To the many people, friends, neighbors, co-workers, family, brothers and sister in Christ who have poured blessings over us by means of prayer, food, gifts, cards, financial support, kind words, love, music and hospitality. We do not have the words to thank you, so we think and speak the Word of God over you, as you have displayed it over us.
Ephesians 1:15-16: “For this reason I, too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus, which exists among you and your love for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers.”
Proverbs 11:24-25: “There is one who scatters and yet increases all the more and there is one who withholds yet it results in only in want. The generous man will be prosperous and he who waters will he, himself, be watered.”
Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me, yet it was kind of you to share in my troubles.”
This journey is not pleasant but it has brought so many blessings from people we have known all through the years and through many walks of life; from childhood friends to friends of our own children. We love and cherish you all; no act has gone unnoticed.
Finally, I have believed with my whole heart that this is (and was) a journey that God has placed me on in His goodness and understanding. His timing is without fault.
Philippians 3:10: That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings… vs 12: “Not that I have already reached the goal or am already fully mature, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. 13 Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead…”
Pat Roper