Hope - Our Deepest Need.
We will spend our lives looking for hope in other people, our dreams, our jobs, even ourselves. We spend all we have looking for it. We spend our time, our money and we will give everything we have looking for hope. We will look for it in Hollywood, our boyfriend or girlfriend, our children or our future, but hope can't be found in any of these things.
Hope is found in one person - Jesus.
He lived to show us how to live, loved to show us how to love and gave His all so we could have everything. He gave up His life to give us eternal life. In essence, Jesus took our hopelessness to the cross, bore it to death; then rose, in power, over death and sin. He overcame death and gave us lasting, eternal hope. He satisfies our deepest need.
I would like to invite you to join us at Highland Community Church in our pursuit of eternal hope that is found in Christ alone. By no means are we the perfect church, but we seek the face of the perfect savior, Jesus. Join us.
- Rob
Photography provided by Ritchie White, Katie Parker & Katie Sturgeon.
Sunday’s Service, 10am
Sunday's Services
Sunday services are held at Highland Community Church, which is located at 3408 5th Ave. Columbus, GA 31904. We begin with Coffee & Conversation at 8:30am in our dining facility. Our service then follows at 10am and is held in our gym. All are welcome to attend.