That We Would Hunger for Righteousness

Highland, as we are praying that we will hunger for righteousness and be filled, I want to offer you a few pieces from yesterday’s service so that you know how to pray.

Our Theme’s Biblical Foundation:

Righteousness - sharing in a total heart-agreement with God (covenantal binding).

To share in this type of total heart-agreement (or covenant) with God is not possible through any form of human-effort. To be able to share in a total heart-agreement with God is solely possible because of what Jesus has done for us by overcoming sin and death and through the renewing counsel and conviction of the Holy Spirit; He gives us a new heart.

Below, you see a passage that was read as to show the heart-language of a righteous person; the psalmist simply expresses that he hopes to share within a heart-agreement with the Lord. May we hunger to understand and obey the Lord’s commands and take pleasure in walking, according to His commands.

Teach me, LORD, the meaning of Your statutes,
and I will always keep them.
Help me understand Your instruction,
and I will obey it
and follow it with all my heart.
Help me stay on the path of Your commands,
for I take pleasure in it.
Turn my heart to Your decrees
and not to material gain.
Turn my eyes
from looking at what is worthless;
give me life in Your ways.
Confirm what You said to Your servant,
for it produces reverence for You.
Turn away the disgrace I dread;
indeed, Your judgments are good.
How I long for Your precepts!
Give me life through Your righteousness.
— Psalm 119:33-40, HCSB

Here is how we are praying for revival, Highland:

Our foundation of prayer: May we be a people that hunger and thirst for righteousness (share in a heart-agreement with the Lord) and be filled.

1. Pray that Highland (individually and collectively) would seek to remain in heart agreement with our Lord, according to His holy Word and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us.

2. If anyone is entangled in sin and unrepentant, may the Holy Spirit bring upon us conviction through His kindness, leading us to repentance and deliverance from sin. First with our church-family, then our personal family and throughout our streets.

3. May we experience the filling of the Holy Spirit in our midst, as a church, in our families and in our streets. May His outpouring result in conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment, causing the filling of His presence to lead us to revival.

*Through the week, pray and read through: Psalm 119:33-40, which is heart-cry of the righteous.

Highland, let us commit to praying for revival! Let us realize that prayer is the real work of the church; that our obedience and worship would simply be an overflow of our prayer-life as His people!

I love you, Highland,
