The Right Grip of Righteousness Upon Our Eyes

Highland, as we look back over Sunday’s charge to allow the righteousness of Christ to maintain the right grip upon our eyes, I offer you what Jesus says about our eyes:

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if the light within you is darkness — how deep is that darkness (Matthew 6:22-23, HCSB)!

Jesus says that out of the heart, the mouth speaks; meaning that the words that our tongues utter reveal whether we bear a sinful-nature (producing sinful-fruit) or a nature under the authority of the Holy Spirit - producing a renewed and, therefore, righteous nature within us.

If out of the heart the mouth speaks, then what our eyes choose to take in and fixate upon, reveal the appetite of our hearts - do we have an appetite for darkness or for the light? If we fix our eyes on the light, then our whole body will be consumed with light. For our eyes to engage the light is a choice made by our hearts, which is to hunger for the light; for our eyes to engage darkness, though, is also a choice our hearts make, revealing that our hearts have a hunger for darkness.

Highland, for righteousness to have the right grip upon our eyes, we must discipline our eyes through prayer and faithfulness to take in only what is agreeable in God’s eyes. I want us to enter into a heart-agreement with the Lord over what our eyes should gaze upon - that we, as His people, would direct our eyes to dwell upon and delight within the light of His presence.

Praying for Righteousness to Have the Right Grip Upon Our Eyes

  1. We are praying, Highland, that our eyes would find no appeal in the worthless things of this world. Rather, that our eyes would be steadily set upon the eternal treasure of Jesus and His glory and riches.

  2. That our eyes would find delight in dwelling within the light of Christ instead of sin and darkness.

  3. That through prayer and faithfulness, we will discipline our eyes to continually share in agreement with the heart of the Lord.

Let us press on in the real work of the church, Highland, and that is prayer. “My house shall be called a house of prayer…” (Jesus).

I love you,
