Meet, Glenn Firth.
(Rob has beard-envy.)
While eating at Country’s last night, this man walks over and speaks to Carrie and me. He introduces himself and tells us that we, Highland Community Church, saved his life nine years ago. He said that he was homeless and had lost everything. He told us that we provided him with a pillow and a sleeping bag, and allowed him to sleep in the breezeway of our church.
During his season at Highland, he surrendered his life to Christ. He has since been working a fulltime job as a truck driver. He said that the last two days he had been asking God if he should come back to Columbus or not, and that when he saw us at Country’s, sitting just a few feet away from him, he knew God had given him a clear answer. He knew he was home.
Glenn’s two questions to us were:
“Are you still there?”
“Are you still preaching the word?”
It brought me great delight to answer both with a resounding, “Yes.”
Highland, I am so thankful that we have remained resolved to stay the course by inviting in ‘the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame’ (Luke 14:21). Let's press on to know the Lord by offering the richest of fare to a broken, sinful world, no matter their appearance or background. The news of the Gospel is truly the only good news that our would could ever know. Knowing that we, the church, are charged with stewarding this precious news, let us continue to: "Love without hypocrisy; detest evil and cling to what is good" (Romans 12:9).
At the start of this year, we have started each service with this corporate welcome:
To all who are weary and need rest;
To all who mourn and long for comfort;
To all who feel worthless and wonder if God cares;
To all who are weak and fail and desire strength;
To all who sin and need a Savior —
This church opens wide Her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ,
The mighty friend of sinners, The ally of His enemies,
The defender of the indefensible,
The justifier of those who have no excuses left…
May we continue to welcome ALL who sin and need a Savior, offering them Jesus.
- Rob