An Abounding Joy.


Being part of the Highland family is one of the greatest joys of my life. I consider it an honor to point you toward the 'enduring love of Christ', as we, together, navigate through the sobering truths of Scripture, seeking to mature, in Christ.  It is my ongoing hope and desire to serve each of you well, in honor of our Lord. Sharing life with each you leads to an abounding joy in my life that is just difficult to put into words.  But I hope you know that it is there.

I thank the Lord for the team He has placed around me.  Starting with my family, to the church leadership, church membership, plus the partitioners and volunteers, then our church partners.  I am grateful for each of you. I remain before the throne of God on your behalf!  I love each of you and I hope that you know that I am here for you, always.

Merry Christmas to each of you, and yours. May the God of salvation draw near to each of us, causing us to realize that each breath we take is a gift He has offered us. May we use this gift to respond in adoration, to Him, alone, who is worthy.

Your Servant,

- Rob