Family Devotion: Clothed With Dignity

Family Devotional: A Mother's Day Devotional: May 10th, 2020

Part One: Intro & Overview

Part Two: Family Devotion Read Aloud


A Mother’s Day Devotion

Proverbs 31 records the words of King Lemuel’s mother; she is speaking to her son about a woman who is capable of being a wife and a mother. The qualities found in this passage describe the type of strength and stamina of a woman who runs her household in a manner that is worthy of respect.

As we look at the passage, verse 25 offers this characteristic of a woman who is “clothed with dignity.” Verse 25 (NIV) reads: “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Today, as we celebrate our mothers, we will look closely at this “garment of dignity/respect.” Together, we will identify the qualities Scripture shows us that clothes a woman with ‘strength and dignity.’

A dignity that flows out of THE STRENGTH OF CHRIST

A woman ‘clothed with dignity’ is first, repentant, declaring Jesus Christ as Lord and allowing Him to have control over her life. She surrenders herself to the Lordship of Jesus, allowing His power, strength and nature to form within her and flow through her, then into her home.

“His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3, HCSB).

Moms are busy! Their busyness is all consuming, too, because it consists of constantly caring for the well-being of others. As Peter tells us, every believer, including the busy mother, has access to the divine power and strength of the Lord. The Lord’s intent is that He would provide for her everything she needs for her life and the life of her household. Yep, everything. All the patience, all the wisdom, all the endurance, all the strength…everything! Mothers, may your life be one that displays to your children, your husband, and those who observe your household not your own strength, but the strength of the One who holds everything together by the word of His immovable power!


Kids, what is one way that you see God give your mom power and strength?

Discuss one thing your mother/wife does in the strength of the Lord for which you are grateful.

A dignity that puts on display an HONOR for CHRIST

When moms submit to and draw strength from the divine nature of Christ, then they are seeking to honor the Lord Jesus in their lives. She then is, essentially, clothing herself in the strength of Christ, creating and cultivating His honor within her household. The mother, who creates this atmosphere in her home, then provides her family the chance to see the Lord at work in her life and in the home, as a whole. The family then sees Christ honored in her care of themselves and all she does to make her house a home.


Kids, what is one way your mom cares for you?

Discuss one way that your mom/wife makes your house a home, in honor of the Lord.


Her prayer-life, that is rooted God’s Word, prepares her to deal with the future. A mom who draws her strength from Christ and is living for the honor of Christ has a bold and courageous outlook upon what may come. So much so that Proverbs says, “she can laugh at the time to come.” When a mom submits her life to the glory of Christ, going after the goodness of God, she then comes to know that it is only His goodness and glory she has to offer her family, and those in her life.

Knowing that His goodness and glory is all she has to offer, she realizes that she no longer has to try to be good enough out of her own strength or her own merit. The goodness of Christ Jesus is ‘her enough’ and His goodness is enduring and eternal - therefore, the future does not possess any fear for the woman who holds onto the good and precious promises of Christ!

“By these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desires” (2 Peter 1:4, HCSB).

Because her desires are regenerated by the power of God’s divine nature, she discerns the evil in this world, yet doesn’t fear the evil in this world. She instead chooses to take hold of and get a firm grip upon the precious promises secured for her and her family through the Word of God. As she secures her grip on these promises, the fear of the future has to loosen its grip upon her heart and Satan cannot find a stronghold in the ‘fear of the unknown.’ Instead, by her confident faith in Christ Jesus, she faces the uncertain future with joy in her heart and a boldness in her approach toward the days to come.

In closing, To be “clothed with strength and dignity” means that a woman’s courage is founded upon Christ. She then displays an unshakable resolve and has a character that’s reliable, compassionate and caring. To “laugh at the days to come” means that a woman maintains a such a confidence in Him, that she remains courageous regarding the care of her household, as she faces the future - come what may - even a pandemic.


Kids, name one way you see courage in your mom.

Discuss one way that your mom/wife is prepared to care for the family in times of crisis or in the times to come.


To all of our moms,

I remain in awe of your resolve, your devotion and your love for Christ Jesus. It is evident that ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength’, as I see you care for your families and also serve at Highland. Each of you make life better and make the life of Highland Community richer with mercy, gentleness and the compassion of Christ. I consider it an honor to walk alongside each of you, as we seek Christ Jesus, in one accord.

We have a new series starting this month just for kids. The Series is called: The Bible in Four Weeks. Click the button below to see part two of this series:

Happy Mother’s Day,

Rob & Carrie