Today's Service.

Carrie Strickland led us in Communal Prayer. Here is part of the passage we used as a foundation for our time of corporate prayer:

On that day the deaf will hear
the words of a book,
and out of a deep darkness
the eyes of the blind will see.
The humble will have joy
after joy in the Lord,
and the poor people will rejoice
in the Holy One of Israel.
— Isaiah 29:18-19

Don’t forget to take part in our Summer Assignment.

Summer Assignment.001.jpeg

Then, we continued on with our series through Philippians. We completed the “Just One Thing” Portion of of Sermon Series. A handout was passed out that glues everything together that we have been covering over the last month or so. Here is that handout:

We also referred to an illustration we used in our series last year entitled: ‘Worry, Worship & The Word of God.’ We used this illustration because it is partly based on this passage we covered in Philippians today. Here is the illustration:

Our Soul's System.001.jpeg

*Audio files will be available for 30 days. To keep, download file. Also, the Communal Prayer segment of our service and sermon are in the same audio file this week.