Our Weekly Update

This Sunday is Palm Sunday: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey…” (Zechariah 9:9).


An invitation from Kimberly Klaus

This year during the Easter season, we want to share stories of God’s goodness and resurrecting power together! If you have a testimony to be shared on a Sunday morning, please write it on the testimony forms on Sunday and give it to Rob, Justin or Kimberly. You can also email by clicking here. Make sure you include your full name, phone number, and whether you would prefer to personally share from the stage on a Sunday morning, or would rather someone else read your testimony for you. PLEASE TRY TO HAVE THESE IN BY APRIL 2 SO WE CAN ASSIGN YOU A SUNDAY DURING WHICH TO SHARE!


Our Women’s 8 Week Bible Study continues Thursday evenings, 6:30pm. They are taking a deeper look at 1st John through a study called “Abide” - by Jen Wilkin. It’s held in Highland’s sanctuary. Sign up online. Thank you to all who are hosting and facilitating! I hear great things about the desserts!

Some of our main players: Ben Lampe, Sandra Smith, Arrice Foster (and TJ), Donny Faulkner & Alan Licsenby


This Saturday, our Chicken & Rice team will, once again, be putting love into action! They will be prepping and serving meals to our neighbors! Volunteers are welcome!


Sunday mornings, at 9am, Coffee & Conversation takes place in the Firehouse. This is a great time to connect with others, while we share life and worship our Lord altogether.

Robert continues to lead a Men’s Bible Study each Sunday morning, at 9am. He is in the education-building of our church site. All men are welcome to attend.

Our church service (Firehouse Gathering) is held at 10am. Kids’ Sunday will take place April 9th, Easter Sunday. The kids will be able to participate in an egg-hunt. I appreciate you all who love our kiddos so well! Regarding Sunday’s sermon, I am actually asking the Lord to make clear how He wants to proceed. As you know, we finished working through 1st John last Sunday. I intended to begin a topical series that focuses on how we, as a people, might move forward into the new chapter of Highland’s life. Jude and I were actually discussing the series.

As I described it to him, he suggested that I title the series: “The Magnificent Move.” We laughed together and it has stuck with me and has become the title of this Topical. However, following the service Sunday, I had such stimulating conversations with so many of you about parts of 1st John, chapter five! I really appreciated all of the discussion! The Lord has been stirring in my heart since Sunday to personally work through that passage a little more. So, I ask that you pray for me to hear the Lord’s voice speak clearly as I seek Him for direction on the sermon for this Sunday. I am EXCITED to see what He has in store for us!

Childcare Available, Ages 0-4

Childcare will be offered during our Firehouse Gatherings for children, ages 0-4. Childcare will be held in the Truth Spring Trade School Daycare, located at 3303 5th Ave. It is the white house with white picket fence and 2 blue doors. We have a terrific team of volunteers comprised of people who attend Highland. Thank you, all, for caring for our children. Donna Findley is our Coordinator. She’s doing a great job! Thank you, Donna! Volunteers will be ready to receive 0-4 year-old aged-children by 9:50am.

Family Matters

Randall Lake & Bob Strickland

Thank you all who’ve been part of helping Robert and Lashonda make this most recent transition. They are now in their new apartment and they are getting settled. Robert’s long-term goal is to land in North Highland, so that LaShonda can go to Jordan High School, where he attended. Let’s continue to ask the Lord to direct Robert in navigating these decisions, that he would be patient and obedient, in following the Lord’s leading.

Also, to those who’ve been hospitable to Mike, thank you! Every small gesture makes a big difference. The invitations to coffees, dinners and lunches are especially impactful – thank you, Highland.

Let’s continue to rally around Gary and Kathy, and their wonderful family, as they grieve the loss of Kathy’s mother. She was one who walked with the Lord joyously and boldly all of her days! Wow! What a legacy that she has left for her family - one written in the enduring and eternal love of Christ.

We have a neighbor and friend of our church who is in need of two twin mattresses and beds for two children due to unexpected family matters. If you are able to assist, please contact Megan or Rob.

Highland, thank you for reaching out and going by and visiting Randall. He remains in Savannah Grand, room 211. You may reach out to him by calling that facility (Savannah Grand), asking to be connected to room 211. He is steadily improving, but has 6 more weeks of rehab to undergo before he can walk. Rallying around right now is vital to his well-being.

My dad, Bob Strickland, continues to stabilize. Your love and support of us has carried us through, Highland! Thank you! My dad, who struggles with chronic pain, has been really struggling with it over the last few months in a more intensive fashion. My brother, John, is married to Amanda. Her father (Ron), who was one of my dad’s closer friends, died last week. We all, as a family, dearly loved Ron. For he brought so much to our lives. When my dad began to grieve the loss of Ron, on top of dealing with some other personal tensions, he knew he needed more support for his emotional duress. So, he is being treated and he is doing well! So, thank you for your love of us, your concern over my dad and devoted care of our family. We are asking the Lord to renew my dad’s strength, that he may serve the Lord with vigor, as he so desires, throughout his golden years!

I love you, Highland,
