1st Thessalonians Series
Our Purpose
A Time For Concentration on Our Sanctification
Our Anchoring Verse
“For God has not called us to impurity but to sanctification.”
(I Thessalonians 4:7)
God is truly moving and teaching us from I Thessalonians. The “homework” has been challenging and convicting!
Thinking on my own “evidences” of faith, love, and hope was a much needed time of reflection which caused me to rejoice in growth in some areas, to identify places of “Needs Improvement!”, and to be convicted of sins of omission. This has resulted in repentance, thanksgiving, and praise to our God!
Here are some the evidences of Highland being “called out” . Here is how I have seen our sanctification being lived out:
Work of Faith - trusting God’s word to transform people’s lives by the preaching of the Gospel, taking leaps of faith in starting the church, starting the school, starting the job training program, planning for a new building, baptisms increasing and including the young and the old, lives being transformed, exalting the name of JESUS and not ourselves.
Labor of Love – loving ALL people who come to our church and those in the neighborhood who do not, offering food to the hungry, teaching the children, training the neighborhood with job skills, working in cooperation with other churches, ministries, and Christians.
Endurance of Hope – perservering through COVID 19 pandemic and restrictions by worshiping outside and making modifications, but never quitting, persevering through trials in the neighborhood, TSA becoming an accredited school and persevering through obstacles of COVID 19.
Highland, as we press on in our work of faith, in our labor of love, in our endurance of hope, let us continue to “turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead — Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.”
Cathy Crowder