Highland Tribe,
We know there are many questions and concerns as we face this unprecedented time. Thankfully the exposure in Muscogee County and surrounding counties remains minimal. At this time, we plan to hold services and events as scheduled. Leadership will continue to monitor the situation and update as necessary. Please do not hesitate to call the church if you have any questions. Below are a few notes to remember.
If you are feeling any respiratory symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing) or have a fever (greater than 100.4 degrees F), remain at home and call your doctor for a phone interview.
Visit mercymedcolumbus.org or cdc.gov or westcentralhealthdistrict.com for updated medical information.
Note that the CDC states that those with increased risk are adults over 60 years of age and that the greatest risk is in adults over 80 years of age, especially those with underlying health issues such as heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes. Please consider your own health history – is it fairly complex? Do you have many underlying health conditions? If so, take extra precautions to reduce your likelihood of exposure.
Continue to practice standard hygiene practices such as thorough hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes. If you are feeling sick, please stay home and call the church if you have any needs we can address.
Try adopting a “hands-free” approach by avoiding handshakes when appropriate.
Do not panic and remain hopeful. We serve the highest authority. Let us love and serve each other well during this time.
- (adapted from mercymedcolumbus.com)