The Lord abounds in faithfulness to us! As we watch His Kingdom be revealed and become established day after day, my heart celebrates for us! As David writes in Psalm 16, ‘My whole being rejoices and flesh is made secure in Him’ (this passage has been a mainstay of my prayer-life here lately, as you may be able to tell.)! Hiding under the shelter of His wing is our place of security and rest! Let us continue to find peace in His presence, Highland.
Highland, I just love you so much! Thank you for remaining submissive to the Lord as He has shepherded us through so much change! He is producing fruitfulness through our faithfulness, reaping a harvest for His Name and glory. My heart overflows with gladness over you!
No Chicken & Rice this Saturday. We have a family wedding. All of those who are part of the Chicken & Rice team plan to attend. It will resume the following Saturday, October 29th.
When you arrive for the 10am service, we will have one of the garage doors closed so that those who are part of the morning devotion can be better served. If you are visiting with others who are also arriving and carrying on conversation, please remain outside, underneath the tent, until the close of the devotion. Of course, feel free to enter if you prefer to listen. We hope to have restrooms available in the firehouse this Sunday. If not, we will have restrooms available on our actual church-site. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding.
Justin Preaches this Sunday.
Sunday morning services will be held in the firehouse. I have gotten great feedback from those of you who’ve spoken to me about holding services in the firehouse, thank you for that feedback. To all of you, I am grateful for your adaptability. Justin Jordan will be preaching and Julie Jordan will be leading us in Communal Prayer. I look forward to gathering for the Gospel!
BOL collection: Dishsoap. Bring to the firehouse. To those who’ve brought in some, thank you!
This Sunday at 5:30pm, we will hold our 6th Avenue Banquet. All are invited and welcome! We will eat together, pray and worship as one! Other local churches will also be there with us, too. In light of this banquet, we will not hold a Member Gathering this month.
Highland, I rejoice over all the Lord is doing! I am grateful for you.
See you Sunday,