Our Annual North Pole Breakfast
Highland Family,
Our love and appreciation for you only deepens as the years continue to go by. What the Lord has brought to life at Highland is unique and set apart, all for His purposes and glory. I consider it an honor to be part of the Highland family and I look forward to what the Lord has in store for us, as His Highland Tribe.
We hope that your Christmas is warm and bright this season. Together, let us rejoice that Jesus offers us an enduring mercy and a ‘hope that does not disappoint’ (Romans 5). I hope that we can all adore and take delight in Him, for offering us Himself and imparting to us an unfailing love, which is the theme we find at the heart of Christmas.
May we all, with repentant and grateful hearts, be at rest in the light of His presence.
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!
We love you,
The Strickland Clan