enjoy games and have the chance to get to know the youth leaders who will be running the camp.

  • Monday, July 11th through Wednesday, July 13th from 10am-2pm we will welcome all children to attend our Strong Start Day Camp. Children will have the opportunity to attend and be part of games, rec time, academic review times and learn God’s Word.

    Sunday, July 17th

    I will return to preaching through our 2nd Thessalonians Series. I look forward to working through this book together. - Rob

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4: Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


Click the button above to learn about upcoming events.

St Andrews Comes Next Sunday!

We are grateful to have St Andrews’ Youth Group join us for their 10th year!

Here is an overview of the week:


Sunday, July 10th: All are invited to attend Highland’s 10am service underneath our tent, where St Andrews will join us. Their youth group will lead us in worship and their Youth Pastor, Grant, will be preaching. Following our service, we will kick-off with a cookout that all are invited to join. Kids will have the opportunity to enjoy games and have the chance to get to know the youth leaders who will be running the camp.

Monday July 11th - Wednesday, July 13th, 10am-2pm: Children, ages 5-12 are welcome to attend our Jump Start Day Camp here, on site, at Highland Community Church. Kids will have the chance to take part in being taught Scripture, participate in learning activities, eating lunch and being part of rec games. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rob, who will be on site throughout the event.

Plans for July 2nd & 3rd

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.



Sunday’s Plans

  • 9am: Coffee & Conversation

    As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am: Service in Our Sanctuary

    Each first Sunday of the month for children ages 5 and up, we hold Kids Sunday. As you arrive for our 10am Service with children 5 and up, please take them to the playground so that they can receive a name-tag and be assigned to their group. During the service, children will either be in the classrooms off the deck for a Bible lesson or a craft, or outside for a game. Furthermore, if you’re interested in helping with Kids Sundays, please talk to Julie Jordan, Katie Sturgeon or Carol Wright. On these first Sundays, while COVID concerns are low, we will hold our 10am Service in our Sanctuary. As soon as service concludes, please make arrangements to pick up your children from the playground.

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4

    Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.



Sunday, July 10th: All are invited to attend Highland’s 10am service underneath our tent, where St Andrews will join us. Their youth group will lead us in worship and their Youth Pastor, Grant, will be preaching. Following our service, we will kick-off with a cookout that all are invited to join. Kids will have the opportunity to enjoy games and have the chance to get to know the youth leaders who will be running the camp.

Monday, July 11th - Wednesday, July 13th, 10am-2pm: Children, ages 5-12 are welcome to attend our Jump Start Day Camp here, on site, at Highland Community Church. Kids will have the chance to take part in being taught Scripture, participate in learning activities, eating lunch and being part of rec games. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rob, who will be on site throughout the event.

Click the button above to learn about upcoming events.

Plans for June 25th & 26th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Tent Gathering, 10am, this Sunday. We start our series through 2nd Thessalonians this Sunday.

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am:  Highland, let me offer you a current run-down of our Summer Preaching Schedule.

    Sunday, June 26th

    I will be opening our 2nd Thessalonians Series. I will lay groundwork for our purpose in going through this powerful piece of God’s Word. I look forward to us getting our grip on what the Lord has for us as we break open this series.

    Sunday, July 3rd

    David Klaus will be preaching and offering us a flyover of this letter that Paul has written. He will be making relevant connections between this book of the Bible and our lives in 2022. Remember this is Kids Sunday, so we will be in the sanctuary this particular Sunday.

    Sunday, July 10th

    We will have St Andrews’ Youth Group with us. Grant Gilliam, their Youth Pastor will be preaching as they join us for our service. Following that service, we will be kicking our Strong Start Day Camp week with the children. Monday, July 11th through Wednesday, July 13th from 10am-2pm we will welcome all children to attend our Strong Start Day Camp. Children will have the opportunity to attend and be part of games, rec time, academic review times and learn God’s Word.

    Sunday, July 17th

    I will return to preaching through our 2nd Thessalonians Series. I look forward to working through this book together. - Rob

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


Click the button above to learn about upcoming events.

Plans for June 18th & 19th

Weekend Schedule

Highland, let us gather.

This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


Thank you to all who serve!

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, maimed, blind, and lame’ (Luke 14:21b)!

Each Saturday from 10:30am-1:00pm, we serve our streets a meal of Chicken & Rice, along with the Gospel. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Chicken & Rice Ministries is our flagship work. It serves as the invitation to all in our streets to come and know Christ. If you would like to come and serve, please contact us.


Tent Gathering, 10am, this Sunday. Robert Singleton preaches this Sunday.

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am-10am: Coffee and Conversation. As you arrive, grab a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Enjoy having conversation with one another and the chance to be together. Also, if you’re willing, some will be setting up for the 10 am service. We welcome your help, if you’re able.

  • 10am-11am: Tent Gathering this Sunday, 10am:  Highland, let me offer you a current run-down of our Summer Preaching Schedule.

    Sunday, June 19th

    Robert Singleton will be preaching for Father’s Day. Robert will be speaking about the heart and the role of the father and encouraging our dads as they parent their children.

    Sunday, June 26th

    I will be opening our 2nd Thessalonians Series. I will lay groundwork for our purpose in going through this powerful piece of God’s Word. I look forward to us getting our grip on what the Lord has for us as we break open this series.

    Sunday, July 3rd

    David Klaus will be preaching and offering us a flyover of this letter that Paul has written. He will be making relevant connections between this book of the Bible and our lives in 2022. Remember this is Kids Sunday, so we will be in the sanctuary this particular Sunday.

    Sunday, July 10th

    We will have St Andrews’ Youth Group with us. Grant Gilliam, their Youth Pastor will be preaching as they join us for our service. Following that service, we will be kicking our Strong Start Day Camp week with the children. Monday, July 11th through Wednesday, July 13th from 10am-2pm we will welcome all children to attend our Strong Start Day Camp. Children will have the opportunity to attend and be part of games, rec time, academic review times and learn God’s Word.

    Sunday, July 17th

    I will return to preaching through our 2nd Thessalonians Series. I look forward to working through this book together.

    Highland, I love you. I rejoice in our time together, especially as we have the chance to be in God’s Word together. I cannot wait to see you Sunday! - Rob

  • Childcare Available, Ages 0-4. Childcare will be offered during our Tent Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.


Click the button above to learn about upcoming events.

Thank You For Coming!

To all who were able to attend our Town Hall today, thank you for coming! I appreciate your presence and your engagement. I hope that all of your questions were answered. If a question arises, please feel free to reach out to me. My greatest desire is that we proceed in unity, as my heart rejoices in us being ‘one mind; one voice’ as we encounter this new and exciting season together!

If you were unable to attend our Town Hall today, you can access the audio by clicking here. As Troy stated, the Lord has not brought us thus far only to let us go. Let us continue to walk according to His counsel.

I love you, Highland,
