Details for This Sunday.

Highland, this Sunday is our joint-service with Edgewood Baptist Church.  The reason for this joint-service is twofold.  

1. To take part in a citywide outreach that Edgewood does each year called: Love In-deed.  Highland and Truth Spring are honored to be some of the recipients of this citywide outreach, and this service is to celebrate all the Lord has done.

2. Highland is originally a church plant of Edgewood Baptist Church.  So, we use this service as a reunion of sorts to celebrate the faithfulness of our great God!

Here are the details:

At Highland:

Breakfast will be served 30 minutes earlier so that Breakfast Choir will be able to make the trip to Edgewood.  There will be an 11am service at Highland. Billy will lead worship.  Pastor Ronnie Peterson will take the pulpit.  Pastor Ronnie is part of Starting Line, which is a program that I facilitate for the Columbus Baptist Association. This program serves men who are planting churches in our city. Ronnie pastors Overcome Ministries.  I am so thankful for his willingness to serve us.  He is a man who carries himself humbly and seeks to honor the Lord in all that he does.

At Edgewood:

Most of Highland's Praise team and Breakfast Choir will be at Edgewood to take part in their 10:30am service.  Highland tribe, you are welcome to take a field trip this Sunday and join us.

After Services:

Following services, a BBQ lunch will be served at Highland.  We will begin serving around noon.

Join us,

- Rob