Prayer Guide: June 20th

1. Praying for Our Youth

“But You Yourself have seen trouble and grief,

observing it in order to take the matter into Your hands.

The helpless entrusts himself to You;

You are a helper of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14, HCSB).

Highland, James Gamble called me this week and was so compelled to pray for our youth; there are so many countless reports of violence. So, let’s begin by praying for our streets, especially our youth.

2. Building According to His Wisdom

“A house is built by wisdom,

and it is established by understanding;

by knowledge the rooms are filled

with every precious and beautiful treasure” (Proverbs 24:2-3, HCSB).

Regarding our building plans, no matter what, we will build according to the Lord’s wisdom, not our own, nor the world’s wisdom. As the project continues to draw nearer to breaking ground, let us ask the Lord to give us a unified knowledge and understanding of His building plan, and that every square-inch of our campus will be consumed by the beauty of His glory and presence.

3. Praying for Revival

Our Ask: To be a people that hunger and thirst for righteousness (heart-agreement with the Lord) and to be filled (Matthew 5:6 & 6:22-23; Psalm 119:33-40).

  • Our Hearts will Hunger for His Righteousness.

Pray that Highland (individually and collectively) would seek to remain in heart agreement with our Lord, according to His holy Word and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us.

If anyone is entangled in sin and unrepentant, may the Holy Spirit bring upon us conviction through His kindness, leading us to repentance and deliverance from sin. First with our church-family, then our personal family and throughout our streets.

May we experience the filling of the Holy Spirit in our midst, as a church, in our families and in our streets. May His outpouring result in conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment, causing the filling of His presence to lead us to revival.

  • For His Righteousness to have the Right Grip Upon our Eyes.

We are praying, Highland, that our eyes would find no attraction in the worthless things of this world. Rather, that our eyes would be steadily set upon the eternal treasure of Jesus and His glory and riches.

That our eyes would find delight in dwelling within the light of Christ instead of sin and darkness.

That through prayer and faithfulness, we will discipline our eyes to continually share in agreement with the heart of the Lord.

Highland, let us build our church upon His righteousness; bowing our hearts in agreement with our Lord’s heart. For the church is comprised of His people, unified, declaring Jesus as Lord! If we are not a people unified for the glory of Jesus, hungering and thirsting for His righteousness, it does not matter if we worship outside, under a tent, or in a multi-million dollar facility, we have missed it. Highland, I do not intend for us to miss - I intend to hit the target, by magnifying His glory, as He has given us a future and a hope beyond belief! I am so grateful and excited for what He is doing in us and through us, Highland. All glory to Him! I love you, Highland.

Pressing on to know Him and to make Him known,
