Our Weekly Update

Mr. James Upshaw

Highland Fam,

I want to thank all who played a part in leading last Sunday. Our family was away and I heard such great feedback regarding our service! Highland, as the time continues to go by, my gratitude for you only deepens. Thank you all who make Sundays enjoyable for all of us! Shoutout to Joseph Davis for being willing to preach. I appreciate you being willing to take part in our series through Daniel. His sermon is available and can be found on our audio-page.

We had a great time in Knoxville, Highland. We snuck away last weekend to see Ben Rector in concert at the elegant Tennessee Theater. We ate hearty, southern cuisine and enjoyed staying at the luxurious Tennessean Hotel. However, every good trip ends with getting home — and we’re back! We look forward to being back at Highland with you this Sunday.

During our service, we will take a break from our series through Daniel, as we will be spending time focusing on family. Reason being — this Sunday is our Child Dedication Service. We will wrap the entire service around the value to family. Join us as we celebrate the health of the home, asking the Lord to fill our hearts and homes with His presence. If you are hoping to dedicate your child, please complete the form below.

Sunday Mornings at 9am

As Coffee & Conversation starts Sundays off with us having the chance to walk through life together, I want to invite you to be part of the journey through life, over a warm cup of coffee. We worship our Lord together, serve together, pray together and study together. All are welcome.

Robert Singleton continues to lead our men. Join him, along with those who attend, and let’s grow together, men. Each Sunday morning, 9am, you can be part of our Men’s Study. It’s held in our education-building.

Sunday Mornings at 10am

Our church service (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to attend. As you join us this Sunday, we will hold our Child Dedication Service, where we rally around our families who’ve welcomed new little ones into their lives. We will charge them, as parents, to raise their children in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. Additionally, we will cover them in prayer and celebrate the life of the family throughout our service, Highland.

Upcoming November Events

Feed My Block with North Highland Assembly of God

Highland, this Friday, November 17th at 5pm, North Highland Assembly of God will be hosting Feed My Block, at the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave), where we hold Sunday services. Please make plans to come and get yourselves food, if you need some. We look forward to seeing you. If you know of someone who needs food, please tell them to come.

M2540’s thanksgiving meal

This Saturday, M2540 will be hosting their Thanksgiving Meal in their white building, on 6th Ave. All are welcome to attend.

Child Dedication Service this sunday

If you’re reading the email, see the original post to sign up.

We will hold our Children’s Dedication Service Sunday, November 19th. If you would like to dedicate your child(ten) to the Lord, please register using the form below.

Throughout the Week

Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm

Come and join the tremendous team of people, who love the Lord and reach out to love our neighbor. Each Monday, 6:30-7:30pm, you are invited to be part of this wonderful time of community at M2540.

Wednesdays, 9am

Let’s continue to pray for Ms Patti, as she’s recovering from sickness. Given that she’s better, we will hold our Prayer Gathering this Wednesday, at 9am. We love you, Ms Patti.

Marriage Study Concludes

As of last Wednesday, our Marriage Study has concluded. Thank you, Kim and Nancy, for leading all who’ve attended so honestly! It has provided us all the chance to strengthen our relationship with our spouses as we have looked at our own hearts in the light of His presence.

Throughout the Weekend

No Chicken & Rice this Saturday

All, due to M2540’s Thanksgiving Day event, there will be no Chicken & Rice this Saturday. It will resume Saturday, November 25th.

Upcoming December Events

Highland’s Annual Christmas Carnival

Date: Christmas Carnival, Friday, December 8th, 3pm-5pm

Location: Firehouse: 3402 6th Ave Columbus, GA 31904

Our annual Christmas Carnival serves to keep Christ at the center of Christmas. All children who attend will receive a present and get to hear about the birth of Christ. Inflatables and carnival-style food and games will be offered. Volunteers are needed to assist with the facilitation of these events. We need manpower to assist with crowd control, fostering safe use of the inflatables and cleaning up at the end of the event. Sign Up Genius to be issued soon.

Boxes of Love

Date: December 16th, 2023

Location: 3402 6th Ave Columbus, GA 31904

Highland fam, as we are moving toward Christmas, one practical thing you could do is buy a bottle of dish soap for Boxes of Love. Please bring it with you to service on Sundays, as we will store it there. With Boxes of Love, we allow folks to sign up and offer a Box of Love to someone in their lives to bless them this Christmas Season. Thanks for your support!

Our annual Boxes of Love allows families of Highland Community Church to give to those in need. At 9am, we will need assistance prepping the boxes, packing the boxes, and delivering them to the homes of the recipients. Those who are willing to help transport the boxes should be prepared to start delivering at 11 am. We will also need volunteers to help clean up, thanks.

If you’re reading the email, see the original post to sign up.

Filling the Rooms

Highland, our plan to make our house a home is called: Filling the Rooms. Now that we’ve gone over the plan, let’s carry out the plan together. Please click on the link below and sign up to be part of filling the rooms. You can also ask questions or make recommendations, too.

I look forward to seeing you, Highland.

I love you,
