Sunday School Sessions Start This Sunday
Sunday School Sessions begin this Sunday, 9am. Let us continue to deepen our commitment to serve together and to study together. To do results in an ever-deepening love for Scripture and for one another, Highland. This is our main roadway to going deeper.
As I mentioned Sunday, Cathy Crowder is leading our Women’s Bible Study. I actually forgot to read aloud her statement regarding her class. So, allow me to share with you now:
In 2025 our pastor has challenged us to go deeper with God. We do that every Sunday by gathering together in this place to worship Him! We also do that during the week by going to Him in prayer and in reading our Bibles each day! Some Christians call this their daily “quiet time” or their daily “devotions” or their “prayer time” or their “Bible time”! Whatever we call it, the point is that we WANT to meet with our God, to spend time with Him, to hear from Him, and to grow closer to Him! Oftentimes we find that this is not easy to do, and we struggle with our daily time with Him! In this class we are going to study practical ways to do that! We are going to look at the life of Jesus and see how He stayed connected to His Father while He was on the earth. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, I believe this study can help us all to grow deeper with our Lord. The title of the book is: “A Place of Quiet Rest – Finding Intimacy with God through a Daily Devotional Life”, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
Ladies, I am so excited to learn and grow with you this semester!
— Cathy Crowder
How Cool is This Pic?!? — Mike’s class will take place here.
Mike Hare will also be teaching a class on theological positions. He presented to you his class-plan Sunday. He will hold class in our red-brick Sanctuary. As far as the rest of the classes, here’s our schedule and class locations:
Sunday Morning Schedule
8am: Doors open
8:30–10:00: Coffee & Conversation & Devotion in our Dining Facility
9am-10am: Sunday School Semester – runs through March 30th
10am: Sunday Morning Service in our sanctuary (which is our gym)
class locations
Classroom 1: 0-2 year olds: Church Nursery
Classroom 2: 3 and 4 year olds: First Green Room
Classroom 3: Kindergarten-Second Grade Class: Second Green Room
Classroom 4: Third-Fifth Grade Class: Yellow Room
Classroom 5: Tweens & Teen Boys: Red Room
Classroom 6: Women’s Bible Study: Second Orange Room
Classroom 7: Men’s Bible Study (Ongoing throughout the year): First Orange Room
Classroom 8: Tweens & Teen Girls: Blue Room
Red-brick Sanctuary: The Theology Program
Dining Facility: Life Class Devotion (Ongoing throughout the year)
We’re in Matthew 5 this Sunday — The Sermon on the Mount
our series through matthew
We begin the Sermon on the Mount this Sunday, Highland. In coming to know Christ many years ago, this passage of Scripture pierced my calloused-heart, causing it to live, to feel, to long for the Lord to change my heart. Oh, Highland, may we cherish these words together this Sunday, as we open together the Sermon on the Mount.
kingdom sports update — games start saturday!
More information is available about Kingdom Sports on our site. Check it out by hovering over the “Kingdom Sports” tab. One key piece of information is how you can volunteer. Click the button below so sign up. This is going to be a lot of fun, Highland! Grateful for you, Wright Family!
Mailing Address Update
Our P.O. Box is now closed. Please send all mail to 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA. 31904
I love you,