A Letter From My Heart

“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong. Your every action must be done with love.”

1st Corinthians 16:13


So much has changed since March of 2020! Even though the only real constant is change, the pandemic was such an unexpected agent of change that the results have certainly been drastic. 1 Corinthians 16:13 perfectly captures my responses and decisions as we continue to move forward.

I realize that we, like all, have encountered a major impact from the result of the pandemic. Due to tricky logistics to navigate, we have been thrusted outdoors and we have held services outside since June of 2020. I have sought to remain alert, to be faithful to commit to gathering together, and to make decisions compelled from my love for our Lord and for you! I want to thank each of you for your adaptability and your resolve, Highland. The Lord has seen fit to keep us together, small as we are, for the purposes of putting His might on display. When I hear and sing the line from Andrew Peterson's song: “So Long Moses” - ‘From you, O Bethlehem, small among Judah…” the Lord always brings Highland Community Church to my mind. Small as we are, Highland, the Lord is fulfilling His mighty purposes through us!

I constantly rejoice over that fact that the uncertainty of these times has not led us to become uncertain as a body of believers. We continue to prove to be a people who know and obey the Lord’s calling to serve, not be served, as the local body of Highland Community Church, all for our Lord’s Name and glory. Our neighbors have taken great joy in our labor of love, even throughout the shutdown, when we were literally providing meals for hundreds of people each week throughout our streets.

Even to this day, we remain consistent throughout these inconsistent times. Since starting Tent Gatherings, in June of 2020, we have actually seen the church grow! Many have submitted to the Lordship of Jesus, making a public profession of Christ, while being baptized. We actually have too many people attending to fit back into our sanctuary at this present time.

Throughout this pandemic, the Lord has been faithful to even provide, literally, millions toward the future and the hope He has established for His glory within the life of Highland Community Church.

Truth Spring Academy survived the shutdown and even found a road forward to creatively reignite in-person instruction, while maintaining our enrollment and mission. Truth Spring Trade School was given birth by way of the prayer-life of our church during the shutdown and started its inaugural year in January of 2021.

What has remained constant, Highland, and will remain constant into the future is that we will remain a church that stands firm upon the immovable truth of God’s Holy Word. I will always allow every word I utter in any sermon, counseling-session or writing to be submitted to the supreme authority of God’s Word. With all the changes swirling around us right now, there is no variation or shadow to be found in the presence of our Lord; we will maintain our firm and steady grip upon His Word. Highland Tribe, as we move forward, we do not know what might come our way. But, as the Lord knows, as Pastor of Highland Community Church, my plan is for us to stand firm on the solid foundation of God’s Word! Placing our feet upon His Word is our surest and safest stance - come what may!

Highland, I am looking forward to the future with great anticipation and hope! I have no doubt that this season of gatherings and this season of pruning is according to the leading of the Holy Spirit - it is producing within us a peculiar glory - unique to Highland, but to be recognized by all - for His glory. As we prepare to break ground on a new future, this peculiar season serves to prepare our hearts for entering into that new season as a unified people for the Lord’s glory and the good of His Kingdom. Let’s go, Highland. Let’s take up our full confidence in the faithfulness of our Lord and let us press on to know Him, glorify and adore Him.

I am honored, Highland, to serve as your Pastor. I look forward to stepping into the future with you, being guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, while always maintaining our footing upon His Word.

I love you,
