drawing from daniel recap
Daniel 1:17-21
Scripture states that the favor of the Holy Spirit rested upon Daniel and the other young men (1:9; 1:17). In the lives of these men, submissive to the Holy Spirit, truth prevails through fear, through doubt, producing a steadfastness that is unshakable in the most bleak of situations. We see the Spirit of God transform the situation with their steward regarding their diet.
The end of chapter one, we see that the Lord gave these men learning and skill in Babylonian studies. Plus, the Spirit of God gave Daniel understanding in all visions and dreams. Additionally, this portion of the book is summation of 3 years, where these men are being stripped by the Babylonians of all of their customs, teachings and traditions.
These men had no choice but to go through this brain-washing series that contradicted their beliefs. The purpose was to turn them into Babylonians. What I think that we should appreciate here is, not only do we not see them balk at going through this education, we see them excel in their learning, due to the Lord’s favor resting upon them.
Awareness Verses Authority
There are those in the church who think that a secular educational knowledge is not appropriate for those in the church. However, there are those who think that’s not the case. Either way, what I think we gain from this take in Daniel is that when we are submitted to the Holy Spirit of God, we are eternally secure in His sealing.
The fact that prevails throughout Scripture is that there is a difference between an awareness of knowledge and authority of knowledge. Daniel and his comrades here demonstrate that they gain an awareness of Babylonian culture, though they do not assign any authority to this knowledge. Their belief system’s authority remained secure in the Holy God of Israel.
There are certainly moments in the Scriptures when you see awareness and authority play out. In 1st Samuel 28, Saul assigns his authority to a medium that conjures up the spirit of Samuel. Saul hears from Samuel’s words and is devoid of life. This is not awareness, this is assigning authority to an enchanter and evil spirit. We should be aware of evil spirits and demons; they certainly deceive our minds and possess those who are not submissive to the Holy Spirit.
In instances, though, we see that in Scripture where there are those who are aware of relevant, cultural knowledge, yet do not hand over their authority in belief to those schools of thought. Moses is thoroughly aware of Egyptian culture, yet remains submissive to the authority of the Holy Spirit.
Paul, when he’s in Athens, makes reference to some Greek philosophers and their references that simply highlight the name of the Lord be exalted over every other name. He is aware, but does not assign authoritative belief to their notions.
Highland, this is the truth that I see Scripture really hold to – that we are to have an awareness of cultural themes of our day, but the authority of our belief system is wholeheartedly surrendered to and secure in God’s Word. We realize that real Wisdom begins and ends with the fear of the Lord.
Throughout the Week
Mondays @ M2540, 6:30pm
Monday nights we join up with M2540 to care for our streets. All are welcome to come to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, 6:30pm-7:30pm.
Prayer Gathering, Wednesdays, 9am
Come and intercede for our church, our streets, our nation! Join Patti and our team each Wednesday, 9am, at the Firehouse.
Marriage Study this fall, Wednesdays, 6:15pm
Our Marriage Study continues this upcoming Wednesday, 6:15pm. Looking forward to refining our marriage alongside each of you, as we gather at the Sheeks’. Thanks, Kim and Nancy!
We Rejoice Over these Precious Little Ones!
James and Alissa welcome, Katherine
Johnny & Alana welcome, Bridger
Gifts from the Lord
Our Highland family welcomes two, precious gifts from the Lord into our lives! Johnny and Alana welcome baby Bridger and James and Alissa rejoice over Katherine, who’s angelic. We celebrate with you both!
Throughout the Weekend
Chicken & Rice, Saturdays, 10am
Thanks to all who come and serve our streets each Saturday! This Saturday, our team will, once again, hit our streets with the love of Jesus! Volunteers are always welcome!
Sunday Mornings at 9am
Coffee & Conversation offers us the opportunity to be together, while we worship and fellowship. Come and enjoy a breakfast sandwich, along with a cup of coffee. Doors open at 9am. Also, Robert continues to lead our Men’s Study each Sunday morning, at 9am. It’s held in the educational wing of our church.
Our church service (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to come hear about the goodness of Jesus, Who, willingly, laid down His life as a sin-offering for the entire world (1st John 2:16). Come, hear, repent and walk in the newness of life, found in Jesus, the one and only Son of God! This Sunday, we will continue to walk the Book of Daniel. We are starting chapter two this Sunday, as we will further draw from Daniel how we can find our hope in the holiness of God, alone.
Filling the Rooms
Highland, our plan to make our house a home is called: Filling the Rooms. Now that we’ve gone over the plan, let’s carry out the plan together. Please click on the link below and sign up to be part of filling the rooms. You can also ask questions or make recommendations, too.
I look forward to seeing you, Highland.
I am grateful for you,