Watching everyone enjoy the faithfulness and the goodness of our Lord last Sunday was such a momentous occasion for me. I could feel the gratitude and the relief flowing throughout our sanctuary. Welcome home, Highland. You have been so steadfast, compelled by grit and stamina. I am so happy to share this place with you (writing this note from my new office).
Left to right — Robert, Bob (my dad), Ricky & Debbie
Highland, Debbie Jordan is a Highland-pioneer. The Lord has used her to help shape Highland Community Church. Her warmth, beauty and matriarchal qualities have allowed Highland to become a church that is filled with love and cultivates a welcoming atmosphere.
For the last several months, she has been battling some health complications. As she has been undergoing medical care, she has tasted of the Lord’s goodness in us. In response, she writes:
Dear Highland Family,
As much as I've tried, it's been impossible to find the words that truly express how grateful I am for all of the many prayers that you've lifted up for me and my family over the past few weeks.
I've always believed in the power of prayer but I've now experienced it in a way that can only be called miraculous and life-changing.
I am beyond blessed to be a part of our precious Highland Tribe.
Thank you for each and every act of kindness and concern you've shown to me and my family. We are forever grateful and humbled.
Much love,
Debbie and Ricky
Truth Spring Academy Student-led Blessing in our new Dining Facility. (Coffee & Conversation in the same location.)
Coffee & Conversation in Our Dining Facility, 8:30am
As we prepare to hold our first service here this Sunday, remember that we will hold Coffee & Conversation in the new dining facility. We will, literally, ‘open wide our doors’ (the garage doors) at 8:30am. Coffee & Conversation is intended to give us the chance to be together.
We share life over coffee and a breakfast sandwich. We also sing praises to the God of heaven and earth, Who offers us life, liberty through Christ Jesus. Finally, a devotion is offered. It’s a chance for us to continue to walk according to God’s Word with resolve.
This Sunday, we will provide all attendees the chance to make Prayer & Praise Ribbons. We will use our time to write down a request we have of the Lord and also reason to praise Him, displaying the ribbons throughout our grounds.
our Easter Sunday SERVICE, 10AM
Following Coffee & Conversation, our service begins at 10am. It will be held in our sanctuary. Remember that the Worship Team will be practicing each Sunday morning, so the doors to our sanctuary will remain closed until 10am. As you arrive, feel free to connect with others waiting in our foyer or around our grounds. As you enter, please feel free to take a seat or stand. Last Sunday, we had children on our bleachers. This plan will work but only if we have parents sitting with their children to maintain custody of them while they sit there.
Also, as a reminder, all children will join us for our time of corporate singing. Children 0-4 will dismiss just after we sing to nursery. Easter Testimonies begin this week. Children elementary-aged and above will remain with us in service. Remember, children who need to use the restroom or prefer to use the playground must be accompanied by parents.
We will continue having our beloved ‘kid bags’ each week! However, the bags will now be available for children to grab during the part of the service when the 0-4 year olds dismiss. The bags are now cloth and will have a clipboard with a sermon note’s activity sheet, colored pencils, water bottle, snack, and craft/toy. After service, please return the cloth bag, clipboard and colored pencils in the containers provided. We will sanitize the bags and clipboards and sharpen the pencils for reuse. Our desire is to equip our children to participate in the service in a meaningful way.
As we gather this Sunday, we set our gaze upon Jesus, who overcame sin and death when He rose from the grave. Come and join us as we celebrate the name that is above every name – Jesus! He is our Rescuer, worthy of all praise. Without Him, there is no life, only existence. Let us come together to lift up His name, as we rejoice in Him, who imparts eternal life.
Highland Cafe’
Highland Cafe’ got off to a great start! Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the cafe starting next week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love for our neighbors! Thanks for helping to love our neighbors!
Yard Sale Tomorrow During Chicken & Rice
Highland, Pat Roper has rescheduled her yard sale to take place tomorrow, during Chicken & Rice. Come on by and check out all the fun items she’ll have available for the best rate in town!
weekly announcements
Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM
Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 9AM
Church Service, Sundays @ 10am
Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM
Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM
Saturdays: Chicken & Rice 10am, Cafe’
Our new number is: (706)249-9424