During Easter Sunday, our children were afforded the opportunity to be part of a very rich worship service and class just for them! The Children’s Class was spearheaded by a very capable group of people within our church. Since it was such a great experience for all, this team now plans to hold classes each first Sunday of the month for children, ages 5 and up. It’s called: Kids Sunday!
Kids Sunday will begin this Sunday, May 1st. As you arrive for our 10am Service with children 5 and up, please take them to the playground so that they can receive a name-tag and be assigned to their group. During the service they will always be either in the classrooms off the deck, for Bible or craft, or outside for a game. Furthermore, if you’re interested in helping with Kids Sundays, please talk to Julie Jordan, Katie Sturgeon or Carol Wright.
On these first Sundays, while COVID concerns are low, we will hold our 10am Service in our Sanctuary. As soon as service concludes, please make arrangements to pick up your children from the playground.