I Thessalonians Series Starter


Cathy Crowder, a member of our church, has written us a plan that will help us all get off to a great start as we tackle our new series: I Thessalonians. Please see her post below.


This past year I felt that the Lord was leading me in my Bible study time with Him each day to meditate more on His words. Instead of just reading through a passage and going on to the next, I wanted to spend more time in one passage and just stay there for a while to see what He wanted to say to me. He had impressed on me to read key passages of scripture over and over. So this past year, I have meditated on passages such as the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5,6, and 7), the parable of the Vine (John 15), the gospel as explained in Romans 5, 6, 7, and 8, the letter to the Philippians (Chapters 1-4), and others. I decided to read this passage every day for a whole month. So I read the passage 30 - 31 times. And I cannot tell you how this has blessed me and helped me to understand what He is saying and how He has spoken to me!!!! It has been amazing!!! God has shown me so many things about Himself and taught me so much about His ways and how to walk with Him. He has convicted me of sins that I didn't even know were there. He has given me a deeper love for Him and His word. Was this easy to do? Not always. But if I just took it one day at a time, I was able to do it. If I missed a day? I could start again the next day!!! I shared this with Pastor Rob because last month in August I read 1 Thessalonians chapters 1 - 4 each day. So I was so excited when he announced today that he would begin preaching a series on 1 Thessalonians next Sunday! I believe you will be so blessed if you try this! Maybe you could begin with 1 Thessalonians and see how it enriches what our pastor will be teaching us this month.

God bless you! I love you, Highland Tribe.

Cathy Crowder