To any and all who helped host St. Andrews, thank you! The students absolutely loved coming to Highland and serving. I am grateful to you, Highland, for opening your hearts and arms to welcome them. To those who shared devotions or testimonies, brought supplies or oversaw them throughout Community Work Projects, thank you! You are appreciated.
Church of the highlands serves at highland
We welcome Church of the Highlands on site. They will be painting in the interior walls of our red-brick sanctuary. Thankful to them for coming alongside us! If you’re around the neighborhood, stop by and thank them! They begin at 8:15am this Saturday.
As we begin a new school semester, Truth Spring Trade School will make their home in this space. Having Truth Spring Trade School on our home turf is such an exciting development for us! M2540 could not have been more hospitable (TSTS has been hosted there the last two years) but we certainly know they have purposes for their space, too. Our parternship for the name of Jesus being exalted will continue, though!
Berean bible church here July 26th-28th
July 26th-28th, we will host a youth group from Atlanta – Berean Bible Church. They will come to serve, but will also stay overnight in our gym. Let’s all rally around them, as they come to serve. Let’s make them feel at home. Perhaps stop by and play some pickle ball with them, or bring them some snack-food? What teen doesn’t love snack food!
highland cafe update
Speaking of snack food, our Highland Cafe continues to see more and more visitors! Any support would be appreciated. From pastries, to bottled water, to K-cups. Even more importantly, it’s an outpost for ministry. As our cafe door is open wide with a welcome from Jesus Christ, leaders from our church are praying with those who come through! Christ is being proclaimed! Thanks to all who’ve stepped up and gotten involved.
sunday’s service, 10am
During this upcoming Sunday’s service, we have the privilege of witnessing Charlotte Scarborough’s public profession declaring Christ as Lord! Immediately following our service, we will all proceed to our lawn where we will witness her baptism. What a delight to share in this momentous occasion within Charlotte's life, Highland. Come, rejoice with us, along with the heavens!
Weekly Announcements
I love you,